CNM531 - READING FILMS (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course builds on courses like strategic storytelling and broadcast media that the students are exposed to and leads them into the domain of film studies. An introduction to the basic terms and concepts in the domain, followed by some of the prominent theories lays the foundation for critically engaging with Indian popular cinema. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Demonstrate familiarity with diverse concepts and terms of film reading and filmmaking CO2: Interpret and present arguments and points-of-view in written, oral, and visual forms CO3: Demonstrating effective use of investigative methods, critical vocabulary, organizational skills, and examine visual text CO4: Critically, analyse, and contribute to scholarship in film studies
CO5: Conceive and execute critical thinking skill by applying academic argument and work CO6: Engage in original work of research and develop lifelong learning |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Films: An Introduction
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Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Theory
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Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Indian Popular Cinema
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Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Stars, Fans and the Gaze
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Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Films and Society
| |
Text Books And Reference Books:
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
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Evaluation Pattern CIA1- objective test on the first Unit (10 marks) Outcome: Demonstrate familiarity with diverse concepts and terms of film reading and filmmaking
CIA 2- The student needs to identify a research article on Indian films and a. Summaries the key points, b. Elaborate on the choice of methodology employed, c. Enlist the key findings and d. Present one’s own response to the article (25 marks) Outcome:
PO2: Critical Thinking PO3: Effective Communication:
CIA 3- The student needs to identify a film (either from one’s mother tongue or the State from where one comes from) and propose a research paper idea. (10 marks) Outcome:
PO5: Effective Citizenship: PO4: Critical Thinking PO3: Effective Communication
ESE: The student needs to work on the approved proposal and submit a 3, 500 to 5,000 worded research paper. (50 marks) Outcome: 1) Critically, analyse, and contribute to scholarship in film studies 2) Conceive and execute critical thinking skill by applying academic argument and work 3) Engage in original work of research and develop lifelong learning PO3: Effective Communication PO4: Critical Thinking PO8: Self-directed and Life-long Learning
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Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
An introductory paper that gives a broad overview of PR & Corp Comm. The course provides a clear but brief insight into the field & practice of PR. This paper introduces the students to the field of Public Relations and Corporate Communications. The students will be taught the functioning of PR departments and the job of a Communications Consultant. Students will be given an insight into this specialized field with a focus on the job opportunities. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Embedded knowledge of important terms/facts specific to PR CO2: Awareness & understanding of public relations as a practice & profession CO3: Ability to evaluate public relations strategies & techniques adopted by the industry CO4: Conceptual clarity about corporate communication, propaganda, public opinion, and advertising CO5: Compose written public relations materials in the appropriate format |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Multimedia and its Production
Introduction to What is Multimedia - Different types of Mediums -Introduction to Editing- Editing Techniques-Effects controls & Key Frames-Post-production Techniques-About Audio Mixer-Capture Window-File Export Settings-Color Correcting the video in Premiere pro | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Compositing Techniques
Understanding Compositing techniques- Introduction to Interface - Layer based application and basic process- Masking techniques– Steps for good rotoscoping – Rotoscopy management and quality check techniques – Understanding Keying Concept -Rendering tools and techniques. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Working with Production Applications
Introduction to, Workspace and Workflow, Project Panel, Effects Control, Timeline, Composition, Preview, Effects and Presets, Workspace, Close and Enable Windows, Render andexport-Color Terminologies: Hue, Saturation, Value- Shadows, Midtones, Highlights – Gamma-Rotoscope-Keying Techniques -Stabilizing Footages-3d Tracking and Match Moving Techniques -Typography in Motion Graphics-Particle System In Motion Graphics & Creating Logo Animation-Corporate Presentation using Photo in Motion Graphics. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Audio Production
About sound and its history --- Difference between Digital and Analog --- Advantages of Digital audio editing --- About stereo and mono --- properties of Sound-- Capturing Sound wave--Audio formats for web -Pipeline of Audio Industry --- about Eq --- --Types of Microphones--Microphone Placements- --About consoles --- Overview Of recording studio --- About SFX --- Foley --- Background music. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Working with Audio Applications
About Audacity interface ---Main screen components --- Recording with Audacity---checking recording levels ---peak meters --- Adjusting the input levels --- Usages of Sound card--setting up the recording environment --- Effects --- Trax mix window --- Usages of multi-track recording and single track recording--working with different types of effects ---Analog delay --- Chorus/flanger --- Com presser --- reverb --- dynamics --- graphic eq --- Distortion --- noise print --- changing mono to stereo --- live voice recording indoor and outdoor --- noise reduction. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: ● After Effects Apprentice by Trish and Chris Meyer. Focal Press, 2007. ● Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects: Essential and Advanced Techniques by Trish and Chris Meyer. Focal Press, 2010.
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading ● Adobe Creative Team, Adobe After Effects CS6 Classroom in a Book, Adobe Press,2012. ● Chris Meyer & Trish Meyer, Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects: Essential & Advanced Techniques, 5th Edition, Version CS5, Focal Press, 2010 ● Mark Christiansen, Adobe After Effects CS6 Visual Effects and Compositing Studio Techniques, Adobe Press, 2012 | |
Evaluation Pattern Submission based assignments | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course has been designed to integrate students into the growing podcasting trends in news, entertainment and education, especially among a young audience. As the media becomes decentralized, more individual, and opinionated, it is essential to learn the essential skills to make their audio productions professional and to help them become better storytellers that engage their listeners. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Explore the power of sound, and recognize the role of podcasts as an intimate and engaging form of audio storytelling. CO2: Produce professional podcasts that can be distributed widely and marketed.
CO3: Apply key skills like writing, research, interviews, editing, using radio voice, and on-air presentation for quality radio broadcasts.
CO4: Demonstrate appropriate use of studio recording and editing equipment and softwares. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Introduction and Types of Radio programmes
Ideas, Understanding the Radio and podcast trends, Format of radio and podcast.
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Producing quality podcasts
Producing audio features, talk shows and interviews, script for audio projects, Voice modulation and intonation, launching a channel | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Technicalities of podcasting
Microphones and additional tools, Headphones, recording equipment, Setting your podcasting studio, Audio Editing: Audition, Audacity, Quicktime, Post-production-audio effects, publishing | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Promotion and Marketing
Promoting podcasts, listing (spotify, itunes etc), usage of social media, consistency, Monetizing your podcast | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
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Evaluation Pattern Department level submissions. CIA Overall (50) + ESE (50) = 100
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CNM561 - DEMOCRACY AND ETHICS (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:3 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The course provides an overview of the complex interrelation and interdependence between media and democracy. The normative objective of this course is to understand and critically evaluate whether the existing forms and structures of media, enable, support and promote a democratic society. It also tries to explore whether new forms of media can empower media’s role within democratic societies. The course also provides a deep understanding of complexities that arise in neoliberal democracies and contemporary media systems. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Discuss the significance of the fourth estate in a constitutional democracy. CO2: Recognize media's critical function of speaking truth to power. CO3: Identify the threats of increasing corporatization, concentration of ownership, and evolving funding models in the digital economy. CO4: Critique the undemocratic overrepresentation of social elites in Indian newsrooms CO5: Discern the role of mass and social media in manufacturing public opinion and reality CO6: Critique various forms of censorship and curbs on press freedom in India. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Definition of Democracy and Democratic theory. Media as the fourth estate. Democratic responsibilities of media. Fundamental rights and media’s role in protecting them. Media as the voice of the voiceless. Media as the watchdog of democracy. Media as the platform for deliberation (Media as Public Sphere). Media worker as the democratic warrior. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Contemporary structure of media within capitalism: Advertising funding and its implications on media’s democratic functions. Big business and government. Media as Big business. Use of SLAPP on media houses and self-censorship. Media concentration, conglomeration, commercialisation and its effect on democracy | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Media reform and democratic media. Media policy and democratic reform. Alternatives to commercial media models: Case studies of BBC, NPR, and Aljazeera. Critical analysis of Doordarshan and Rajya Sabha TV as possible democratic media. Emergence of digital news platforms and their role in democratic communication [The Wire, Quint, NewsLaundry, The News Minute, Scroll]. Representation of Caste and minorities in the media. Media trials and the creation of the common enemy. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Social media as the new public sphere. Social media and democratic elections in the current era (Case studies of 2016 US elections and 2019 Indian elections). Alternative media spaces: Exploring community radio, Dalit Camera, Video Volunteers and Alt News. Critical examination of alternative models of media. | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
century India. New Delhi: Oxford.
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Biswal, S. K. (2019). Exploring the role of citizen journalism in rural India. Media Watch, 10, 43-54. Curran, J. (1991). Rethinking the media as a public sphere. Communication and citizenship, 27-57. Khan, U. (2015). Indian media: Crisis in the fourth estate. Kennedy School Review, 15, 70 Rao, S. , Mudgal, V. (2015). Introduction: Democracy, Journalism and Civic Society in India. Journalism Studies. 16(5), 615-623. Saeed, S. (2015). Phantom journalism governing India's proxy media owners. Journalism Studies , 16(5), 663-679. Thussu, D. K. (2007). The Murdochization of news? The case of Star TV in India. Media, Culture & Society, 29(4), 593-611. Varshney, A. (2000). Is India becoming more democratic?. The Journal of Asian Studies, 59(1), 3-25. Udupa, S. (2012). Desire and democratic visibility: news media’s twin avatar in urban India. Media, Culture & Society, 34(7), 880-897.
General articles/ references:
London Business School (2013).The power of social media and democracy [Video]. Accessed from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOpnVKXDTk8
Mondal, S. (2017, June 2). Indian media wants Dalit news but not Dalit reporters. Aljazeera. Retrieved from https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2017/05/indian-media-dalit-news-dalit-reporters-170523194045529.html
Rajya Sabha TV (2016).Sarokaar - Role of Media and Democracy [Video]. Accessed from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkIwLldGHeQ
Sainath P (n.d) video lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-iC0h5TB9s
The Great Hack (2019). Documentary directed by Karim Amer and Jehane Noujaim. | |
Evaluation Pattern Submission based | |
CNM581 - MEDIA INTERNSHIP (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:208 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:48 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:2 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
A media internship is mandatory for the completion of the Communication and Media Studies programme. The IV semester students of the Communication and Media Studies programme are required to undertake an internship of not less than 26 working days in print media / broadcast media/social media / photography domains. The internship is to be undertaken during the second year break. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Would gain a professional exposure CO2: Would pick media skills that are in use in the industry CO3: Would understand professional norms and practices |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:208 |
Internship Guidelines ● The students of the Communicative English programme IV semester are required to undertake an internship of not less than 26 working days in print media / broadcast media/social media domains. The internship is to be undertaken during the second year break. ● The internship is a mandatory requirement for the completion of the Communicative English programme. ● About a month before the end of the second semester, students will be given a letter and an evaluation form from the University so that they can approach media organizations for their internships. ● The coordinator of the programme in consultation with the HOD will assign faculty members from the department . ● The students will keep a journal and write a detailed account of their daily chores in the google classroom. This will serve cumulatively as the internship report. ● The students will have to be in touch with the guides during the internship period either by meeting them in person, speaking over the phone or through the internet. ● The students will have to share their weekly reports with the guide about the work they do at the organization. It is the responsibility of the student to send the weekly report regularly. ● At the place of internship, the students are advised to be in constant touch with their mentors. The students should work towards creating a portfolio that includes reports / features / interviews / reviews /videos / or any other content that they have done for the media organisation. ● At the end of the required period of internship the students will submit a final report of their internship in google classroom. The report should be submitted when the University opens for the V semester. ● The report should also contain a formal certification ( needs to be on the organisation’s letterhead) and an evaluation form in a sealed envelope from the organization, evaluating the student's’ work. ● If the guide decides he/she can also send the evaluation letter directly to the mentor by email. Format of weekly report to be emailed regularly to the guide (will be shared in google classroom) | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Not applicable | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading not applicable | |
Evaluation Pattern Not applicable | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:04 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Objectives: · To introduce students to few key terms of colonialism and postcolonialism · To enable close reading of texts in their socio/political/cultural contexts, specifically colonisation · To make students use critical vocabulary of the critical framework while discussing and writing |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: To make learners sensitive to the historical factors of colonization CO2: Basic knowledge and application of key terms in Postcolonial Literature and Theory CO3: To enhance student ability to engage with social/cultural, political debates with historical consciousness CO4: Interdisciplinary scope for application of postcolonial frameworks to contemporary local and global concerns such as cultural hybridity, ecological consciousness and trans-national concerns of identity |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Terms of Postcolonialism
Terms chosen will introduce the key issues of colonialism and postcolonial literatures as a foundation to the rest of the paper. The reference text is Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies, Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin, will offer focus to the discussions. · Centre/margin · Colonialism/imperialism · Decolonisation · Mimicry/hybridity · Post-colonialism/postcolonialism Savage/civilised | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Terms of Postcolonialism
Terms chosen will introduce the key issues of colonialism and postcolonial literatures as a foundation to the rest of the paper. The reference text is Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies, Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin, will offer focus to the discussions. · Centre/margin · Colonialism/imperialism · Decolonisation · Mimicry/hybridity · Post-colonialism/postcolonialism Savage/civilised | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Terms of Postcolonialism
Terms chosen will introduce the key issues of colonialism and postcolonial literatures as a foundation to the rest of the paper. The reference text is Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies, Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin, will offer focus to the discussions. · Centre/margin · Colonialism/imperialism · Decolonisation · Mimicry/hybridity · Post-colonialism/postcolonialism Savage/civilised | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Terms of Postcolonialism
Terms chosen will introduce the key issues of colonialism and postcolonial literatures as a foundation to the rest of the paper. The reference text is Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies, Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin, will offer focus to the discussions. · Centre/margin · Colonialism/imperialism · Decolonisation · Mimicry/hybridity · Post-colonialism/postcolonialism Savage/civilised | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Terms of Postcolonialism
Terms chosen will introduce the key issues of colonialism and postcolonial literatures as a foundation to the rest of the paper. The reference text is Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies, Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin, will offer focus to the discussions. · Centre/margin · Colonialism/imperialism · Decolonisation · Mimicry/hybridity · Post-colonialism/postcolonialism Savage/civilised | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Terms of Postcolonialism
Terms chosen will introduce the key issues of colonialism and postcolonial literatures as a foundation to the rest of the paper. The reference text is Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies, Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin, will offer focus to the discussions. · Centre/margin · Colonialism/imperialism · Decolonisation · Mimicry/hybridity · Post-colonialism/postcolonialism Savage/civilised | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
The poems chosen are response to colonisation from America, Srilanka, England, Canada and Caribbean. The selection aims at introducing the resistance to colonisation articulated by indigenous community, Anglo-French community and the migrant slaves. · A Lament for Confederation - Chief Dan George · I Lost My Talk - Rita Joe · The Dodo – Hilaire Belloc · Buffalo Dusk – Carl Sandburg · Zong - Nourbese Philip
· The Sea is History – Derek Walcott
· | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
The poems chosen are response to colonisation from America, Srilanka, England, Canada and Caribbean. The selection aims at introducing the resistance to colonisation articulated by indigenous community, Anglo-French community and the migrant slaves. · A Lament for Confederation - Chief Dan George · I Lost My Talk - Rita Joe · The Dodo – Hilaire Belloc · Buffalo Dusk – Carl Sandburg · Zong - Nourbese Philip
· The Sea is History – Derek Walcott
· | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
The poems chosen are response to colonisation from America, Srilanka, England, Canada and Caribbean. The selection aims at introducing the resistance to colonisation articulated by indigenous community, Anglo-French community and the migrant slaves. · A Lament for Confederation - Chief Dan George · I Lost My Talk - Rita Joe · The Dodo – Hilaire Belloc · Buffalo Dusk – Carl Sandburg · Zong - Nourbese Philip
· The Sea is History – Derek Walcott
· | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
The poems chosen are response to colonisation from America, Srilanka, England, Canada and Caribbean. The selection aims at introducing the resistance to colonisation articulated by indigenous community, Anglo-French community and the migrant slaves. · A Lament for Confederation - Chief Dan George · I Lost My Talk - Rita Joe · The Dodo – Hilaire Belloc · Buffalo Dusk – Carl Sandburg · Zong - Nourbese Philip
· The Sea is History – Derek Walcott
· | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
The poems chosen are response to colonisation from America, Srilanka, England, Canada and Caribbean. The selection aims at introducing the resistance to colonisation articulated by indigenous community, Anglo-French community and the migrant slaves. · A Lament for Confederation - Chief Dan George · I Lost My Talk - Rita Joe · The Dodo – Hilaire Belloc · Buffalo Dusk – Carl Sandburg · Zong - Nourbese Philip
· The Sea is History – Derek Walcott
· | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
The poems chosen are response to colonisation from America, Srilanka, England, Canada and Caribbean. The selection aims at introducing the resistance to colonisation articulated by indigenous community, Anglo-French community and the migrant slaves. · A Lament for Confederation - Chief Dan George · I Lost My Talk - Rita Joe · The Dodo – Hilaire Belloc · Buffalo Dusk – Carl Sandburg · Zong - Nourbese Philip
· The Sea is History – Derek Walcott
· | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Novel is one of the major genres borrowed from the West and appropriated to narrate the nation. This module aims to introduce the form and the process in the Indian context. The team will discuss and select from the following texts.
· The Coming be the Christ Child - Bessie Head · Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? – Nadine Gordimer · My Son, the Fanatic – Hanif Kureishi · Doris Lessing - Grass is Singing · Michael Oondatje - Running in the family · Naipaul - House for Mr Biswas or Miguel Street · Jamaica Kincaid - Lucy or A Small Place | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Novel is one of the major genres borrowed from the West and appropriated to narrate the nation. This module aims to introduce the form and the process in the Indian context. The team will discuss and select from the following texts.
· The Coming be the Christ Child - Bessie Head · Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? – Nadine Gordimer · My Son, the Fanatic – Hanif Kureishi · Doris Lessing - Grass is Singing · Michael Oondatje - Running in the family · Naipaul - House for Mr Biswas or Miguel Street · Jamaica Kincaid - Lucy or A Small Place | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Novel is one of the major genres borrowed from the West and appropriated to narrate the nation. This module aims to introduce the form and the process in the Indian context. The team will discuss and select from the following texts.
· The Coming be the Christ Child - Bessie Head · Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? – Nadine Gordimer · My Son, the Fanatic – Hanif Kureishi · Doris Lessing - Grass is Singing · Michael Oondatje - Running in the family · Naipaul - House for Mr Biswas or Miguel Street · Jamaica Kincaid - Lucy or A Small Place | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Novel is one of the major genres borrowed from the West and appropriated to narrate the nation. This module aims to introduce the form and the process in the Indian context. The team will discuss and select from the following texts.
· The Coming be the Christ Child - Bessie Head · Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? – Nadine Gordimer · My Son, the Fanatic – Hanif Kureishi · Doris Lessing - Grass is Singing · Michael Oondatje - Running in the family · Naipaul - House for Mr Biswas or Miguel Street · Jamaica Kincaid - Lucy or A Small Place | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Novel is one of the major genres borrowed from the West and appropriated to narrate the nation. This module aims to introduce the form and the process in the Indian context. The team will discuss and select from the following texts.
· The Coming be the Christ Child - Bessie Head · Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? – Nadine Gordimer · My Son, the Fanatic – Hanif Kureishi · Doris Lessing - Grass is Singing · Michael Oondatje - Running in the family · Naipaul - House for Mr Biswas or Miguel Street · Jamaica Kincaid - Lucy or A Small Place | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Novel is one of the major genres borrowed from the West and appropriated to narrate the nation. This module aims to introduce the form and the process in the Indian context. The team will discuss and select from the following texts.
· The Coming be the Christ Child - Bessie Head · Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? – Nadine Gordimer · My Son, the Fanatic – Hanif Kureishi · Doris Lessing - Grass is Singing · Michael Oondatje - Running in the family · Naipaul - House for Mr Biswas or Miguel Street · Jamaica Kincaid - Lucy or A Small Place | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Short Story
Postcolonial short story is one genre that has articulated thoughts of resistance very effectively. This module introduces conventional short story, autobiographical narrative – one of the major forms of fiction to students. · The Coming be the Christ Child - Bessie Head · Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? – Nadine Gordimer · My Son, the Fanatic – Hanif Kureishi | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Short Story
Postcolonial short story is one genre that has articulated thoughts of resistance very effectively. This module introduces conventional short story, autobiographical narrative – one of the major forms of fiction to students. · The Coming be the Christ Child - Bessie Head · Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? – Nadine Gordimer · My Son, the Fanatic – Hanif Kureishi | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Short Story
Postcolonial short story is one genre that has articulated thoughts of resistance very effectively. This module introduces conventional short story, autobiographical narrative – one of the major forms of fiction to students. · The Coming be the Christ Child - Bessie Head · Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? – Nadine Gordimer · My Son, the Fanatic – Hanif Kureishi | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Short Story
Postcolonial short story is one genre that has articulated thoughts of resistance very effectively. This module introduces conventional short story, autobiographical narrative – one of the major forms of fiction to students. · The Coming be the Christ Child - Bessie Head · Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? – Nadine Gordimer · My Son, the Fanatic – Hanif Kureishi | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Short Story
Postcolonial short story is one genre that has articulated thoughts of resistance very effectively. This module introduces conventional short story, autobiographical narrative – one of the major forms of fiction to students. · The Coming be the Christ Child - Bessie Head · Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? – Nadine Gordimer · My Son, the Fanatic – Hanif Kureishi | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Short Story
Postcolonial short story is one genre that has articulated thoughts of resistance very effectively. This module introduces conventional short story, autobiographical narrative – one of the major forms of fiction to students. · The Coming be the Christ Child - Bessie Head · Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? – Nadine Gordimer · My Son, the Fanatic – Hanif Kureishi | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: Course pack compiled by the Dept of English, Christ University, for private circulation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Adam, Ian. "Oracy and Literacy: A Postcolonial Dilemma?" The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 31.1 (1996): 97-109. Ashcroft, William D., Gareth Griffith, and Helen Tiffin, eds. The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures. London: Routledge, 1989. _____. Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies. London: Routledge, 1998. _____. The Post-Colonial Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 1995. Brydon, Diana. "The Myths That Write Us: Decolonising the Mind." Commonwealth 10.1 (1987): 1-14. _____. "Re-writing The Tempest." World Literature Written in English. 23.1 (1984): 75-88. Brydon, Diana, and Helen Tiffin, eds. Decolonising Fictions. Sydney, Austral.: Dangaroo P, 1993. Chambers, Lain, and Lidia Curti, eds. The Post-Colonial Question: Common Skies, Divided Horizons. London: Routledge, 1996. Said, Edward. Beginnings: Intention and Method. New York: Basic Books, 1975 _____. Culture and Imperialism. New York: Vintage Books, 1994. _____. Nationalism, Colonialism and Literature. Derry, Ireland: Field Day, 1988. _____. Orientalism. New York: Pantheon Books, 1978. _____. "Representing the Colonized: Anthropology's Interlocutors." Critical Inquiry 15.2 (1989): 205-25 _____. Representations of the Intellectual. New York: Vintage Books, 1996. _____. The World, the Text, and the Critic. London: Faber and Faber, 1984. Viswanathan, Gauri. Masks of Conquest: Literary Study and British Rule in India. New York: Columbia UP, 1989
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Evaluation Pattern Since CIA I insists on individual testing, there could be three ways of testing the students
For CIA III, the students can be asked
These are a few ideas, however, during the course of teaching, there could be other suggestions, and CIA’s could be slightly modified. Mid Semester Exam Question Paper Pattern (50 Marks)
End Semester Exam Question Paper Pattern (100 Marks)
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EST532 - INDIAN LITERATURES: THEMES AND CONCERNS (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This paper introduces students to key themes and concerns in Indian Literatures. This is a survey course that serves as an introduction to main issues and concepts in Indian Literatures. The paper is a mix of traditional as well as contemporary literatures written both in English as well as other regional languages translated into English.
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Students will be able to understand the religious, caste, gender, colonial, and national constructs in India through literature CO2: Students will be able to comprehend the complexities of cultural, economic, political and social forces and their impact on the production of literatures in India of different classes and backgrounds |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
This module will introduce students to the category of Indian Literatures, its survey of different aspects of the body of writing as well as a critical understanding of the knowledge systems indigenous to India. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
This module will introduce students to the category of Indian Literatures, its survey of different aspects of the body of writing as well as a critical understanding of the knowledge systems indigenous to India. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
This module will introduce students to the category of Indian Literatures, its survey of different aspects of the body of writing as well as a critical understanding of the knowledge systems indigenous to India. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
This module will introduce students to the category of Indian Literatures, its survey of different aspects of the body of writing as well as a critical understanding of the knowledge systems indigenous to India. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
This module will introduce students to the category of Indian Literatures, its survey of different aspects of the body of writing as well as a critical understanding of the knowledge systems indigenous to India. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
This module will introduce students to the category of Indian Literatures, its survey of different aspects of the body of writing as well as a critical understanding of the knowledge systems indigenous to India. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
This module surveys select poetry from contemporary India. It surveys cities, people and ideas like faith and non-violence located within the Indian context. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
This module surveys select poetry from contemporary India. It surveys cities, people and ideas like faith and non-violence located within the Indian context. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
This module surveys select poetry from contemporary India. It surveys cities, people and ideas like faith and non-violence located within the Indian context. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
This module surveys select poetry from contemporary India. It surveys cities, people and ideas like faith and non-violence located within the Indian context. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
This module surveys select poetry from contemporary India. It surveys cities, people and ideas like faith and non-violence located within the Indian context. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
This module surveys select poetry from contemporary India. It surveys cities, people and ideas like faith and non-violence located within the Indian context. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
This module introduces students to caste and its underpinnings through a translated Dalit Drama by Vinodini. It will also introduce the Subaltern as a conceptual category and interrogate questions of caste within gender, class and other hierarchic strcutures. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
This module introduces students to caste and its underpinnings through a translated Dalit Drama by Vinodini. It will also introduce the Subaltern as a conceptual category and interrogate questions of caste within gender, class and other hierarchic strcutures. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
This module introduces students to caste and its underpinnings through a translated Dalit Drama by Vinodini. It will also introduce the Subaltern as a conceptual category and interrogate questions of caste within gender, class and other hierarchic strcutures. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
This module introduces students to caste and its underpinnings through a translated Dalit Drama by Vinodini. It will also introduce the Subaltern as a conceptual category and interrogate questions of caste within gender, class and other hierarchic strcutures. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
This module introduces students to caste and its underpinnings through a translated Dalit Drama by Vinodini. It will also introduce the Subaltern as a conceptual category and interrogate questions of caste within gender, class and other hierarchic strcutures. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
This module introduces students to caste and its underpinnings through a translated Dalit Drama by Vinodini. It will also introduce the Subaltern as a conceptual category and interrogate questions of caste within gender, class and other hierarchic strcutures. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Short stories
This selection of short stories introduces students to a variety of readings about the nation, partition, women and their social roles as well as resistance to established traditions. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Short stories
This selection of short stories introduces students to a variety of readings about the nation, partition, women and their social roles as well as resistance to established traditions. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Short stories
This selection of short stories introduces students to a variety of readings about the nation, partition, women and their social roles as well as resistance to established traditions. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Short stories
This selection of short stories introduces students to a variety of readings about the nation, partition, women and their social roles as well as resistance to established traditions. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Short stories
This selection of short stories introduces students to a variety of readings about the nation, partition, women and their social roles as well as resistance to established traditions. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Short stories
This selection of short stories introduces students to a variety of readings about the nation, partition, women and their social roles as well as resistance to established traditions. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Novel and Graphic Novel
This section introduces the novel form or the graphic novel as appropriated in the Indian context. The module will aim to familiazrize students to Indian writing in English and bring forth important questions with regard to English and India apart from discussing the thematic concerns in the text. Any one of the novels may be taken to class. Understanding ‘India’ in the contemporary context through the form of the novel will be the focus of this module. A thematic reading of the novel will also be done in class. (One of the two novels could be considered). | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Novel and Graphic Novel
This section introduces the novel form or the graphic novel as appropriated in the Indian context. The module will aim to familiazrize students to Indian writing in English and bring forth important questions with regard to English and India apart from discussing the thematic concerns in the text. Any one of the novels may be taken to class. Understanding ‘India’ in the contemporary context through the form of the novel will be the focus of this module. A thematic reading of the novel will also be done in class. (One of the two novels could be considered). | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Novel and Graphic Novel
This section introduces the novel form or the graphic novel as appropriated in the Indian context. The module will aim to familiazrize students to Indian writing in English and bring forth important questions with regard to English and India apart from discussing the thematic concerns in the text. Any one of the novels may be taken to class. Understanding ‘India’ in the contemporary context through the form of the novel will be the focus of this module. A thematic reading of the novel will also be done in class. (One of the two novels could be considered). | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Novel and Graphic Novel
This section introduces the novel form or the graphic novel as appropriated in the Indian context. The module will aim to familiazrize students to Indian writing in English and bring forth important questions with regard to English and India apart from discussing the thematic concerns in the text. Any one of the novels may be taken to class. Understanding ‘India’ in the contemporary context through the form of the novel will be the focus of this module. A thematic reading of the novel will also be done in class. (One of the two novels could be considered). | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Novel and Graphic Novel
This section introduces the novel form or the graphic novel as appropriated in the Indian context. The module will aim to familiazrize students to Indian writing in English and bring forth important questions with regard to English and India apart from discussing the thematic concerns in the text. Any one of the novels may be taken to class. Understanding ‘India’ in the contemporary context through the form of the novel will be the focus of this module. A thematic reading of the novel will also be done in class. (One of the two novels could be considered). | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Novel and Graphic Novel
This section introduces the novel form or the graphic novel as appropriated in the Indian context. The module will aim to familiazrize students to Indian writing in English and bring forth important questions with regard to English and India apart from discussing the thematic concerns in the text. Any one of the novels may be taken to class. Understanding ‘India’ in the contemporary context through the form of the novel will be the focus of this module. A thematic reading of the novel will also be done in class. (One of the two novels could be considered). | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Unit I: Essays 20 Hrs This module will introduce students to the category of Indian Literatures, its survey of different aspects of the body of writing as well as a critical understanding of the knowledge systems indigenous to India.
Unit II: Poetry 15 Hrs This module surveys select poetry from contemporary India. It surveys cities, people and ideas like faith and non-violence located within the Indian context.
· Rukmini Bhaiyya Nayar "Gender Role" · Jayanta Mahapatra"Hunger"
Unit III: Play 13 Hrs This module introduces students to caste and its underpinnings through a translated Dalit Drama by Vinodini. It will also introduce the Subaltern as a conceptual category and interrogate questions of caste within gender, class and other hierarchic strcutures. Daaham (Thirst) – Vinodini
Unit IV: Short stories 12 Hrs This selection of short stories introduces students to a variety of readings about the nation, partition, women and their social roles as well as resistance to established traditions.
Pudumaipitthan “Deliverance from Curse’’ Ambai: “A Kitchen in the Corner of a House” Saadat Hasan Manto: “Dog of Tithwal” A K Ramanujan's Annayya's Anthropology
Urvashi Butalia: “Blood”
Unit V: Novel and Graphic Novel 15 Hrs This section introduces the novel form or the graphic novel as appropriated in the Indian context. The module will aim to familiazrize students to Indian writing in English and bring forth important questions with regard to English and India apart from discussing the thematic concerns in the text. Any one of the novels may be taken to class. Understanding ‘India’ in the contemporary context through the form of the novel will be the focus of this module. A thematic reading of the novel will also be done in class. (One of the two novels could be considered).
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Chakrovorty - Spivak, Gayatri. The politics of Translation Tutun Mukherjee, Lawrence Venuti. (ed). Translation Studies Reader. London/New York; Routeldge, 2003. Studies in Culture and Translation. Vol. 2 ‘Translating Caste’Basu, Tapan. Katha, 2002. New Delhi. Das, Kamala. The Sandal Trees and Other Stories. Disha Books. 1995, New Delhi. Fresh Fictions, Folk Tales, Plays and Novellas from the North East. Katha. New Delhi, 2005 Indian Short Stories. 1900-2000. Ramakrishnan, E.V. (ed). Sahithya Academy New Delhi, 2003. Indian Literature, Sahithya Academy, bi-monthly journal. Vol.167, New Delhi, 1995. Indian Literature, Sahithya Academy, bi-monthly journal. Vol .168, New Delhi, 1995. Indian Literature, Sahithya Academy, bi-monthly journal. Vol.169, New Delhi, 1995. Journal of Literature and Aesthetics. Vol.7, Numbers1 & 2 Jan- Dec.2007.Kollam, 2008. Nandy, Ashis. The Intimate Enemy, New Delhi: O.U.P. 1989. Short Fiction from South India, Krishna Swami, Subasree. Sreelatha.K (ed), New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2008. Stuart Blackburn and Vasudha Dalmia (ed). India’s Literary History. Essays on the Nineteenth Century. New Delhi: Permanent Black, 2008. Tendulkar, Vijay. Five Plays. Bombay: 1992.OUP. 2007, New Delhi.
Tamil Poetry Today, K.S. Subramanian (ed). International Institute for Tamil Studies, Chennai 2007. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA II
(Poems or Short Stories).
| |
PSY531 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The abnormal psychology course aims to sensitize the students about the existence of abnormal behaviour in order to develop greater social responsibility. The course coupled with the social psychology course of the previous semester and other courses from sociology, specifically with regard to social problems, would create a holistic understanding of the individual and their society. Further, the course would enable the student to develop a cultural understanding of abnormal behaviour within the Indian context and specifically to Bangalore. In Bangalore, there is a noticeable increase in the mental health issues faced by the population and the need for mental health practitioners who understand the difference between abnormal behaviour and distressing behaviour is a major requirement and the course would be the first step towards that direction. This course has been conceptualized in order to help the students develop an understanding of the historical development of the study of abnormal behaviour. The specific course aim is to create an understanding of the criteria and perspectives in abnormal behaviour, common classification systems, and range of disorders including anxiety disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia, somatic symptom disorders generally observed at childhood and adolescence, and personality disorders. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Differentiate between the different types of abnormal behavior
CO2: Discern clinically diagnosable psychopathology from deviant behavior
CO3: Identify the causes of abnormal behavior
CO4: Chart out the chronological progression of the changes in the classification and nomenclature of abnormal behavior
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction and Theoretical Perspective
Defining Abnormal Behaviour, Criteria of Abnormal Behaviour, Brief Mention of DSM 5 and ICD 10 classification systems, Causes of Abnormal Behaviour – Necessary, Predisposing, Precipitating and Reinforcing Causes. Psychoanalytic (only Freud), Behaviouristic, Cognitive - Behavioral, Humanistic, Interpersonal Perspectives (Student Effort Hours | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction and Theoretical Perspective
Defining Abnormal Behaviour, Criteria of Abnormal Behaviour, Brief Mention of DSM 5 and ICD 10 classification systems, Causes of Abnormal Behaviour – Necessary, Predisposing, Precipitating and Reinforcing Causes. Psychoanalytic (only Freud), Behaviouristic, Cognitive - Behavioral, Humanistic, Interpersonal Perspectives (Student Effort Hours | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction and Theoretical Perspective
Defining Abnormal Behaviour, Criteria of Abnormal Behaviour, Brief Mention of DSM 5 and ICD 10 classification systems, Causes of Abnormal Behaviour – Necessary, Predisposing, Precipitating and Reinforcing Causes. Psychoanalytic (only Freud), Behaviouristic, Cognitive - Behavioral, Humanistic, Interpersonal Perspectives (Student Effort Hours | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction and Theoretical Perspective
Defining Abnormal Behaviour, Criteria of Abnormal Behaviour, Brief Mention of DSM 5 and ICD 10 classification systems, Causes of Abnormal Behaviour – Necessary, Predisposing, Precipitating and Reinforcing Causes. Psychoanalytic (only Freud), Behaviouristic, Cognitive - Behavioral, Humanistic, Interpersonal Perspectives (Student Effort Hours | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction and Theoretical Perspective
Defining Abnormal Behaviour, Criteria of Abnormal Behaviour, Brief Mention of DSM 5 and ICD 10 classification systems, Causes of Abnormal Behaviour – Necessary, Predisposing, Precipitating and Reinforcing Causes. Psychoanalytic (only Freud), Behaviouristic, Cognitive - Behavioral, Humanistic, Interpersonal Perspectives (Student Effort Hours | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction and Theoretical Perspective
Defining Abnormal Behaviour, Criteria of Abnormal Behaviour, Brief Mention of DSM 5 and ICD 10 classification systems, Causes of Abnormal Behaviour – Necessary, Predisposing, Precipitating and Reinforcing Causes. Psychoanalytic (only Freud), Behaviouristic, Cognitive - Behavioral, Humanistic, Interpersonal Perspectives (Student Effort Hours | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction and Theoretical Perspective
Defining Abnormal Behaviour, Criteria of Abnormal Behaviour, Brief Mention of DSM 5 and ICD 10 classification systems, Causes of Abnormal Behaviour – Necessary, Predisposing, Precipitating and Reinforcing Causes. Psychoanalytic (only Freud), Behaviouristic, Cognitive - Behavioral, Humanistic, Interpersonal Perspectives (Student Effort Hours | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Intellectual disability - Definition, Levels of MR, Clinical Types and Causal Factors; Autism spectrum disorders - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Specific Learning disorder - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Intellectual disability - Definition, Levels of MR, Clinical Types and Causal Factors; Autism spectrum disorders - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Specific Learning disorder - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Intellectual disability - Definition, Levels of MR, Clinical Types and Causal Factors; Autism spectrum disorders - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Specific Learning disorder - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Intellectual disability - Definition, Levels of MR, Clinical Types and Causal Factors; Autism spectrum disorders - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Specific Learning disorder - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Intellectual disability - Definition, Levels of MR, Clinical Types and Causal Factors; Autism spectrum disorders - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Specific Learning disorder - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Intellectual disability - Definition, Levels of MR, Clinical Types and Causal Factors; Autism spectrum disorders - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Specific Learning disorder - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Intellectual disability - Definition, Levels of MR, Clinical Types and Causal Factors; Autism spectrum disorders - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Specific Learning disorder - Clinical Picture and Causal Factors; Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Anxiety and Somatic symptom Disorders
Brief Description: Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Phobic Disorder with Causal Factors. Somatic symptom disorder, Functional neurological symptom disorder with Symptoms and Causal Factors. Illness anxiety disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Anxiety and Somatic symptom Disorders
Brief Description: Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Phobic Disorder with Causal Factors. Somatic symptom disorder, Functional neurological symptom disorder with Symptoms and Causal Factors. Illness anxiety disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Anxiety and Somatic symptom Disorders
Brief Description: Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Phobic Disorder with Causal Factors. Somatic symptom disorder, Functional neurological symptom disorder with Symptoms and Causal Factors. Illness anxiety disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Anxiety and Somatic symptom Disorders
Brief Description: Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Phobic Disorder with Causal Factors. Somatic symptom disorder, Functional neurological symptom disorder with Symptoms and Causal Factors. Illness anxiety disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Anxiety and Somatic symptom Disorders
Brief Description: Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Phobic Disorder with Causal Factors. Somatic symptom disorder, Functional neurological symptom disorder with Symptoms and Causal Factors. Illness anxiety disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Anxiety and Somatic symptom Disorders
Brief Description: Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Phobic Disorder with Causal Factors. Somatic symptom disorder, Functional neurological symptom disorder with Symptoms and Causal Factors. Illness anxiety disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Anxiety and Somatic symptom Disorders
Brief Description: Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Phobic Disorder with Causal Factors. Somatic symptom disorder, Functional neurological symptom disorder with Symptoms and Causal Factors. Illness anxiety disorder (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Bipolar disorders, depressive disorders and Schizophrenia
Cyclothymic Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder. Dysthymic Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Schizophrenia: Meaning, Clinical Picture. Psychosocial Causal Factors (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Bipolar disorders, depressive disorders and Schizophrenia
Cyclothymic Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder. Dysthymic Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Schizophrenia: Meaning, Clinical Picture. Psychosocial Causal Factors (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Bipolar disorders, depressive disorders and Schizophrenia
Cyclothymic Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder. Dysthymic Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Schizophrenia: Meaning, Clinical Picture. Psychosocial Causal Factors (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Bipolar disorders, depressive disorders and Schizophrenia
Cyclothymic Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder. Dysthymic Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Schizophrenia: Meaning, Clinical Picture. Psychosocial Causal Factors (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Bipolar disorders, depressive disorders and Schizophrenia
Cyclothymic Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder. Dysthymic Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Schizophrenia: Meaning, Clinical Picture. Psychosocial Causal Factors (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Bipolar disorders, depressive disorders and Schizophrenia
Cyclothymic Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder. Dysthymic Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Schizophrenia: Meaning, Clinical Picture. Psychosocial Causal Factors (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Bipolar disorders, depressive disorders and Schizophrenia
Cyclothymic Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder. Dysthymic Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Schizophrenia: Meaning, Clinical Picture. Psychosocial Causal Factors (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Personality Disorders and Gender Dysphoria
Introduction - Clinical Features and Brief Descriptions of Cluster A, B, and C Personality Disorders with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Gender dysphoria in children and gender dysphoria in adults (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Personality Disorders and Gender Dysphoria
Introduction - Clinical Features and Brief Descriptions of Cluster A, B, and C Personality Disorders with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Gender dysphoria in children and gender dysphoria in adults (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Personality Disorders and Gender Dysphoria
Introduction - Clinical Features and Brief Descriptions of Cluster A, B, and C Personality Disorders with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Gender dysphoria in children and gender dysphoria in adults (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Personality Disorders and Gender Dysphoria
Introduction - Clinical Features and Brief Descriptions of Cluster A, B, and C Personality Disorders with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Gender dysphoria in children and gender dysphoria in adults (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Personality Disorders and Gender Dysphoria
Introduction - Clinical Features and Brief Descriptions of Cluster A, B, and C Personality Disorders with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Gender dysphoria in children and gender dysphoria in adults (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Personality Disorders and Gender Dysphoria
Introduction - Clinical Features and Brief Descriptions of Cluster A, B, and C Personality Disorders with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Gender dysphoria in children and gender dysphoria in adults (Student Effort Hours) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Personality Disorders and Gender Dysphoria
Introduction - Clinical Features and Brief Descriptions of Cluster A, B, and C Personality Disorders with Psychosocial Causal Factors. Gender dysphoria in children and gender dysphoria in adults (Student Effort Hours) | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Barlow, D.H. & Durand, M.V. (2015). Abnormal Psychology. 7th Edition. Thomson Publication. Butcher, J.N, Mineka, S. & Hooley, J.M (2016). Abnormal Psychology. 16th Edition. Pearson Education Kring, A. M., Davison, G. C., Neale, J. M., & Johnson, S. L. (2012). Abnormal psychology (12th ed.). John Wiley & Sons Inc. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5h edition). World Health Organization (2004). ICD-10: International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems (10th Rev. ed.). Nevid, J. S., Rathus, S. A., & Greene, B. (2018). Abnormal psychology in a changing world. 10th ed. Prentice-Hall.World Health Organization. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks- 50
CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks
CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks CIA-3: Individual Assignment- 10 Marks Total = CIA 1 + CIA 2 + CIA 3 = 10+25+10=45 marks
Attendance- 5 Marks and End Semester Examination (ESE) - 50 Marks - 2 hrs
ESE Question paper pattern:
Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x 5Qs =10 Marks
Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks
Grand Total = CIAs + ESE + Attendance = 45 + 50 + 5 = 100 Marks
| |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This introductory course is designed for final year Psychology students to explore the field of School and Educational Psychology and related career options such as school counselling, career guidance, and teaching, should they choose to specialize further after their graduation. The course will build on previously learned knowledge in Psychology such as various schools of thought in Psychology, and basic theories of learning, development, and motivation with the goal of exposing students to different areas of specialization within the field of educational psychology. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Explain the meaning, scope, current trends and theories in educational psychology. CO2: Evaluate different teaching-learning, assessment, and classroom management practices employed in schools and higher education. CO3: Apply the knowledge of psychology to understand and respond to the diverse needs of learners. CO4: Evaluate various approaches to career education and guidance. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Nature, scope and functions of educational psychology; Careers in educational psychology- teaching-related, counseling-related (career guidance, mental health) | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Nature, scope and functions of educational psychology; Careers in educational psychology- teaching-related, counseling-related (career guidance, mental health) | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Nature, scope and functions of educational psychology; Careers in educational psychology- teaching-related, counseling-related (career guidance, mental health) | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Nature, scope and functions of educational psychology; Careers in educational psychology- teaching-related, counseling-related (career guidance, mental health) | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Theories in Education Psychology
Overview of theories of learning, development and motivation in an educational context (behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism, social constructivism) | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Theories in Education Psychology
Overview of theories of learning, development and motivation in an educational context (behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism, social constructivism) | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Theories in Education Psychology
Overview of theories of learning, development and motivation in an educational context (behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism, social constructivism) | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Theories in Education Psychology
Overview of theories of learning, development and motivation in an educational context (behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism, social constructivism) | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Teaching and Learning
Teaching and learning strategies, assessment and measurements, classroom management strategies | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Teaching and Learning
Teaching and learning strategies, assessment and measurements, classroom management strategies | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Teaching and Learning
Teaching and learning strategies, assessment and measurements, classroom management strategies | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Teaching and Learning
Teaching and learning strategies, assessment and measurements, classroom management strategies | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Differentiating instruction to respond to differences among learners
Learners with disabilities and gifted learners, Differentiating instruction to respond to differences among learners: Socioeconomic and cultural differences among learners | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Differentiating instruction to respond to differences among learners
Learners with disabilities and gifted learners, Differentiating instruction to respond to differences among learners: Socioeconomic and cultural differences among learners | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Differentiating instruction to respond to differences among learners
Learners with disabilities and gifted learners, Differentiating instruction to respond to differences among learners: Socioeconomic and cultural differences among learners | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Differentiating instruction to respond to differences among learners
Learners with disabilities and gifted learners, Differentiating instruction to respond to differences among learners: Socioeconomic and cultural differences among learners | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Career Education and School Counselling
Careers education: Theories and case studies from the field; : School Counselling: Mental health, life skills education or psychoeducation | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Career Education and School Counselling
Careers education: Theories and case studies from the field; : School Counselling: Mental health, life skills education or psychoeducation | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Career Education and School Counselling
Careers education: Theories and case studies from the field; : School Counselling: Mental health, life skills education or psychoeducation | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Career Education and School Counselling
Careers education: Theories and case studies from the field; : School Counselling: Mental health, life skills education or psychoeducation | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Woolfolk, A. (2016). Educational psychology (12th Edition). Pearson. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Ranganathan, N. & Wadhwa, T. (2019). Guidance and counselling for children and adolescents in schools. SAGE. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50 CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks Attendance - 5 Marks CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS ESE Question paper pattern Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks
Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks
| |
PSY541B - SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course is provided in the fifth semester for students from the psychology triple major combinations (JPENG, PSENG, PSECO, CEP) at CHRIST (Deemed to be University). The course aims at introducing learners to the basic concepts of sports psychology, the scope of sports psychology and various issues the sports persons experience (gender, culture, etc.), and the application of psychological principles in the sports setting. The course also introduces the students to various factors influencing performance and performance enhancement techniques. The students should thoroughly understand the basic psychological process as a prerequisite since this programme mainly focuses on applying those principles in sports. Course Objectives o To introduce learners to sports psychology's origin, scope and perspectives. o To enhance learners’ knowledge concerning gender and culture in sports. o To equip the learners to differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation o To impart ways to enhance individual and team performance using mental training. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Describe the nature and evolution of sports psychology. CO2: Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and how mental training can be used for performance. CO3: Design a comprehensive goal-setting program for individuals and teams. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Definition and History of sports psychology; Role of a sports psychologist; Ethics in sports psychology; Issues related to gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, language, nationality, and culture. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Definition and History of sports psychology; Role of a sports psychologist; Ethics in sports psychology; Issues related to gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, language, nationality, and culture. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Definition and History of sports psychology; Role of a sports psychologist; Ethics in sports psychology; Issues related to gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, language, nationality, and culture. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Definition and History of sports psychology; Role of a sports psychologist; Ethics in sports psychology; Issues related to gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, language, nationality, and culture. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Motivation in Sports and Exercise
Motivation in Sports and Exercise – Attribution Model; competitive situations; attribution training; Self-confidence and Intrinsic Motivation - Models of Self-Confidence; Integrated theory of motivation in sport and exercise; Goal Perspective Theory – Achievement Goal Orientation; Developmental Nature of Goal Orientation; Goal Involvement; Motivational Climate; Goal Orientation and Moral Functioning; Characteristics of Task and Ego Goal Orientations; Interaction between Goal Orientation and Motivational Climate. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Motivation in Sports and Exercise
Motivation in Sports and Exercise – Attribution Model; competitive situations; attribution training; Self-confidence and Intrinsic Motivation - Models of Self-Confidence; Integrated theory of motivation in sport and exercise; Goal Perspective Theory – Achievement Goal Orientation; Developmental Nature of Goal Orientation; Goal Involvement; Motivational Climate; Goal Orientation and Moral Functioning; Characteristics of Task and Ego Goal Orientations; Interaction between Goal Orientation and Motivational Climate. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Motivation in Sports and Exercise
Motivation in Sports and Exercise – Attribution Model; competitive situations; attribution training; Self-confidence and Intrinsic Motivation - Models of Self-Confidence; Integrated theory of motivation in sport and exercise; Goal Perspective Theory – Achievement Goal Orientation; Developmental Nature of Goal Orientation; Goal Involvement; Motivational Climate; Goal Orientation and Moral Functioning; Characteristics of Task and Ego Goal Orientations; Interaction between Goal Orientation and Motivational Climate. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Motivation in Sports and Exercise
Motivation in Sports and Exercise – Attribution Model; competitive situations; attribution training; Self-confidence and Intrinsic Motivation - Models of Self-Confidence; Integrated theory of motivation in sport and exercise; Goal Perspective Theory – Achievement Goal Orientation; Developmental Nature of Goal Orientation; Goal Involvement; Motivational Climate; Goal Orientation and Moral Functioning; Characteristics of Task and Ego Goal Orientations; Interaction between Goal Orientation and Motivational Climate. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Personal and Social Factors in Sporting Performance
Personality, Aggression, and Violence in Sport; Social Facilitation; Self-presentation effects in sport; Characteristics of Team Cohesion; Measurement, Determinants, and Consequences of Team Cohesion; Negative effects of Team membership; Developing Team Cohesion; Theories of Leadership; Coach-Athlete Compatibility and Communication. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Personal and Social Factors in Sporting Performance
Personality, Aggression, and Violence in Sport; Social Facilitation; Self-presentation effects in sport; Characteristics of Team Cohesion; Measurement, Determinants, and Consequences of Team Cohesion; Negative effects of Team membership; Developing Team Cohesion; Theories of Leadership; Coach-Athlete Compatibility and Communication. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Personal and Social Factors in Sporting Performance
Personality, Aggression, and Violence in Sport; Social Facilitation; Self-presentation effects in sport; Characteristics of Team Cohesion; Measurement, Determinants, and Consequences of Team Cohesion; Negative effects of Team membership; Developing Team Cohesion; Theories of Leadership; Coach-Athlete Compatibility and Communication. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Personal and Social Factors in Sporting Performance
Personality, Aggression, and Violence in Sport; Social Facilitation; Self-presentation effects in sport; Characteristics of Team Cohesion; Measurement, Determinants, and Consequences of Team Cohesion; Negative effects of Team membership; Developing Team Cohesion; Theories of Leadership; Coach-Athlete Compatibility and Communication. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Arousal, Anxiety, and Stress in Sports
Definition of the concepts; Neurophysiology of Arousal; Attention and Concentration in Sport; Factors inducing anxiety and stress; Arousal and Performance Relationship; Anxiety and Performance Relationship; Stress Management. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Arousal, Anxiety, and Stress in Sports
Definition of the concepts; Neurophysiology of Arousal; Attention and Concentration in Sport; Factors inducing anxiety and stress; Arousal and Performance Relationship; Anxiety and Performance Relationship; Stress Management. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Arousal, Anxiety, and Stress in Sports
Definition of the concepts; Neurophysiology of Arousal; Attention and Concentration in Sport; Factors inducing anxiety and stress; Arousal and Performance Relationship; Anxiety and Performance Relationship; Stress Management. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Arousal, Anxiety, and Stress in Sports
Definition of the concepts; Neurophysiology of Arousal; Attention and Concentration in Sport; Factors inducing anxiety and stress; Arousal and Performance Relationship; Anxiety and Performance Relationship; Stress Management. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Cognitive and Behavioural Interventions
Coping Strategies in Sport; Self-Talk; Relaxation Strategies and Arousal Energizing Strategies; Goal Setting; Imagery; Hypnosis; Psychological Skills Training. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Cognitive and Behavioural Interventions
Coping Strategies in Sport; Self-Talk; Relaxation Strategies and Arousal Energizing Strategies; Goal Setting; Imagery; Hypnosis; Psychological Skills Training. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Cognitive and Behavioural Interventions
Coping Strategies in Sport; Self-Talk; Relaxation Strategies and Arousal Energizing Strategies; Goal Setting; Imagery; Hypnosis; Psychological Skills Training. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Cognitive and Behavioural Interventions
Coping Strategies in Sport; Self-Talk; Relaxation Strategies and Arousal Energizing Strategies; Goal Setting; Imagery; Hypnosis; Psychological Skills Training. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Cox, R. (2011). Sports Psychology: Concepts and Applications (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. Jarvis, M. (2009). Sports Psychology: A Student’s Handbook. Routledge. Thatcher, J., Day, M., & Rahman, R. (2011). Sport and Exercise Psychology. Learning Matters. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Arnold, D.L.U. & Nation, J. R. (1989). Sports Psychology. Nalson-Hall. Cratty, B. J. (1989). Psychology in contemporary sports. Prentice Hall. Horn, T. S (Ed) (1992). Advances in sports psychology. Herman Kinetics. Lynch, J. (2001). Creative coaching. Human Kinetics. Mohan, J. (1996). Recent advances in sports psychology. Friends. Murphy, E. (1995). Advances in sports psychology. Human Kinetics. Murphy, S. M. (1995). Sports Psychological Interventions. Herman Kinetics. Sandhu, G. S. (1992). Psychology in sports: A contemporary perspective. Friends. Weinberg, R. S. & Gould, D. (2007). Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology (4th ed.). Humans Kinetics. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50 CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks Attendance - 5 Marks CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks - 50, 02 HOURS ESE Question paper pattern Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks
Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks | |
PSY541C - CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course description: This course has been conceptualized in order to provide a comprehensive introduction to general theories and methods related to cultural psychology. The course will focus on specific topics that bridge cultural psychology and identity, including group and identity formation, and multiculturalism. Special emphasis will be placed on critically examining how cultural norms influence the way individuals think, feel, and behave. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Explain fundamental concepts, theories, and methods in cultural psychology. CO2: Explain theoretical perspectives on what culture is and how it may influence the self of the individual and various psychological processes. CO3: Analyze social and ethnic diversities and experiences through the lens of culture. CO4: Apply knowledge of cultural psychology to real-world contexts |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Cultural Psychology
What is culture? What is cultural psychology? Scope of cultural psychology. Research Methods: How do we study culture? Review of literature on culture and cognition; culture and emotion; and culture and mental health. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Cultural Psychology
What is culture? What is cultural psychology? Scope of cultural psychology. Research Methods: How do we study culture? Review of literature on culture and cognition; culture and emotion; and culture and mental health. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Cultural Psychology
What is culture? What is cultural psychology? Scope of cultural psychology. Research Methods: How do we study culture? Review of literature on culture and cognition; culture and emotion; and culture and mental health. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Cultural Psychology
What is culture? What is cultural psychology? Scope of cultural psychology. Research Methods: How do we study culture? Review of literature on culture and cognition; culture and emotion; and culture and mental health. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Culture and Self
Universal and divergent aspects of self. Two construals of the self: Independent and interdependent and their consequences. Implications of culture on personality. Influence of culture on morality and values. Value pluralism and comparative morality. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Culture and Self
Universal and divergent aspects of self. Two construals of the self: Independent and interdependent and their consequences. Implications of culture on personality. Influence of culture on morality and values. Value pluralism and comparative morality. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Culture and Self
Universal and divergent aspects of self. Two construals of the self: Independent and interdependent and their consequences. Implications of culture on personality. Influence of culture on morality and values. Value pluralism and comparative morality. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Culture and Self
Universal and divergent aspects of self. Two construals of the self: Independent and interdependent and their consequences. Implications of culture on personality. Influence of culture on morality and values. Value pluralism and comparative morality. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Culture and Psychological Processes
Culture and cognition, culture and emotion, culture and motivation, culture and social behaviour, culture and mental health. Gender, sexuality and culture. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Culture and Psychological Processes
Culture and cognition, culture and emotion, culture and motivation, culture and social behaviour, culture and mental health. Gender, sexuality and culture. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Culture and Psychological Processes
Culture and cognition, culture and emotion, culture and motivation, culture and social behaviour, culture and mental health. Gender, sexuality and culture. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Culture and Psychological Processes
Culture and cognition, culture and emotion, culture and motivation, culture and social behaviour, culture and mental health. Gender, sexuality and culture. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Acculturation; difference between socialisation, enculturation and acculturation; domains of acculturationcultural practices, cultural values, cultural identification; measurement of acculturation; acculturation strategies, multiculturalism. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Acculturation; difference between socialisation, enculturation and acculturation; domains of acculturationcultural practices, cultural values, cultural identification; measurement of acculturation; acculturation strategies, multiculturalism. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Acculturation; difference between socialisation, enculturation and acculturation; domains of acculturationcultural practices, cultural values, cultural identification; measurement of acculturation; acculturation strategies, multiculturalism. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Acculturation; difference between socialisation, enculturation and acculturation; domains of acculturationcultural practices, cultural values, cultural identification; measurement of acculturation; acculturation strategies, multiculturalism. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Psychological and Sociological Perspective of Ethnic Identification
Ethnic identity, role of “relational self” in ethnic identification, identity threat, ethnic boundaries, ethnic identity construction and Identity Process theory, Intersectionality. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Psychological and Sociological Perspective of Ethnic Identification
Ethnic identity, role of “relational self” in ethnic identification, identity threat, ethnic boundaries, ethnic identity construction and Identity Process theory, Intersectionality. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Psychological and Sociological Perspective of Ethnic Identification
Ethnic identity, role of “relational self” in ethnic identification, identity threat, ethnic boundaries, ethnic identity construction and Identity Process theory, Intersectionality. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Psychological and Sociological Perspective of Ethnic Identification
Ethnic identity, role of “relational self” in ethnic identification, identity threat, ethnic boundaries, ethnic identity construction and Identity Process theory, Intersectionality. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Matsumoto, D., & Juang, L. (2016). Culture and Psychology (6th edition). Wadsworth Publishing. Heine, S. J. (2015). Cultural Psychology (3rd edition). W. W. Norton & Company. Purdie-Vaughns, V., & Eibach, R. P. (2008). Intersectional Invisibility: The Distinctive Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiple Subordinate-Group Identities. Sex Roles, 59, 377–391. doi:10.1007/s11199-008-9424- 4 | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Gelfand, M. J., Raver, J. L., Nishii, L., Leslie, L. M., Lun, J., Lim, B. C., ... & Aycan, Z. (2011). Differences between tight and loose cultures: A 33-nation study. Science, 332, 1100-1104. Islam, M. R., & Hewstone, M. (1993). Dimensions of Contact as Predictors of Intergroup Anxiety, Perceived OutGroup Variability, and Out-Group Attitude: An Integrative Model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 19, 700–710. doi:10.1177/0146167293196005 Plaut, V. C. (2010). Diversity Science: Why and How Difference Makes a Difference. Psychological Inquiry, 21(2), 77–99. doi:10.1080/10478401003676501 | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50 CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks Attendance - 5 Marks CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS ESE Question paper pattern Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks
Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This undergraduate course will be a comprehensive introduction to human neuropsychology structured to provide students with a basic understanding of the relationship between brain and behaviour. Topics covered will include foundations of neuropsychology, the structure of the nervous system, functional specialization of the brain, cognitive functions, and assessments of brain disorders. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand the basic terminology and clinic-neuropsychological concepts CO2: Recognize the organization of the nervous system through a systematic review of researches carried out CO3: Identify the structure of brain systems and associated cognitive functions CO4: Integrate principles towards the understanding of brain disorders through reviewing disease models. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Definition, Nature and Scope of clinical neuropsychology. Functions of Neuropsychologists. History, Branches of Neuropsychology. Methods of study of research in neuropsychology-Neurohistology, Radiologic Procedures, Electrophysiologic Procedures, Imaging of Brain metabolism, Magnetic Imaging. Ethical issues in research | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Definition, Nature and Scope of clinical neuropsychology. Functions of Neuropsychologists. History, Branches of Neuropsychology. Methods of study of research in neuropsychology-Neurohistology, Radiologic Procedures, Electrophysiologic Procedures, Imaging of Brain metabolism, Magnetic Imaging. Ethical issues in research | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Definition, Nature and Scope of clinical neuropsychology. Functions of Neuropsychologists. History, Branches of Neuropsychology. Methods of study of research in neuropsychology-Neurohistology, Radiologic Procedures, Electrophysiologic Procedures, Imaging of Brain metabolism, Magnetic Imaging. Ethical issues in research | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Definition, Nature and Scope of clinical neuropsychology. Functions of Neuropsychologists. History, Branches of Neuropsychology. Methods of study of research in neuropsychology-Neurohistology, Radiologic Procedures, Electrophysiologic Procedures, Imaging of Brain metabolism, Magnetic Imaging. Ethical issues in research | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Developmental Neuropsychology
Introduction to developmental psychology; Brain development; Neuropsychology of mental development; Neuropsychology of developmental abnormalities; Neuropsychology of remediation of children. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Developmental Neuropsychology
Introduction to developmental psychology; Brain development; Neuropsychology of mental development; Neuropsychology of developmental abnormalities; Neuropsychology of remediation of children. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Developmental Neuropsychology
Introduction to developmental psychology; Brain development; Neuropsychology of mental development; Neuropsychology of developmental abnormalities; Neuropsychology of remediation of children. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Developmental Neuropsychology
Introduction to developmental psychology; Brain development; Neuropsychology of mental development; Neuropsychology of developmental abnormalities; Neuropsychology of remediation of children. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Cognitive Neuropsychology
Cerebral Specialization; Neuropsychology of Memory; Neuropsychology of Attention and Executive Functioning; Neuropsychology of Emotion; Neuropsychology of Language; Neuropsychology of Consciousness. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Cognitive Neuropsychology
Cerebral Specialization; Neuropsychology of Memory; Neuropsychology of Attention and Executive Functioning; Neuropsychology of Emotion; Neuropsychology of Language; Neuropsychology of Consciousness. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Cognitive Neuropsychology
Cerebral Specialization; Neuropsychology of Memory; Neuropsychology of Attention and Executive Functioning; Neuropsychology of Emotion; Neuropsychology of Language; Neuropsychology of Consciousness. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Cognitive Neuropsychology
Cerebral Specialization; Neuropsychology of Memory; Neuropsychology of Attention and Executive Functioning; Neuropsychology of Emotion; Neuropsychology of Language; Neuropsychology of Consciousness. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neuropsychology of basic psychiatric conditions
Schizophrenia; Dementia: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; Anxiety and mood disorders. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neuropsychology of basic psychiatric conditions
Schizophrenia; Dementia: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; Anxiety and mood disorders. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neuropsychology of basic psychiatric conditions
Schizophrenia; Dementia: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; Anxiety and mood disorders. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neuropsychology of basic psychiatric conditions
Schizophrenia; Dementia: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; Anxiety and mood disorders. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neuropsychological assessment
The practice of neuropsychological assessment; Basic concepts, Neuropsychological examination procedures; Neuropsychological assessment interpretation; important neuropsychological tests. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neuropsychological assessment
The practice of neuropsychological assessment; Basic concepts, Neuropsychological examination procedures; Neuropsychological assessment interpretation; important neuropsychological tests. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neuropsychological assessment
The practice of neuropsychological assessment; Basic concepts, Neuropsychological examination procedures; Neuropsychological assessment interpretation; important neuropsychological tests. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Neuropsychological assessment
The practice of neuropsychological assessment; Basic concepts, Neuropsychological examination procedures; Neuropsychological assessment interpretation; important neuropsychological tests. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Kandel, E.R. Schwartz, J.H. &Jessel, T.M. (2000). Principles of neural science (4th .ed.), McGraw-Hill. Zillmer, E.A., Spiers, M.V. & Culbertson (2008). Principles of Neuropsychology (2nd ed.). Cengage Learning. Blackmore, S. (2003). Consciousness: An introduction. Hodder & Stoughton. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Walsh K. (2008). Neuropsychology. B.I. Churchill Livingstone Pvt. Ltd | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50 CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks Attendance - 5 Marks CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS ESE Question paper pattern Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks
Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:2 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course has been conceptualized to capstone experience for psychology undergraduates, in which students identify a research topic, conduct comprehensive literature reviews, and then develop a substantial written small empirical research project. The paper aims to help students collaborate and complete psychological research projects with their peers. This course is planned to also provide a framework for the development of assessment practices. Attention will be given to issues of identifying and selecting test instruments, conducting the assessment process in an ethical and considerate manner, interpreting norm references and criterion-referenced test scores and writing APA formatted reports. The program is designed to enable students to complete a group research project under the supervision of a faculty. The students would develop and defend the research proposal in the semester. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Apply the knowledge of basic research and literature review methods in psychology to develop a research idea and proposal CO2: Develop, present, and defend a research proposal following APA and ethical guidelines CO3: Administer psychological scales to a subject, make interpretations and draw conclusions based on the norms given in the manual |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to research in Psychology
Basics of Research in Psychology: What is Psychological Research? The Goals of Psychological Research, Principles of Good Research; Ethics in Psychological Research. Research Traditions: Quantitative & Qualitative orientations towards research & their steps, Comparing Qualitative & Quantitative Research Traditions. Review of literature: databases, search strategy, critical evaluation of an article. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to research in Psychology
Basics of Research in Psychology: What is Psychological Research? The Goals of Psychological Research, Principles of Good Research; Ethics in Psychological Research. Research Traditions: Quantitative & Qualitative orientations towards research & their steps, Comparing Qualitative & Quantitative Research Traditions. Review of literature: databases, search strategy, critical evaluation of an article. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to research in Psychology
Basics of Research in Psychology: What is Psychological Research? The Goals of Psychological Research, Principles of Good Research; Ethics in Psychological Research. Research Traditions: Quantitative & Qualitative orientations towards research & their steps, Comparing Qualitative & Quantitative Research Traditions. Review of literature: databases, search strategy, critical evaluation of an article. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to research in Psychology
Basics of Research in Psychology: What is Psychological Research? The Goals of Psychological Research, Principles of Good Research; Ethics in Psychological Research. Research Traditions: Quantitative & Qualitative orientations towards research & their steps, Comparing Qualitative & Quantitative Research Traditions. Review of literature: databases, search strategy, critical evaluation of an article. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to research in Psychology
Basics of Research in Psychology: What is Psychological Research? The Goals of Psychological Research, Principles of Good Research; Ethics in Psychological Research. Research Traditions: Quantitative & Qualitative orientations towards research & their steps, Comparing Qualitative & Quantitative Research Traditions. Review of literature: databases, search strategy, critical evaluation of an article. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to research in Psychology
Basics of Research in Psychology: What is Psychological Research? The Goals of Psychological Research, Principles of Good Research; Ethics in Psychological Research. Research Traditions: Quantitative & Qualitative orientations towards research & their steps, Comparing Qualitative & Quantitative Research Traditions. Review of literature: databases, search strategy, critical evaluation of an article. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to research in Psychology
Basics of Research in Psychology: What is Psychological Research? The Goals of Psychological Research, Principles of Good Research; Ethics in Psychological Research. Research Traditions: Quantitative & Qualitative orientations towards research & their steps, Comparing Qualitative & Quantitative Research Traditions. Review of literature: databases, search strategy, critical evaluation of an article. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Proposal Writing
Elements of proposal writing: Formulating a problem & developing a testable research question/research hypothesis, developing a rationale, aims, and objectives. Research Designs: Identifying an appropriate research design and methods for a given research question/hypothesis. Sample and sampling: Probability & Nonprobability sampling methods; Methods of data collection- Case study, Observation, Interview & Focus group discussion, Survey. Protocols in data collection. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Proposal Writing
Elements of proposal writing: Formulating a problem & developing a testable research question/research hypothesis, developing a rationale, aims, and objectives. Research Designs: Identifying an appropriate research design and methods for a given research question/hypothesis. Sample and sampling: Probability & Nonprobability sampling methods; Methods of data collection- Case study, Observation, Interview & Focus group discussion, Survey. Protocols in data collection. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Proposal Writing
Elements of proposal writing: Formulating a problem & developing a testable research question/research hypothesis, developing a rationale, aims, and objectives. Research Designs: Identifying an appropriate research design and methods for a given research question/hypothesis. Sample and sampling: Probability & Nonprobability sampling methods; Methods of data collection- Case study, Observation, Interview & Focus group discussion, Survey. Protocols in data collection. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Proposal Writing
Elements of proposal writing: Formulating a problem & developing a testable research question/research hypothesis, developing a rationale, aims, and objectives. Research Designs: Identifying an appropriate research design and methods for a given research question/hypothesis. Sample and sampling: Probability & Nonprobability sampling methods; Methods of data collection- Case study, Observation, Interview & Focus group discussion, Survey. Protocols in data collection. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Proposal Writing
Elements of proposal writing: Formulating a problem & developing a testable research question/research hypothesis, developing a rationale, aims, and objectives. Research Designs: Identifying an appropriate research design and methods for a given research question/hypothesis. Sample and sampling: Probability & Nonprobability sampling methods; Methods of data collection- Case study, Observation, Interview & Focus group discussion, Survey. Protocols in data collection. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Proposal Writing
Elements of proposal writing: Formulating a problem & developing a testable research question/research hypothesis, developing a rationale, aims, and objectives. Research Designs: Identifying an appropriate research design and methods for a given research question/hypothesis. Sample and sampling: Probability & Nonprobability sampling methods; Methods of data collection- Case study, Observation, Interview & Focus group discussion, Survey. Protocols in data collection. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Proposal Writing
Elements of proposal writing: Formulating a problem & developing a testable research question/research hypothesis, developing a rationale, aims, and objectives. Research Designs: Identifying an appropriate research design and methods for a given research question/hypothesis. Sample and sampling: Probability & Nonprobability sampling methods; Methods of data collection- Case study, Observation, Interview & Focus group discussion, Survey. Protocols in data collection. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Psychological testing
Selecting a psychological test, Characteristics of a test – standardization, Reliability and validity of tests, norms, scoring, applications and cultural adaptability. Administer any two psychological assessments on an individual subject using any of the following tests- one personality test (NEOPI, 16PF, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Type A/B behaviour pattern) and one intelligence test (Ravens Test, Bhatia’s Battery of Intelligence) and write a report | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Psychological testing
Selecting a psychological test, Characteristics of a test – standardization, Reliability and validity of tests, norms, scoring, applications and cultural adaptability. Administer any two psychological assessments on an individual subject using any of the following tests- one personality test (NEOPI, 16PF, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Type A/B behaviour pattern) and one intelligence test (Ravens Test, Bhatia’s Battery of Intelligence) and write a report | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Psychological testing
Selecting a psychological test, Characteristics of a test – standardization, Reliability and validity of tests, norms, scoring, applications and cultural adaptability. Administer any two psychological assessments on an individual subject using any of the following tests- one personality test (NEOPI, 16PF, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Type A/B behaviour pattern) and one intelligence test (Ravens Test, Bhatia’s Battery of Intelligence) and write a report | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Psychological testing
Selecting a psychological test, Characteristics of a test – standardization, Reliability and validity of tests, norms, scoring, applications and cultural adaptability. Administer any two psychological assessments on an individual subject using any of the following tests- one personality test (NEOPI, 16PF, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Type A/B behaviour pattern) and one intelligence test (Ravens Test, Bhatia’s Battery of Intelligence) and write a report | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Psychological testing
Selecting a psychological test, Characteristics of a test – standardization, Reliability and validity of tests, norms, scoring, applications and cultural adaptability. Administer any two psychological assessments on an individual subject using any of the following tests- one personality test (NEOPI, 16PF, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Type A/B behaviour pattern) and one intelligence test (Ravens Test, Bhatia’s Battery of Intelligence) and write a report | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Psychological testing
Selecting a psychological test, Characteristics of a test – standardization, Reliability and validity of tests, norms, scoring, applications and cultural adaptability. Administer any two psychological assessments on an individual subject using any of the following tests- one personality test (NEOPI, 16PF, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Type A/B behaviour pattern) and one intelligence test (Ravens Test, Bhatia’s Battery of Intelligence) and write a report | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Psychological testing
Selecting a psychological test, Characteristics of a test – standardization, Reliability and validity of tests, norms, scoring, applications and cultural adaptability. Administer any two psychological assessments on an individual subject using any of the following tests- one personality test (NEOPI, 16PF, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Type A/B behaviour pattern) and one intelligence test (Ravens Test, Bhatia’s Battery of Intelligence) and write a report | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Cohen, R. J., & Swerdlik, M. E. (2013). Psychological testing and assessment: an introduction to tests and measurement. Eighth edition. McGraw-Hill Education. Coolican, H. (2014). Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology, Sixth Edition. Taylor and Francis. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.).https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000 https://christuniversity.in/uploads/userfiles/CRCE.pdf. CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional Ethics Documentation | |
Evaluation Pattern Continuous Internal Evaluations (CIAs) – 100 Marks
| |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course has been conceptualized in order to introduce students to the evolution of both western and eastern philosophical thought, and introduce them to influences of these philosophies on media studies, media research, and conceptions of media law and ethics. Apart from providing a trajectory of the development of thought, the course equips students to understand the philosophical underpinnings of contemporary media issues, and allows them to push the boundaries of envisioning stronger and more vibrant media ecosystems. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Exhibit basic knowledge of media and cultural studies approaches CO2: Demonstrate a critical reading of media production, distribution and
consumption CO3: Identify, analyze and interpret ethical complexities in the media context CO4: Create media texts with cultural, critical and ethical sensitivity |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Evolution of Human Thought
1. Hammurabi Code, The Cyrus Cylinder. 2. The Greek thinkers (Plato, Aristotle, Socrates) 3. Indian Philosophers & Concept of Dharma. 4. Magna Carta, 5. Philosophy in Modern Times (John Stuart Mill, Adam Smith, Rousseau Marx, Ambedkar, Cornel West, Michel Foucault, Simone De Beauvoir, Zizek. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Concepts of Media & Culture
1. Ideology, Hegemony, Power 2. Culture, Subculture, Popular Culture, Assimilation 3. Representation, Exoticism, Tokenism, Identity, Subjectivity, Interpellation, Othering, Stereotypes, Privilege 4. Grand Narratives, Culture Industry, Cultural Studies, Structure v Semiotics/Discourse 5. Tech Utopia, Tech Dystopia, Digital Divide, Cybernetics, 6. Bio Media, Transmedia 7. Normative Ethics, Relativism, Utilitarianism, Determinism | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Critical Perspective of Media I
1. Media and Law: Foucault dissects Article 19(1)A& reasonable restrictions. 2. Media Ownership: Marx looks at Disney and Reliance, while Ambedkar breaks the press. 3. Media Production & Distribution: Social Media & OTT - Adorno’s horror, Benjamins dream 4. Media Consumption: Feminists take on Ads, as the anti-caste movement takes on digital media. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Critical Perspective of Media II
1. Media & Human Rights: Gender, Caste/Class, Religion, Race and their intersections in media 2. Media &Citizenship : Media trial and constructions of nationality 3. Media & Environment: News, Zizek and Climate Change 4. Mediated Culture: Nick Couldry on voice vs data colonialism | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Durham, M. G., &Kellner, D. M. (Eds.). (2012). Media and cultural studies: Keyworks. John Wiley & Sons. Strauss, L., &Cropsey, J. (Eds.). (2012). History of Political Philosophy. University of Chicago Press. Neelamalar M (2010), Media Laws and Ethics, PHI Learning, New Delhi | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Hiltebeitel, A. (2011). Dharma: Its early history in law, religion, and narrative. New York: Oxford University Press. Couldry, N. (2010). Why voice matters: Culture and politics after neoliberalism. Sage publications. | |
Evaluation Pattern Department level submissions. CIA 1: Finding philosophy in daily media CIA 2: Media text analysis (short paper) CIA 3: Submission of script of critical media text CIA4: Students create a critical media text as a parody of an existing text. | |
CNM641 - ADVERTISING (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This is an introductory course that provides a broad overview of advertising, the principles and practices governing this field thereof and the various issues relevant to advertising |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: To demonstrate conceptual understanding of advertising platforms
CO2: Choose the appropriate marketing mix based on the brief provided by the client
CO3: Evaluate the impact of advertising messages and decide on a follow-up action
CO4: Assess and negotiate ethical concerns in advertising. CO5: Create advertising messages/copy for varied media platforms |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Understanding Advertising
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Brand Management
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Brand Positioning
●What is positioning? ●Battle of market or mind? ●Positioning and Repositioning ●Significance of name for branding and product ●Positioning product, service, company, country ●Case studies from the year | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Case Studies
Successful Brands- Nike, Amazon, Apple, Coke, Microsoft ●Failed Brands- Kingfisher, Reliance BIG, TATA Nano | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Practical Components
●Writing copy and Advertising campaign, Group discussion, Workshops and Case-study analysis. ●A report providing information about the manner and methods adopted for such activities will have to be submitted by the students. The activities may be individual, or group-initiated. Decisions regarding the nature of such activities will be taken by concerned faculty offering the course. The 5 hours of practical component may figure within the 60 hours or outside of it. | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |
Evaluation Pattern
Portfolio, Viva and submissions | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description: This paper is informed by David Damrosch’s understanding that world literature is not a canon of Western master works but a mode of cross cultural reading. So the selection reflects similar themes of gender, race, being responsible citizen in oppressive conditions which the students have encountered in their earlier semester. While these themes have been discussed earlier in specific nationalistic contexts, this paper draws on that awareness and brings in comparative approach for analysis.
Objectives: To introduce students to methods of studying literature and culture across national and linguistic boundaries
To understand the nature and function of literature from global perspective |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Display a basic understanding of historical and cultural contexts of world literatures CO2: To identify and respond to the ways in which literary texts from diverse cultures, time are interconnected CO3: Compare and contrast significant similarities and differences between various literary forms, periods, histories in both western and non-western writings CO4: Will demonstrate tools of literary analysis including appropriate literary terminology for writing analysis of the texts CO5: Will be able to examine reading experiences, culture from multiple frames of references, specifically frames that define world literatures CO6: To enhance textual appreciation and writing skills |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Unit 1
· Frames for World Literatures’, David Damrosch · Essays on Art, Literature – Tolstoy, Nabakov, Naipaul, Borges | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Unit 1
· Frames for World Literatures’, David Damrosch · Essays on Art, Literature – Tolstoy, Nabakov, Naipaul, Borges | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Unit 1
· Frames for World Literatures’, David Damrosch · Essays on Art, Literature – Tolstoy, Nabakov, Naipaul, Borges | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Unit 1
· Frames for World Literatures’, David Damrosch · Essays on Art, Literature – Tolstoy, Nabakov, Naipaul, Borges | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Unit 1
· Frames for World Literatures’, David Damrosch · Essays on Art, Literature – Tolstoy, Nabakov, Naipaul, Borges | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Unit 1
· Frames for World Literatures’, David Damrosch · Essays on Art, Literature – Tolstoy, Nabakov, Naipaul, Borges | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Unit 1
· Frames for World Literatures’, David Damrosch · Essays on Art, Literature – Tolstoy, Nabakov, Naipaul, Borges | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
· Anna Akhamatova – Requiem (Russia) · Constantine Cavafy – The City (Greek) · Rainer Maria Rilke – Spanish dancer (Czech Republic) · Sappho – Lyrics · Sappho - Deathless Aphrodite of the Spangled Mind · Sappho – Moon has set · Imtiaz Dharkar – Purdha I (Pakistan) · Miriam Wei Wei Lo - Bumboat Cruise on the Singapore River (Singapore) · Octavio Paz - Listen to the Rain · Federico Garcia Lorca - City that Does Not Sleep | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
· Anna Akhamatova – Requiem (Russia) · Constantine Cavafy – The City (Greek) · Rainer Maria Rilke – Spanish dancer (Czech Republic) · Sappho – Lyrics · Sappho - Deathless Aphrodite of the Spangled Mind · Sappho – Moon has set · Imtiaz Dharkar – Purdha I (Pakistan) · Miriam Wei Wei Lo - Bumboat Cruise on the Singapore River (Singapore) · Octavio Paz - Listen to the Rain · Federico Garcia Lorca - City that Does Not Sleep | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
· Anna Akhamatova – Requiem (Russia) · Constantine Cavafy – The City (Greek) · Rainer Maria Rilke – Spanish dancer (Czech Republic) · Sappho – Lyrics · Sappho - Deathless Aphrodite of the Spangled Mind · Sappho – Moon has set · Imtiaz Dharkar – Purdha I (Pakistan) · Miriam Wei Wei Lo - Bumboat Cruise on the Singapore River (Singapore) · Octavio Paz - Listen to the Rain · Federico Garcia Lorca - City that Does Not Sleep | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
· Anna Akhamatova – Requiem (Russia) · Constantine Cavafy – The City (Greek) · Rainer Maria Rilke – Spanish dancer (Czech Republic) · Sappho – Lyrics · Sappho - Deathless Aphrodite of the Spangled Mind · Sappho – Moon has set · Imtiaz Dharkar – Purdha I (Pakistan) · Miriam Wei Wei Lo - Bumboat Cruise on the Singapore River (Singapore) · Octavio Paz - Listen to the Rain · Federico Garcia Lorca - City that Does Not Sleep | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
· Anna Akhamatova – Requiem (Russia) · Constantine Cavafy – The City (Greek) · Rainer Maria Rilke – Spanish dancer (Czech Republic) · Sappho – Lyrics · Sappho - Deathless Aphrodite of the Spangled Mind · Sappho – Moon has set · Imtiaz Dharkar – Purdha I (Pakistan) · Miriam Wei Wei Lo - Bumboat Cruise on the Singapore River (Singapore) · Octavio Paz - Listen to the Rain · Federico Garcia Lorca - City that Does Not Sleep | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
· Anna Akhamatova – Requiem (Russia) · Constantine Cavafy – The City (Greek) · Rainer Maria Rilke – Spanish dancer (Czech Republic) · Sappho – Lyrics · Sappho - Deathless Aphrodite of the Spangled Mind · Sappho – Moon has set · Imtiaz Dharkar – Purdha I (Pakistan) · Miriam Wei Wei Lo - Bumboat Cruise on the Singapore River (Singapore) · Octavio Paz - Listen to the Rain · Federico Garcia Lorca - City that Does Not Sleep | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
· Anna Akhamatova – Requiem (Russia) · Constantine Cavafy – The City (Greek) · Rainer Maria Rilke – Spanish dancer (Czech Republic) · Sappho – Lyrics · Sappho - Deathless Aphrodite of the Spangled Mind · Sappho – Moon has set · Imtiaz Dharkar – Purdha I (Pakistan) · Miriam Wei Wei Lo - Bumboat Cruise on the Singapore River (Singapore) · Octavio Paz - Listen to the Rain · Federico Garcia Lorca - City that Does Not Sleep | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Unit 3
Fyodor Dostoevsky – Notes From the Underground Che Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Unit 3
Fyodor Dostoevsky – Notes From the Underground Che Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Unit 3
Fyodor Dostoevsky – Notes From the Underground Che Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Unit 3
Fyodor Dostoevsky – Notes From the Underground Che Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Unit 3
Fyodor Dostoevsky – Notes From the Underground Che Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Unit 3
Fyodor Dostoevsky – Notes From the Underground Che Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Unit 3
Fyodor Dostoevsky – Notes From the Underground Che Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Sophocles – Antigone | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Sophocles – Antigone | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Sophocles – Antigone | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Sophocles – Antigone | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Sophocles – Antigone | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Sophocles – Antigone | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Sophocles – Antigone | |||||||||||||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: · ‘Frames for World Literatures’, David Damrosch
· Essays on Art, Literature – Tolstoy, Nabakov, Naipaul, Borges · Anna Akhamatova – Requiem (Russia) · Constantine Cavafy – The City (Greek) · Rainer Maria Rilke – Spanish dancer (Czech Republic) · Nazik al-Mala'ika - Love Song for Words (Iraq) · Imtiaz Dharkar – Purdha I (Pakistan) · Ashraful Musaddeq - Cyber Love (Bangladesh) · Miriam Wei Wei Lo - Bumboat Cruise on the Singapore River (Singapore) · Octavio Paz - Listen to the Rain
· Federico Garcia Lorca - City that Does Not Sleep Fyodor Dostoevsky – Notes From the Underground
Che Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries Sophocles – Antigone
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Amichai, Yehudi. The Slected Poetry of Yehuda Amichai. USA: University of California, 1996. . Print. “Even A Fist Was Once an Open Palm With Fingers” the Selected Poetry of Yahudi Amichai – Poetry in Translation Trans. Bloch, Chana and Mitchell, Stephen. http:// www-english.tamu.edu/pers/fac/myers/default.html. Web. Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem. New York: Viking, 1963. Bauman, Zygmunt,Life in Fragments: Essays in Postmodern Morality, Oxford: Blackwell. Print. Calvino, Italo, The Literature Machine. London: Vintage, 1987. Print. Cargas, Harry James, ed. Telling the Tale: A Tribute to Elie Wiesel – Saint Louis. Damrosch, David. What is World Ltierature? Princeton University Press, 2003. Print. Eco, Umberto,The Role of the Reader.Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Eco, Umberto, On Literature. London: Vintage, 2005. Print. Farah, Nuruddin. Links. Penguin.Yesterday, Tomorrow: Voices from the Somali Diaspora. London and New York, Cassell, 2000. Print. Forsdick, Charles. “‘Worlds in Collision:’The Languages and Locations of World Literature”. A Companion to Comparative Literature. Eds. Ali Behdad and Dominic Thomas. Oxford: Blackwell, 2011. 473–89. Print Fromm, Erich. Escape from Freedom. New York: Rinehart, 1941. Print. Ghosh, Amitav. Sea of Poppies. Macmillan.A Guide to twentieth-century literature in English. Ed. Harry Blamires. London; New York: Methuen, 1983. Print. Lifton, Robert J. The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide. New York: Basic, 1986.Print. M. Hollington, Günter Grass: The Writer in a Pluralist Society. 1980.Print. Moretti, Franco. “Conjectures on World Literature,” New Left Review 1 (January–February2000): 54-64. Print. Victor Frankl, From Death-Camp to Existentialism. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1979.
Villet, John. The Theatre of Bertolt Brecht, A Study from Eight Aspects. Print. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern CIA 1 and 3: Tests on prescribed texts. Five marks are reserved for active classroom participation.
Question Paper Pattern Mid Semester
End Semester
5x20 =100 choosing one question each from Poetry, Drama, Essay & Novel and one additional question. | |||||||||||||||||||||
EST641A - CULTURAL STUDIES (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:04 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Create awareness of approaches to reading cultures and society CO2: Understand of the contexts which influence the relationship between spatiality and cultural studies CO3: Demonstrate cross-cultural sensitivity |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Ashis Nandy, The Twentieth Century: The Ambivalent Homecoming of Homo Psychologicus Henry Giroux, et al. “The Need for Cultural Studies: Resisting Intellectuals and Oppositional Public Spheres” Richard Howells “Semiotics” Roland Richard Howells “Ideology” CSCS. “Femininity -Masculinity” CSCS. “Imagining the Nation” | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Ashis Nandy, The Twentieth Century: The Ambivalent Homecoming of Homo Psychologicus Henry Giroux, et al. “The Need for Cultural Studies: Resisting Intellectuals and Oppositional Public Spheres” Richard Howells “Semiotics” Roland Richard Howells “Ideology” CSCS. “Femininity -Masculinity” CSCS. “Imagining the Nation” | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Ashis Nandy, The Twentieth Century: The Ambivalent Homecoming of Homo Psychologicus Henry Giroux, et al. “The Need for Cultural Studies: Resisting Intellectuals and Oppositional Public Spheres” Richard Howells “Semiotics” Roland Richard Howells “Ideology” CSCS. “Femininity -Masculinity” CSCS. “Imagining the Nation” | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Ashis Nandy, The Twentieth Century: The Ambivalent Homecoming of Homo Psychologicus Henry Giroux, et al. “The Need for Cultural Studies: Resisting Intellectuals and Oppositional Public Spheres” Richard Howells “Semiotics” Roland Richard Howells “Ideology” CSCS. “Femininity -Masculinity” CSCS. “Imagining the Nation” | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Ashis Nandy, The Twentieth Century: The Ambivalent Homecoming of Homo Psychologicus Henry Giroux, et al. “The Need for Cultural Studies: Resisting Intellectuals and Oppositional Public Spheres” Richard Howells “Semiotics” Roland Richard Howells “Ideology” CSCS. “Femininity -Masculinity” CSCS. “Imagining the Nation” | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Ashis Nandy, The Twentieth Century: The Ambivalent Homecoming of Homo Psychologicus Henry Giroux, et al. “The Need for Cultural Studies: Resisting Intellectuals and Oppositional Public Spheres” Richard Howells “Semiotics” Roland Richard Howells “Ideology” CSCS. “Femininity -Masculinity” CSCS. “Imagining the Nation” | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Ashis Nandy, The Twentieth Century: The Ambivalent Homecoming of Homo Psychologicus Henry Giroux, et al. “The Need for Cultural Studies: Resisting Intellectuals and Oppositional Public Spheres” Richard Howells “Semiotics” Roland Richard Howells “Ideology” CSCS. “Femininity -Masculinity” CSCS. “Imagining the Nation” | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Ravi S. Vasudevan. “The Cities of Everyday Life” Nitin Govil. “The Metropolis and Mental Strife: The city in science fiction cinema” Joy Chatterjee. “Long Bus Drive” Veena Das. “Violence and Translation”; Rana Dasgupta. “The Face of the Future: Biometric surveillance and progress” Shuddhabrata Sengupta. “Everyday Surveillance: ID cards, cameras and the database of ditties” Sam de Silva. “Blind Intelligence” David Lyon. “Surveillance: After September 11, 2001” --- “Urban Transformations and Media Piracy” ---- “Obscenity, Decency and Morality” | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Ravi S. Vasudevan. “The Cities of Everyday Life” Nitin Govil. “The Metropolis and Mental Strife: The city in science fiction cinema” Joy Chatterjee. “Long Bus Drive” Veena Das. “Violence and Translation”; Rana Dasgupta. “The Face of the Future: Biometric surveillance and progress” Shuddhabrata Sengupta. “Everyday Surveillance: ID cards, cameras and the database of ditties” Sam de Silva. “Blind Intelligence” David Lyon. “Surveillance: After September 11, 2001” --- “Urban Transformations and Media Piracy” ---- “Obscenity, Decency and Morality” | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Ravi S. Vasudevan. “The Cities of Everyday Life” Nitin Govil. “The Metropolis and Mental Strife: The city in science fiction cinema” Joy Chatterjee. “Long Bus Drive” Veena Das. “Violence and Translation”; Rana Dasgupta. “The Face of the Future: Biometric surveillance and progress” Shuddhabrata Sengupta. “Everyday Surveillance: ID cards, cameras and the database of ditties” Sam de Silva. “Blind Intelligence” David Lyon. “Surveillance: After September 11, 2001” --- “Urban Transformations and Media Piracy” ---- “Obscenity, Decency and Morality” | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Ravi S. Vasudevan. “The Cities of Everyday Life” Nitin Govil. “The Metropolis and Mental Strife: The city in science fiction cinema” Joy Chatterjee. “Long Bus Drive” Veena Das. “Violence and Translation”; Rana Dasgupta. “The Face of the Future: Biometric surveillance and progress” Shuddhabrata Sengupta. “Everyday Surveillance: ID cards, cameras and the database of ditties” Sam de Silva. “Blind Intelligence” David Lyon. “Surveillance: After September 11, 2001” --- “Urban Transformations and Media Piracy” ---- “Obscenity, Decency and Morality” | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Ravi S. Vasudevan. “The Cities of Everyday Life” Nitin Govil. “The Metropolis and Mental Strife: The city in science fiction cinema” Joy Chatterjee. “Long Bus Drive” Veena Das. “Violence and Translation”; Rana Dasgupta. “The Face of the Future: Biometric surveillance and progress” Shuddhabrata Sengupta. “Everyday Surveillance: ID cards, cameras and the database of ditties” Sam de Silva. “Blind Intelligence” David Lyon. “Surveillance: After September 11, 2001” --- “Urban Transformations and Media Piracy” ---- “Obscenity, Decency and Morality” | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Ravi S. Vasudevan. “The Cities of Everyday Life” Nitin Govil. “The Metropolis and Mental Strife: The city in science fiction cinema” Joy Chatterjee. “Long Bus Drive” Veena Das. “Violence and Translation”; Rana Dasgupta. “The Face of the Future: Biometric surveillance and progress” Shuddhabrata Sengupta. “Everyday Surveillance: ID cards, cameras and the database of ditties” Sam de Silva. “Blind Intelligence” David Lyon. “Surveillance: After September 11, 2001” --- “Urban Transformations and Media Piracy” ---- “Obscenity, Decency and Morality” | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Ravi S. Vasudevan. “The Cities of Everyday Life” Nitin Govil. “The Metropolis and Mental Strife: The city in science fiction cinema” Joy Chatterjee. “Long Bus Drive” Veena Das. “Violence and Translation”; Rana Dasgupta. “The Face of the Future: Biometric surveillance and progress” Shuddhabrata Sengupta. “Everyday Surveillance: ID cards, cameras and the database of ditties” Sam de Silva. “Blind Intelligence” David Lyon. “Surveillance: After September 11, 2001” --- “Urban Transformations and Media Piracy” ---- “Obscenity, Decency and Morality” | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Pramod Nayar, “Screen Culture” Ashis Nandy. “Introduction: Indian Popular Cinema as the Slum’s Eye View of Politics”
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Pramod Nayar, “Screen Culture” Ashis Nandy. “Introduction: Indian Popular Cinema as the Slum’s Eye View of Politics”
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Pramod Nayar, “Screen Culture” Ashis Nandy. “Introduction: Indian Popular Cinema as the Slum’s Eye View of Politics”
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Pramod Nayar, “Screen Culture” Ashis Nandy. “Introduction: Indian Popular Cinema as the Slum’s Eye View of Politics”
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Pramod Nayar, “Screen Culture” Ashis Nandy. “Introduction: Indian Popular Cinema as the Slum’s Eye View of Politics”
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Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Pramod Nayar, “Screen Culture” Ashis Nandy. “Introduction: Indian Popular Cinema as the Slum’s Eye View of Politics”
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Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Pramod Nayar, “Screen Culture” Ashis Nandy. “Introduction: Indian Popular Cinema as the Slum’s Eye View of Politics”
| |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Cyber culture
Warwick Mules. “Cyberculture” Mark Poster. “Postmodern Virtualities” Manuel Castells “The Network Society and Organizational Change” Manuel Castells “Identity in the Network Society”
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Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Cyber culture
Warwick Mules. “Cyberculture” Mark Poster. “Postmodern Virtualities” Manuel Castells “The Network Society and Organizational Change” Manuel Castells “Identity in the Network Society”
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Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Cyber culture
Warwick Mules. “Cyberculture” Mark Poster. “Postmodern Virtualities” Manuel Castells “The Network Society and Organizational Change” Manuel Castells “Identity in the Network Society”
| |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Cyber culture
Warwick Mules. “Cyberculture” Mark Poster. “Postmodern Virtualities” Manuel Castells “The Network Society and Organizational Change” Manuel Castells “Identity in the Network Society”
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Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Cyber culture
Warwick Mules. “Cyberculture” Mark Poster. “Postmodern Virtualities” Manuel Castells “The Network Society and Organizational Change” Manuel Castells “Identity in the Network Society”
| |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Cyber culture
Warwick Mules. “Cyberculture” Mark Poster. “Postmodern Virtualities” Manuel Castells “The Network Society and Organizational Change” Manuel Castells “Identity in the Network Society”
| |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Cyber culture
Warwick Mules. “Cyberculture” Mark Poster. “Postmodern Virtualities” Manuel Castells “The Network Society and Organizational Change” Manuel Castells “Identity in the Network Society”
| |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Research method in cultural studies
Research method in Cultural Studies | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Research method in cultural studies
Research method in Cultural Studies | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Research method in cultural studies
Research method in Cultural Studies | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Research method in cultural studies
Research method in Cultural Studies | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Research method in cultural studies
Research method in Cultural Studies | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Research method in cultural studies
Research method in Cultural Studies | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Research method in cultural studies
Research method in Cultural Studies | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Course pack compiled by the Dept of English, Christ University, for private circulation | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Barthes, Roland. Mythologies.Trs Annette Lavers. London: Vintage, 1993. Print. Castells, Manuel “The Network Society and Organizational Change.” Conversations with History Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley, 2001. Print. --- “Identity in the Network Society.” Conversations with History Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley, 2001. Print. CSCS. “Femininity – Masculinity” http://courses.cscsarchive.org/courses/ugdip05/paper1/mod8/ > --- “Imagining the Nation”. Web. <http://courses.cscsarchive.org/courses/ugdip05/paper1/mod5/> ---. “Legal Identity and Culture”. Web. <http://courses.cscsarchive.org/courses/ugdip05/paper1/mod9/> Giroux, Henry, David Shumway, Paul Smith, and James Sosnoski, “The Need for Cultural Studies: Resisting Intellectuals and Oppositional Public Spheres”. http://theory.eserver.org/need.html. Web. Howells, Richard. Visual Culture. Cambridge: Polity, 2003.Print. Liang, Lawrence. “Obscenity, Decency and Morality” http://courses.cscsarchive.org/courses/ugdip05/paper%202/mod%206/.Web. Liang, Lawrence. “Urban Transformations and Media Piracy” http://courses.cscsarchive.org/courses/ugdip05/paper%202/mod%2010/.Web. Liang, Lawrence. “The Black and White (And Grey) of Copyright.”. ‘World Information City’. Bangalore: 14-20 Nov 2005, p 2. Print. Lyotard, Jean-Francois. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. University of Minnesota Press, 1985. Print. Mark Poster. The Second Media Age Blackwell 1995 http://www.hnet.uci.edu/mposter/writings/internet.html. Web Mulvey, Laura. “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” (1975) http://www.nwe.ufl.edu/~lhodges/vpnc.html. Web. Nandi, Ashish ed. The Secret Politics of Our Desires: Innocence, Culpability and Indian Popular Cinema. Delhi: OUP, 1998. Print. Nayar, Pramod K. Reading Culture: Theory, Praxis, Politics. New Delhi: Sage, 2006. Print. Ramanujan, A.K “Introduction” Folktales from India, New Delhi: Penguin, 1994.Print. Thwites, Tony, Lloyd Davis, and Warwick Mules. Introducing Cultural and Media Studies: A Semiotic Approach. New York: Palgrave, Rpt 2005. Print. Vasudevan, Ravi S. et al. SARAI Reader 02. Delhi/Amsterdam: SARAI, 2002. Print.
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Evaluation Pattern
Examination and Assessment
CIA 1: Class Test
CIA 2: Mid-Sem Exam for 50 marks
CIA 3: Class Presentations / Submissions
End Semester: Exam for 100 marks
There will be a written end-semester exam for 100 marks whereby the students will assessed on the basis of their understanding of the basic concepts discussed in the class.
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Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:04 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Ability to use theoretical knowledge of various schools of thoughts to understand principles of language learning and teaching CO2: Ability to create lesson plans with clear outcomes and well defined strategies for teaching CO3: Ability to develop tasks and activities for reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar and vocabulary
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
General Linguistics: the science of language; describing language; the functions of language; the structure of language; Linguistics; psycholinguistics; sociolinguistics. Phonetics and Phonology: the international phonetic alphabet; phonetic transcription; articulatory phonetics; word and sentence stress; vowel sound and articulation of vowels and diphthongs; intonation patterns; presenting the sounds of English to learners; remediation; mother tongue influence and accent neutralization. Linguistics/ Phonetics and Language Teaching | |||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
General Linguistics: the science of language; describing language; the functions of language; the structure of language; Linguistics; psycholinguistics; sociolinguistics. Phonetics and Phonology: the international phonetic alphabet; phonetic transcription; articulatory phonetics; word and sentence stress; vowel sound and articulation of vowels and diphthongs; intonation patterns; presenting the sounds of English to learners; remediation; mother tongue influence and accent neutralization. Linguistics/ Phonetics and Language Teaching | |||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
General Linguistics: the science of language; describing language; the functions of language; the structure of language; Linguistics; psycholinguistics; sociolinguistics. Phonetics and Phonology: the international phonetic alphabet; phonetic transcription; articulatory phonetics; word and sentence stress; vowel sound and articulation of vowels and diphthongs; intonation patterns; presenting the sounds of English to learners; remediation; mother tongue influence and accent neutralization. Linguistics/ Phonetics and Language Teaching | |||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
General Linguistics: the science of language; describing language; the functions of language; the structure of language; Linguistics; psycholinguistics; sociolinguistics. Phonetics and Phonology: the international phonetic alphabet; phonetic transcription; articulatory phonetics; word and sentence stress; vowel sound and articulation of vowels and diphthongs; intonation patterns; presenting the sounds of English to learners; remediation; mother tongue influence and accent neutralization. Linguistics/ Phonetics and Language Teaching | |||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
General Linguistics: the science of language; describing language; the functions of language; the structure of language; Linguistics; psycholinguistics; sociolinguistics. Phonetics and Phonology: the international phonetic alphabet; phonetic transcription; articulatory phonetics; word and sentence stress; vowel sound and articulation of vowels and diphthongs; intonation patterns; presenting the sounds of English to learners; remediation; mother tongue influence and accent neutralization. Linguistics/ Phonetics and Language Teaching | |||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
General Linguistics: the science of language; describing language; the functions of language; the structure of language; Linguistics; psycholinguistics; sociolinguistics. Phonetics and Phonology: the international phonetic alphabet; phonetic transcription; articulatory phonetics; word and sentence stress; vowel sound and articulation of vowels and diphthongs; intonation patterns; presenting the sounds of English to learners; remediation; mother tongue influence and accent neutralization. Linguistics/ Phonetics and Language Teaching | |||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Language Acquisition/ Learning theories
B.F.Skinner, Noam Chomsky, Vygotsky, Krashen, Jean Piaget ( in detail) Factors affecting Second language acquisition. | |||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Language Acquisition/ Learning theories
B.F.Skinner, Noam Chomsky, Vygotsky, Krashen, Jean Piaget ( in detail) Factors affecting Second language acquisition. | |||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Language Acquisition/ Learning theories
B.F.Skinner, Noam Chomsky, Vygotsky, Krashen, Jean Piaget ( in detail) Factors affecting Second language acquisition. | |||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Language Acquisition/ Learning theories
B.F.Skinner, Noam Chomsky, Vygotsky, Krashen, Jean Piaget ( in detail) Factors affecting Second language acquisition. | |||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Language Acquisition/ Learning theories
B.F.Skinner, Noam Chomsky, Vygotsky, Krashen, Jean Piaget ( in detail) Factors affecting Second language acquisition. | |||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Language Acquisition/ Learning theories
B.F.Skinner, Noam Chomsky, Vygotsky, Krashen, Jean Piaget ( in detail) Factors affecting Second language acquisition. | |||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Receptive Skills: reading and listening materials; reasons and strategies for reading; reading speed; intensive and extensive reading and listening; reading development; reasons and strategies for listening; listening practice materials and listening development. Productive Skills: speaking and writing; skimming, scanning, taking notes from lectures and from books; reasons and opportunities for speaking; development of speaking skills; information-gap activities; simulation and role-play; dramatization; mime-based activity; relaying instructions; written and oral communicative activities. Vocabulary: choice of words and other lexical items; active and passive vocabulary; word formation; denotative, connotative meanings. | |||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Receptive Skills: reading and listening materials; reasons and strategies for reading; reading speed; intensive and extensive reading and listening; reading development; reasons and strategies for listening; listening practice materials and listening development. Productive Skills: speaking and writing; skimming, scanning, taking notes from lectures and from books; reasons and opportunities for speaking; development of speaking skills; information-gap activities; simulation and role-play; dramatization; mime-based activity; relaying instructions; written and oral communicative activities. Vocabulary: choice of words and other lexical items; active and passive vocabulary; word formation; denotative, connotative meanings. | |||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Receptive Skills: reading and listening materials; reasons and strategies for reading; reading speed; intensive and extensive reading and listening; reading development; reasons and strategies for listening; listening practice materials and listening development. Productive Skills: speaking and writing; skimming, scanning, taking notes from lectures and from books; reasons and opportunities for speaking; development of speaking skills; information-gap activities; simulation and role-play; dramatization; mime-based activity; relaying instructions; written and oral communicative activities. Vocabulary: choice of words and other lexical items; active and passive vocabulary; word formation; denotative, connotative meanings. | |||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Receptive Skills: reading and listening materials; reasons and strategies for reading; reading speed; intensive and extensive reading and listening; reading development; reasons and strategies for listening; listening practice materials and listening development. Productive Skills: speaking and writing; skimming, scanning, taking notes from lectures and from books; reasons and opportunities for speaking; development of speaking skills; information-gap activities; simulation and role-play; dramatization; mime-based activity; relaying instructions; written and oral communicative activities. Vocabulary: choice of words and other lexical items; active and passive vocabulary; word formation; denotative, connotative meanings. | |||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Receptive Skills: reading and listening materials; reasons and strategies for reading; reading speed; intensive and extensive reading and listening; reading development; reasons and strategies for listening; listening practice materials and listening development. Productive Skills: speaking and writing; skimming, scanning, taking notes from lectures and from books; reasons and opportunities for speaking; development of speaking skills; information-gap activities; simulation and role-play; dramatization; mime-based activity; relaying instructions; written and oral communicative activities. Vocabulary: choice of words and other lexical items; active and passive vocabulary; word formation; denotative, connotative meanings. | |||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Receptive Skills: reading and listening materials; reasons and strategies for reading; reading speed; intensive and extensive reading and listening; reading development; reasons and strategies for listening; listening practice materials and listening development. Productive Skills: speaking and writing; skimming, scanning, taking notes from lectures and from books; reasons and opportunities for speaking; development of speaking skills; information-gap activities; simulation and role-play; dramatization; mime-based activity; relaying instructions; written and oral communicative activities. Vocabulary: choice of words and other lexical items; active and passive vocabulary; word formation; denotative, connotative meanings. | |||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Testing and Assessment: value of errors; problems of correction and remediation; scales of attainment. Lesson Planning: instructional objectives and the teaching-learning process; writing a lesson plan; the class, the plan, stages and preparation; teacher-student activities; writing concept questions; teacher-student talking time; classroom language; class management and organization. | |||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Testing and Assessment: value of errors; problems of correction and remediation; scales of attainment. Lesson Planning: instructional objectives and the teaching-learning process; writing a lesson plan; the class, the plan, stages and preparation; teacher-student activities; writing concept questions; teacher-student talking time; classroom language; class management and organization. | |||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Testing and Assessment: value of errors; problems of correction and remediation; scales of attainment. Lesson Planning: instructional objectives and the teaching-learning process; writing a lesson plan; the class, the plan, stages and preparation; teacher-student activities; writing concept questions; teacher-student talking time; classroom language; class management and organization. | |||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Testing and Assessment: value of errors; problems of correction and remediation; scales of attainment. Lesson Planning: instructional objectives and the teaching-learning process; writing a lesson plan; the class, the plan, stages and preparation; teacher-student activities; writing concept questions; teacher-student talking time; classroom language; class management and organization. | |||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Testing and Assessment: value of errors; problems of correction and remediation; scales of attainment. Lesson Planning: instructional objectives and the teaching-learning process; writing a lesson plan; the class, the plan, stages and preparation; teacher-student activities; writing concept questions; teacher-student talking time; classroom language; class management and organization. | |||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Testing and Assessment: value of errors; problems of correction and remediation; scales of attainment. Lesson Planning: instructional objectives and the teaching-learning process; writing a lesson plan; the class, the plan, stages and preparation; teacher-student activities; writing concept questions; teacher-student talking time; classroom language; class management and organization. | |||
Text Books And Reference Books: Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Bailey, Richard W. Images of English. A Cultural History of the Language. Cambridge: CUP, 1991. . Print. Bayer, Jennifer. Language and social identity. In: Multilingualism in India. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd: 101-111. 1990. Print. Cheshire, Jenny. Introduction: sociolinguistics and English around the world. In Cheshire: 1-12. 1991.Print. Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge: CUP. 1995. Print. Ellis, R. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. Oxford:OUP. 1991.Print. Gardner, R.C. Social Psychology and Second Language Learning. The Role of Attitude and Motivation. London: Edward Arnold Ltd. 1985.Print. Holmes, Janet. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. London: Longman Group UK Ltd. 1992.Print. Kachru, Braj B. The Indianization of English. The English Language in India. Oxford: OUP. 1983. Print. Loveday, Leo. The Sociolinguistics of Learning and Using a Non-Native Language. Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd. 1982. Print. Richards Jack C.Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press. 2001.Print. Richards Jack C. and Rodgers Theodore S. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.1986. Print. Richards Jack C. and Graves Kathleen. Teachers as course developers. Cambridge University Press.1996. Print. Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language. (2nd ed.) New York: Gramercy Books. 1996. Print. Widdowson, H G. Teaching Language as Communication. Oxford University Press.1978. Print. | |||
Evaluation Pattern Testing Pattern The students will have to take a semester end examination of 50 marks for 2 hours. They will be assessed for the other 50 marks on a submission of a report and a viva-voce based on the work done by them individually in terms of research or field study. CIA 1 will be based on demonstration classes taking into consideration classroom aids, teaching methodology and activities. CIA 3 will be based on blog articles written by students, classroom presentations will also be part of this cia. Mid Semester Exam
Case Study for 50 marks
End Semester Exam Project Work for 100 marks. The project will be practice oriented. Students will earn their marks by preparing or designing a set of course materials for teaching a target adult learner group. The course materials maybe presented in the forms of text books, workbooks, worksheets, audio/cd tapes; visual aids (charts, pictures, cds etc.)
| |||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:04 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
· Course Description: This paper introduces the short story as a non-literary and literary form. The paper also tries to trace the evolution of short story form and critically appreciate important practitioners of short story as a literary form across the world. Objectives: · To understand short story as a non-literary and literary form · To read short stories in an analytical manner · To use critical vocabulary while discussing/writing about short stories |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Recognize the different elements of short story and Write about short stories using the rhetoric of fiction CO2: Course would help students to engage with the genre in a more holistic manner (In reading stories as literary and non-literary form) CO3: Students would acquire basic prerequisites to do analysis of short stories academically CO4: The course will ensure the use critical vocabulary in the process of analysis of stories |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to short story
· Different forms of short story – non-literary and literary; brief history of short story · Elements of short story | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to short story
· Different forms of short story – non-literary and literary; brief history of short story · Elements of short story | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to short story
· Different forms of short story – non-literary and literary; brief history of short story · Elements of short story | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to short story
· Different forms of short story – non-literary and literary; brief history of short story · Elements of short story | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to short story
· Different forms of short story – non-literary and literary; brief history of short story · Elements of short story | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to short story
· Different forms of short story – non-literary and literary; brief history of short story · Elements of short story | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Story telling before the emergence of short story
· Origin myths – Greek, Nigerian, Indian, Inca · Fairy tales – 5 versions of Cinderella – Chinese, German, Kannada, English, Scottish · Folk tales – selection from The Flowering Tree and Other Stories | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Story telling before the emergence of short story
· Origin myths – Greek, Nigerian, Indian, Inca · Fairy tales – 5 versions of Cinderella – Chinese, German, Kannada, English, Scottish · Folk tales – selection from The Flowering Tree and Other Stories | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Story telling before the emergence of short story
· Origin myths – Greek, Nigerian, Indian, Inca · Fairy tales – 5 versions of Cinderella – Chinese, German, Kannada, English, Scottish · Folk tales – selection from The Flowering Tree and Other Stories | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Story telling before the emergence of short story
· Origin myths – Greek, Nigerian, Indian, Inca · Fairy tales – 5 versions of Cinderella – Chinese, German, Kannada, English, Scottish · Folk tales – selection from The Flowering Tree and Other Stories | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Story telling before the emergence of short story
· Origin myths – Greek, Nigerian, Indian, Inca · Fairy tales – 5 versions of Cinderella – Chinese, German, Kannada, English, Scottish · Folk tales – selection from The Flowering Tree and Other Stories | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Story telling before the emergence of short story
· Origin myths – Greek, Nigerian, Indian, Inca · Fairy tales – 5 versions of Cinderella – Chinese, German, Kannada, English, Scottish · Folk tales – selection from The Flowering Tree and Other Stories | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Modern short stories across the world
· O. Henry – The Last Leaf · Amy Tan – A pair of Tickets · Tolstoy – How Much Land does a Man Need? · D. H. Lawrence- The Rocking – Horse Winner · Jamaica Kincaid – Girl · William Faulkner – A Rose for Emily · Gabriel Garcia Marquez – A very old man with enormous wings · Lalithambika Antharjanam – Admission of Guilt · Pratibha Ray – Salvation | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Modern short stories across the world
· O. Henry – The Last Leaf · Amy Tan – A pair of Tickets · Tolstoy – How Much Land does a Man Need? · D. H. Lawrence- The Rocking – Horse Winner · Jamaica Kincaid – Girl · William Faulkner – A Rose for Emily · Gabriel Garcia Marquez – A very old man with enormous wings · Lalithambika Antharjanam – Admission of Guilt · Pratibha Ray – Salvation | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Modern short stories across the world
· O. Henry – The Last Leaf · Amy Tan – A pair of Tickets · Tolstoy – How Much Land does a Man Need? · D. H. Lawrence- The Rocking – Horse Winner · Jamaica Kincaid – Girl · William Faulkner – A Rose for Emily · Gabriel Garcia Marquez – A very old man with enormous wings · Lalithambika Antharjanam – Admission of Guilt · Pratibha Ray – Salvation | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Modern short stories across the world
· O. Henry – The Last Leaf · Amy Tan – A pair of Tickets · Tolstoy – How Much Land does a Man Need? · D. H. Lawrence- The Rocking – Horse Winner · Jamaica Kincaid – Girl · William Faulkner – A Rose for Emily · Gabriel Garcia Marquez – A very old man with enormous wings · Lalithambika Antharjanam – Admission of Guilt · Pratibha Ray – Salvation | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Modern short stories across the world
· O. Henry – The Last Leaf · Amy Tan – A pair of Tickets · Tolstoy – How Much Land does a Man Need? · D. H. Lawrence- The Rocking – Horse Winner · Jamaica Kincaid – Girl · William Faulkner – A Rose for Emily · Gabriel Garcia Marquez – A very old man with enormous wings · Lalithambika Antharjanam – Admission of Guilt · Pratibha Ray – Salvation | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Modern short stories across the world
· O. Henry – The Last Leaf · Amy Tan – A pair of Tickets · Tolstoy – How Much Land does a Man Need? · D. H. Lawrence- The Rocking – Horse Winner · Jamaica Kincaid – Girl · William Faulkner – A Rose for Emily · Gabriel Garcia Marquez – A very old man with enormous wings · Lalithambika Antharjanam – Admission of Guilt · Pratibha Ray – Salvation | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Course pack compiled by the Dept of English for private circulation | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Cassill, R V. The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction, New York: W.W.Norton & Company, 1995 Carle Bain, Jermoe Beaty, J Paul Hunter, The Norton Introduction to Literature, New York: W.W.Norton & Company, 1986 Wayne C Booth, The Rhetoric of Fiction, Penguin, 1991 Ann Charters, The Story and Its Writer: An Introduction to Short Fiction, Sixth Edition, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003. | |
Evaluation Pattern
Testing Pattern:
CIAs could be
· reading a short story with a focus on structural elements
· retelling a story from a different cultural perspective or to a different audience – to children or a children’s story to adult audience
· converting a short story into a graphic novel form
Mid Sem Exam – 50 marks
· Two hour exam, questions based on module I and II
· 5 questions to be answered from 8 questions
· 10x5 = 50
End Sem Exam – 100 marks
· Three hour exam, questions based on all modules
· 5 questions to be answered from 8 questions ; questions will not just test the comprehension of the elements of short story but the ability of the student to analyse, compare different stories – thematically/ structurally
· 20x5 = 100
| |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:04 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This introductory course to Film Studies aims to: · Enable students to appreciate, understand and read films as audio-visual texts. · Help students learn the key concepts of cinema and analyze films in a better light · Equip students to read and write critically about and on films · Initiate them to the diverse forms and types of cinemas |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Closely read films as audio-visual texts to understand the language and grammar of cinema CO2: Appreciate and analyze films using the concepts CO3: Recognize and understand the processes of production and reception of films over the years |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film as an Art
o Nature of Art o Ways of Looking at Art o Film and the Other Arts o Structure of Art o Narrative o Character o Point of View | ||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film as an Art
o Nature of Art o Ways of Looking at Art o Film and the Other Arts o Structure of Art o Narrative o Character o Point of View | ||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film as an Art
o Nature of Art o Ways of Looking at Art o Film and the Other Arts o Structure of Art o Narrative o Character o Point of View | ||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film as an Art
o Nature of Art o Ways of Looking at Art o Film and the Other Arts o Structure of Art o Narrative o Character o Point of View | ||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film as an Art
o Nature of Art o Ways of Looking at Art o Film and the Other Arts o Structure of Art o Narrative o Character o Point of View | ||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film as an Art
o Nature of Art o Ways of Looking at Art o Film and the Other Arts o Structure of Art o Narrative o Character o Point of View | ||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film as an Art
o Nature of Art o Ways of Looking at Art o Film and the Other Arts o Structure of Art o Narrative o Character o Point of View | ||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Aesthetics : Formalism and Realism
o Mise-en-scene o Mise-en-shot | ||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Aesthetics : Formalism and Realism
o Mise-en-scene o Mise-en-shot | ||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Aesthetics : Formalism and Realism
o Mise-en-scene o Mise-en-shot | ||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Aesthetics : Formalism and Realism
o Mise-en-scene o Mise-en-shot | ||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Aesthetics : Formalism and Realism
o Mise-en-scene o Mise-en-shot | ||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Aesthetics : Formalism and Realism
o Mise-en-scene o Mise-en-shot | ||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Aesthetics : Formalism and Realism
o Mise-en-scene o Mise-en-shot | ||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Authorship
o Filmmakers o Auteurs | ||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Authorship
o Filmmakers o Auteurs | ||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Authorship
o Filmmakers o Auteurs | ||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Authorship
o Filmmakers o Auteurs | ||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Authorship
o Filmmakers o Auteurs | ||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Authorship
o Filmmakers o Auteurs | ||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Authorship
o Filmmakers o Auteurs | ||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Genres
o Defining genres o Theory o Problems | ||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Genres
o Defining genres o Theory o Problems | ||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Genres
o Defining genres o Theory o Problems | ||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Genres
o Defining genres o Theory o Problems | ||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Genres
o Defining genres o Theory o Problems | ||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Genres
o Defining genres o Theory o Problems | ||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Genres
o Defining genres o Theory o Problems | ||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Non-fiction films
o Documentary | ||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Non-fiction films
o Documentary | ||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Non-fiction films
o Documentary | ||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Non-fiction films
o Documentary | ||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Non-fiction films
o Documentary | ||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Non-fiction films
o Documentary | ||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Non-fiction films
o Documentary | ||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Reception
o Review o Evaluation and Criticism | ||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Reception
o Review o Evaluation and Criticism | ||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Reception
o Review o Evaluation and Criticism | ||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Reception
o Review o Evaluation and Criticism | ||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Reception
o Review o Evaluation and Criticism | ||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Reception
o Review o Evaluation and Criticism | ||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Film Reception
o Review o Evaluation and Criticism | ||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books:
Films will be screened regularly to explain the concepts to students. The films screened will be the primary texts and not mere contexts to teach the concepts. Therefore due importance will be given to all the films selected for the paper. Texts for detailed reference How to read a Film – James Monaco Understand Film Studies – Warren Buckland | ||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
How to read a Film – James Monaco Film Art: An Introduction - David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson Introduction to Film Studies – Jill Nelmes Cinema Studies: Key Concepts – Susan Hayward Short Guide to Writing about Film – Timothy Corrigan | ||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
| ||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description:This paper is conceptualised to address one of the pressing concerns of our times – Ecology. The paper introduces the various discourses that surround the ecological movements of the past and present and the ground work they have laid to avoid a perilous future. The paper also critically looks at certain cultural phenomenon like Anthropocentricism and emphasises the urgent need for Eco Activism and cultivation of an Ecological Self. Since the paper does not just aim at getting the students familiarised with theory, it also includes field visit as an integral part. Course Objectives:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Analyze the different debates and discourses on ecology in literature, and other avenues of social sciences CO2: Understand the role of us (human beings) in responding to contemporary ecological crises CO3: Develop a critical understanding of the nature, self and the urgent need to nurture an ecological self |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
This unit introduces the learners to important debates in the field of ecology and familiarizes them to the terms and concepts related to the field. Altruism, Ecology, Environment, Biodiversity, Biocentrism, Anthropocentricism, Conservation, Climate Change, Cloning, Food Chain, Carbon Food Print, Ecosystem, Eco-psychology, Ecofeminism, Ecocriticism, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Philosophy, Gaia Theory, Deep Ecology, MOVE, Behavioural Ecology, Genetics, Habitats and Niches, Biomes, Political Ecology, Postmodern Environmentalism, Sustainability, Symbiosis, Environmental Overkill, Eco creation, Eco-Warrior, Social Ecology, Ecotopian Discourse, Ecological Philosophy, Ecological Self, Romanticism, Utilitarianism
William Cronon: The Trouble with Wilderness Ramachandra Guha: Environmentalism: A Global History (The Ecology of Affluence, The Southern Challenge)
| |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
This unit introduces the learners to important debates in the field of ecology and familiarizes them to the terms and concepts related to the field. Altruism, Ecology, Environment, Biodiversity, Biocentrism, Anthropocentricism, Conservation, Climate Change, Cloning, Food Chain, Carbon Food Print, Ecosystem, Eco-psychology, Ecofeminism, Ecocriticism, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Philosophy, Gaia Theory, Deep Ecology, MOVE, Behavioural Ecology, Genetics, Habitats and Niches, Biomes, Political Ecology, Postmodern Environmentalism, Sustainability, Symbiosis, Environmental Overkill, Eco creation, Eco-Warrior, Social Ecology, Ecotopian Discourse, Ecological Philosophy, Ecological Self, Romanticism, Utilitarianism
William Cronon: The Trouble with Wilderness Ramachandra Guha: Environmentalism: A Global History (The Ecology of Affluence, The Southern Challenge)
| |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
This unit introduces the learners to important debates in the field of ecology and familiarizes them to the terms and concepts related to the field. Altruism, Ecology, Environment, Biodiversity, Biocentrism, Anthropocentricism, Conservation, Climate Change, Cloning, Food Chain, Carbon Food Print, Ecosystem, Eco-psychology, Ecofeminism, Ecocriticism, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Philosophy, Gaia Theory, Deep Ecology, MOVE, Behavioural Ecology, Genetics, Habitats and Niches, Biomes, Political Ecology, Postmodern Environmentalism, Sustainability, Symbiosis, Environmental Overkill, Eco creation, Eco-Warrior, Social Ecology, Ecotopian Discourse, Ecological Philosophy, Ecological Self, Romanticism, Utilitarianism
William Cronon: The Trouble with Wilderness Ramachandra Guha: Environmentalism: A Global History (The Ecology of Affluence, The Southern Challenge)
| |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
This unit introduces the learners to important debates in the field of ecology and familiarizes them to the terms and concepts related to the field. Altruism, Ecology, Environment, Biodiversity, Biocentrism, Anthropocentricism, Conservation, Climate Change, Cloning, Food Chain, Carbon Food Print, Ecosystem, Eco-psychology, Ecofeminism, Ecocriticism, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Philosophy, Gaia Theory, Deep Ecology, MOVE, Behavioural Ecology, Genetics, Habitats and Niches, Biomes, Political Ecology, Postmodern Environmentalism, Sustainability, Symbiosis, Environmental Overkill, Eco creation, Eco-Warrior, Social Ecology, Ecotopian Discourse, Ecological Philosophy, Ecological Self, Romanticism, Utilitarianism
William Cronon: The Trouble with Wilderness Ramachandra Guha: Environmentalism: A Global History (The Ecology of Affluence, The Southern Challenge)
| |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
This unit introduces the learners to important debates in the field of ecology and familiarizes them to the terms and concepts related to the field. Altruism, Ecology, Environment, Biodiversity, Biocentrism, Anthropocentricism, Conservation, Climate Change, Cloning, Food Chain, Carbon Food Print, Ecosystem, Eco-psychology, Ecofeminism, Ecocriticism, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Philosophy, Gaia Theory, Deep Ecology, MOVE, Behavioural Ecology, Genetics, Habitats and Niches, Biomes, Political Ecology, Postmodern Environmentalism, Sustainability, Symbiosis, Environmental Overkill, Eco creation, Eco-Warrior, Social Ecology, Ecotopian Discourse, Ecological Philosophy, Ecological Self, Romanticism, Utilitarianism
William Cronon: The Trouble with Wilderness Ramachandra Guha: Environmentalism: A Global History (The Ecology of Affluence, The Southern Challenge)
| |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
This unit introduces the learners to important debates in the field of ecology and familiarizes them to the terms and concepts related to the field. Altruism, Ecology, Environment, Biodiversity, Biocentrism, Anthropocentricism, Conservation, Climate Change, Cloning, Food Chain, Carbon Food Print, Ecosystem, Eco-psychology, Ecofeminism, Ecocriticism, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Philosophy, Gaia Theory, Deep Ecology, MOVE, Behavioural Ecology, Genetics, Habitats and Niches, Biomes, Political Ecology, Postmodern Environmentalism, Sustainability, Symbiosis, Environmental Overkill, Eco creation, Eco-Warrior, Social Ecology, Ecotopian Discourse, Ecological Philosophy, Ecological Self, Romanticism, Utilitarianism
William Cronon: The Trouble with Wilderness Ramachandra Guha: Environmentalism: A Global History (The Ecology of Affluence, The Southern Challenge)
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
A History of Anthropocentric Cultural Practices
This unit introduces the learners to the root of the problem in our conception of culture and development and how it impacts our ecology
Unearthing the Roots of Colonial Forest Laws: Iron Smelting and the State in Pre- and Early-Colonial India by Sashi Sivramkrishna
Flowering Tree by A. K. Ramanujam
The Great Derangement by Amitav Ghosh (Politics)
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
A History of Anthropocentric Cultural Practices
This unit introduces the learners to the root of the problem in our conception of culture and development and how it impacts our ecology
Unearthing the Roots of Colonial Forest Laws: Iron Smelting and the State in Pre- and Early-Colonial India by Sashi Sivramkrishna
Flowering Tree by A. K. Ramanujam
The Great Derangement by Amitav Ghosh (Politics)
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
A History of Anthropocentric Cultural Practices
This unit introduces the learners to the root of the problem in our conception of culture and development and how it impacts our ecology
Unearthing the Roots of Colonial Forest Laws: Iron Smelting and the State in Pre- and Early-Colonial India by Sashi Sivramkrishna
Flowering Tree by A. K. Ramanujam
The Great Derangement by Amitav Ghosh (Politics)
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
A History of Anthropocentric Cultural Practices
This unit introduces the learners to the root of the problem in our conception of culture and development and how it impacts our ecology
Unearthing the Roots of Colonial Forest Laws: Iron Smelting and the State in Pre- and Early-Colonial India by Sashi Sivramkrishna
Flowering Tree by A. K. Ramanujam
The Great Derangement by Amitav Ghosh (Politics)
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
A History of Anthropocentric Cultural Practices
This unit introduces the learners to the root of the problem in our conception of culture and development and how it impacts our ecology
Unearthing the Roots of Colonial Forest Laws: Iron Smelting and the State in Pre- and Early-Colonial India by Sashi Sivramkrishna
Flowering Tree by A. K. Ramanujam
The Great Derangement by Amitav Ghosh (Politics)
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
A History of Anthropocentric Cultural Practices
This unit introduces the learners to the root of the problem in our conception of culture and development and how it impacts our ecology
Unearthing the Roots of Colonial Forest Laws: Iron Smelting and the State in Pre- and Early-Colonial India by Sashi Sivramkrishna
Flowering Tree by A. K. Ramanujam
The Great Derangement by Amitav Ghosh (Politics)
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Eco Activism
This unit presents learners a selection of texts that bring the cases and contexts of eco-activism from different parts of the globe “Integrated Study Needed for Ghats,” an interview with Professor Madhav Gadgil, by Lyla Bavdam
“Protecting Urban Diversity” by Harini Nagendra
“The Fate of the Earth” by Elizabeth Kolbert
Mother Forest: The Unfinished Story of CK Janu by CK Janu
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Eco Activism
This unit presents learners a selection of texts that bring the cases and contexts of eco-activism from different parts of the globe “Integrated Study Needed for Ghats,” an interview with Professor Madhav Gadgil, by Lyla Bavdam
“Protecting Urban Diversity” by Harini Nagendra
“The Fate of the Earth” by Elizabeth Kolbert
Mother Forest: The Unfinished Story of CK Janu by CK Janu
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Eco Activism
This unit presents learners a selection of texts that bring the cases and contexts of eco-activism from different parts of the globe “Integrated Study Needed for Ghats,” an interview with Professor Madhav Gadgil, by Lyla Bavdam
“Protecting Urban Diversity” by Harini Nagendra
“The Fate of the Earth” by Elizabeth Kolbert
Mother Forest: The Unfinished Story of CK Janu by CK Janu
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Eco Activism
This unit presents learners a selection of texts that bring the cases and contexts of eco-activism from different parts of the globe “Integrated Study Needed for Ghats,” an interview with Professor Madhav Gadgil, by Lyla Bavdam
“Protecting Urban Diversity” by Harini Nagendra
“The Fate of the Earth” by Elizabeth Kolbert
Mother Forest: The Unfinished Story of CK Janu by CK Janu
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Eco Activism
This unit presents learners a selection of texts that bring the cases and contexts of eco-activism from different parts of the globe “Integrated Study Needed for Ghats,” an interview with Professor Madhav Gadgil, by Lyla Bavdam
“Protecting Urban Diversity” by Harini Nagendra
“The Fate of the Earth” by Elizabeth Kolbert
Mother Forest: The Unfinished Story of CK Janu by CK Janu
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Eco Activism
This unit presents learners a selection of texts that bring the cases and contexts of eco-activism from different parts of the globe “Integrated Study Needed for Ghats,” an interview with Professor Madhav Gadgil, by Lyla Bavdam
“Protecting Urban Diversity” by Harini Nagendra
“The Fate of the Earth” by Elizabeth Kolbert
Mother Forest: The Unfinished Story of CK Janu by CK Janu
| |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Ecological Self
This unit presents learners with texts that argue for the need to have an ecological self as an important option to ensure a sustainable future
Where I Lived, and What I Lived for, Excerpts from Walden by Thoreau
Greenspace: Tree Man” by M J Prabhu
The Ecological Self: A Psychological Perspective on Anthropogenic Environmental Change by Einar Strumse *Movie: Irada by Aparnaa Singh | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Ecological Self
This unit presents learners with texts that argue for the need to have an ecological self as an important option to ensure a sustainable future
Where I Lived, and What I Lived for, Excerpts from Walden by Thoreau
Greenspace: Tree Man” by M J Prabhu
The Ecological Self: A Psychological Perspective on Anthropogenic Environmental Change by Einar Strumse *Movie: Irada by Aparnaa Singh | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Ecological Self
This unit presents learners with texts that argue for the need to have an ecological self as an important option to ensure a sustainable future
Where I Lived, and What I Lived for, Excerpts from Walden by Thoreau
Greenspace: Tree Man” by M J Prabhu
The Ecological Self: A Psychological Perspective on Anthropogenic Environmental Change by Einar Strumse *Movie: Irada by Aparnaa Singh | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Ecological Self
This unit presents learners with texts that argue for the need to have an ecological self as an important option to ensure a sustainable future
Where I Lived, and What I Lived for, Excerpts from Walden by Thoreau
Greenspace: Tree Man” by M J Prabhu
The Ecological Self: A Psychological Perspective on Anthropogenic Environmental Change by Einar Strumse *Movie: Irada by Aparnaa Singh | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Ecological Self
This unit presents learners with texts that argue for the need to have an ecological self as an important option to ensure a sustainable future
Where I Lived, and What I Lived for, Excerpts from Walden by Thoreau
Greenspace: Tree Man” by M J Prabhu
The Ecological Self: A Psychological Perspective on Anthropogenic Environmental Change by Einar Strumse *Movie: Irada by Aparnaa Singh | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Ecological Self
This unit presents learners with texts that argue for the need to have an ecological self as an important option to ensure a sustainable future
Where I Lived, and What I Lived for, Excerpts from Walden by Thoreau
Greenspace: Tree Man” by M J Prabhu
The Ecological Self: A Psychological Perspective on Anthropogenic Environmental Change by Einar Strumse *Movie: Irada by Aparnaa Singh | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:0 |
Field Visits and Library Work
(Field Visits are to enable the learner to gain an experiential sense of the environment and collect data required to work on their project report. This would also give them more exposure to city ecology) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:0 |
Field Visits and Library Work
(Field Visits are to enable the learner to gain an experiential sense of the environment and collect data required to work on their project report. This would also give them more exposure to city ecology) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:0 |
Field Visits and Library Work
(Field Visits are to enable the learner to gain an experiential sense of the environment and collect data required to work on their project report. This would also give them more exposure to city ecology) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:0 |
Field Visits and Library Work
(Field Visits are to enable the learner to gain an experiential sense of the environment and collect data required to work on their project report. This would also give them more exposure to city ecology) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:0 |
Field Visits and Library Work
(Field Visits are to enable the learner to gain an experiential sense of the environment and collect data required to work on their project report. This would also give them more exposure to city ecology) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:0 |
Field Visits and Library Work
(Field Visits are to enable the learner to gain an experiential sense of the environment and collect data required to work on their project report. This would also give them more exposure to city ecology) | |
Text Books And Reference Books: William Cronon: The Trouble with Wilderness Ramachandra Guha: Environmentalism: A Global History Unearthing the Roots of Colonial Forest Laws: Iron Smelting and the State in Pre- and Early-Colonial India by Sashi Sivramkrishna Flowering Tree by A. K. Ramanujam The Great Derangement by Amitav Ghosh “Integrated Study Needed for Ghats,” an interview with Professor Madhav Gadgil, by Lyla Bavdam “Protecting Urban Diversity” by Harini Nagendra “The Fate of the Earth” by Elizabeth Kolbert Mother Forest: The Unfinished Story of CK Janu by CK Janu Where I Lived, and What I Lived for, Excerpts from Walden by Thoreau Greenspace: Tree Man” by M J Prabhu The Ecological Self: A Psychological Perspective on Anthropogenic Environmental Change by Einar Strumse | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Rachel Carson: The Silent Spring Willaim Ashworth: The Encyclopedia of Environemntal Studies Amitav Ghosh: The Great Derangement
| |
Evaluation Pattern CIA I: 20 marks (Presentation) CIA II: 50 marks (Mid Semester Written Examination) CIA III: 20 marks (Report)
ESE: 100 marks (Written Examination) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
General Description: This paper will re-visit the two popular Indian epics – the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. The Mahabharata and the Ramayana are not mere literary texts in India; no Indian reader reads them for the first time. As Prof Anantamurthy points out they function as languages and prompt new narratives in literary traditions. The paper intends to read the critical discussions and creative re-presentations of the epics – The Mahabharata and the Ramayana. The essays will probe the posited meanings in the tellings of the epics. The other two modules will look at the creative interpretations, re-presentations of certain episodes, marginal characters from the epics. As we read, discuss the re-visited tellings of the epics, we would need a specific telling to refer to. C Rajagopalachari’s telling of the Mahabharata, The Epic and The Ramayana can be considered as a reference point. Pertinent episodes can be read or discussed in class or if time permits the entire narrative can be read/discussed in class.
Learning Outcome |
CO1: To study the two Indian epics and literary works based on them CO2: To understand the process of re-visioning a text CO3: To understand the contexts that prompts the re-visioning of an epic |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
U. R. Ananthamurthy. “Towards the Concept of a New Nationhood: Languages and Literatures in India” ((Talk delivered at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India on 3 September, 2006) Sheldon Pollock. “Ramayana and Political Imagination in India”, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 52, No. 2 (May, 1993), pp. 261-297
V. S. Sukthankar. “The Mahabharata and its Critics”, On the Meaning of the Mahabharata.
Bimal Krishna Matilal. “Moral Dilemmas: Insights from Indian Epics”, Ethics and Epics: The Collected Essays of Bimal Krishna Matilal. New Delhi: OUP, 2002. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
U. R. Ananthamurthy. “Towards the Concept of a New Nationhood: Languages and Literatures in India” ((Talk delivered at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India on 3 September, 2006) Sheldon Pollock. “Ramayana and Political Imagination in India”, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 52, No. 2 (May, 1993), pp. 261-297
V. S. Sukthankar. “The Mahabharata and its Critics”, On the Meaning of the Mahabharata.
Bimal Krishna Matilal. “Moral Dilemmas: Insights from Indian Epics”, Ethics and Epics: The Collected Essays of Bimal Krishna Matilal. New Delhi: OUP, 2002. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
U. R. Ananthamurthy. “Towards the Concept of a New Nationhood: Languages and Literatures in India” ((Talk delivered at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India on 3 September, 2006) Sheldon Pollock. “Ramayana and Political Imagination in India”, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 52, No. 2 (May, 1993), pp. 261-297
V. S. Sukthankar. “The Mahabharata and its Critics”, On the Meaning of the Mahabharata.
Bimal Krishna Matilal. “Moral Dilemmas: Insights from Indian Epics”, Ethics and Epics: The Collected Essays of Bimal Krishna Matilal. New Delhi: OUP, 2002. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
U. R. Ananthamurthy. “Towards the Concept of a New Nationhood: Languages and Literatures in India” ((Talk delivered at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India on 3 September, 2006) Sheldon Pollock. “Ramayana and Political Imagination in India”, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 52, No. 2 (May, 1993), pp. 261-297
V. S. Sukthankar. “The Mahabharata and its Critics”, On the Meaning of the Mahabharata.
Bimal Krishna Matilal. “Moral Dilemmas: Insights from Indian Epics”, Ethics and Epics: The Collected Essays of Bimal Krishna Matilal. New Delhi: OUP, 2002. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
U. R. Ananthamurthy. “Towards the Concept of a New Nationhood: Languages and Literatures in India” ((Talk delivered at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India on 3 September, 2006) Sheldon Pollock. “Ramayana and Political Imagination in India”, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 52, No. 2 (May, 1993), pp. 261-297
V. S. Sukthankar. “The Mahabharata and its Critics”, On the Meaning of the Mahabharata.
Bimal Krishna Matilal. “Moral Dilemmas: Insights from Indian Epics”, Ethics and Epics: The Collected Essays of Bimal Krishna Matilal. New Delhi: OUP, 2002. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
U. R. Ananthamurthy. “Towards the Concept of a New Nationhood: Languages and Literatures in India” ((Talk delivered at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India on 3 September, 2006) Sheldon Pollock. “Ramayana and Political Imagination in India”, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 52, No. 2 (May, 1993), pp. 261-297
V. S. Sukthankar. “The Mahabharata and its Critics”, On the Meaning of the Mahabharata.
Bimal Krishna Matilal. “Moral Dilemmas: Insights from Indian Epics”, Ethics and Epics: The Collected Essays of Bimal Krishna Matilal. New Delhi: OUP, 2002. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Sara Joseph’s Stories –Tr. VasantiSankranarayanan, Retelling the Ramayana: Voices from Kerala, New Delhi: Oxford Unviersity Press, 2005
S. Sivasekaram, “The nature of Stone: Ahalya” Tr. Lakshmi Holmstorm Ramayana Stories in Modern South India, compiled and edited by Paula Richman, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008
Buddhadeva Bose, “The Example of Ram”, Tr. Sujit Mukherjee. The Book of Yudhisthir: A Study of the Mahabharata of Vyas. Hyderabad: Sangam Books, 1986. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Sara Joseph’s Stories –Tr. VasantiSankranarayanan, Retelling the Ramayana: Voices from Kerala, New Delhi: Oxford Unviersity Press, 2005
S. Sivasekaram, “The nature of Stone: Ahalya” Tr. Lakshmi Holmstorm Ramayana Stories in Modern South India, compiled and edited by Paula Richman, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008
Buddhadeva Bose, “The Example of Ram”, Tr. Sujit Mukherjee. The Book of Yudhisthir: A Study of the Mahabharata of Vyas. Hyderabad: Sangam Books, 1986. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Sara Joseph’s Stories –Tr. VasantiSankranarayanan, Retelling the Ramayana: Voices from Kerala, New Delhi: Oxford Unviersity Press, 2005
S. Sivasekaram, “The nature of Stone: Ahalya” Tr. Lakshmi Holmstorm Ramayana Stories in Modern South India, compiled and edited by Paula Richman, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008
Buddhadeva Bose, “The Example of Ram”, Tr. Sujit Mukherjee. The Book of Yudhisthir: A Study of the Mahabharata of Vyas. Hyderabad: Sangam Books, 1986. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Sara Joseph’s Stories –Tr. VasantiSankranarayanan, Retelling the Ramayana: Voices from Kerala, New Delhi: Oxford Unviersity Press, 2005
S. Sivasekaram, “The nature of Stone: Ahalya” Tr. Lakshmi Holmstorm Ramayana Stories in Modern South India, compiled and edited by Paula Richman, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008
Buddhadeva Bose, “The Example of Ram”, Tr. Sujit Mukherjee. The Book of Yudhisthir: A Study of the Mahabharata of Vyas. Hyderabad: Sangam Books, 1986. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Sara Joseph’s Stories –Tr. VasantiSankranarayanan, Retelling the Ramayana: Voices from Kerala, New Delhi: Oxford Unviersity Press, 2005
S. Sivasekaram, “The nature of Stone: Ahalya” Tr. Lakshmi Holmstorm Ramayana Stories in Modern South India, compiled and edited by Paula Richman, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008
Buddhadeva Bose, “The Example of Ram”, Tr. Sujit Mukherjee. The Book of Yudhisthir: A Study of the Mahabharata of Vyas. Hyderabad: Sangam Books, 1986. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Sara Joseph’s Stories –Tr. VasantiSankranarayanan, Retelling the Ramayana: Voices from Kerala, New Delhi: Oxford Unviersity Press, 2005
S. Sivasekaram, “The nature of Stone: Ahalya” Tr. Lakshmi Holmstorm Ramayana Stories in Modern South India, compiled and edited by Paula Richman, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008
Buddhadeva Bose, “The Example of Ram”, Tr. Sujit Mukherjee. The Book of Yudhisthir: A Study of the Mahabharata of Vyas. Hyderabad: Sangam Books, 1986. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Bhima: Lone Warrier – M.T.Vasudevan Nair Parva– S L Byrappa | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Bhima: Lone Warrier – M.T.Vasudevan Nair Parva– S L Byrappa | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Bhima: Lone Warrier – M.T.Vasudevan Nair Parva– S L Byrappa | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Bhima: Lone Warrier – M.T.Vasudevan Nair Parva– S L Byrappa | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Bhima: Lone Warrier – M.T.Vasudevan Nair Parva– S L Byrappa | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Bhima: Lone Warrier – M.T.Vasudevan Nair Parva– S L Byrappa | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Library Guided Reading
15 hours of guided library reading. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Library Guided Reading
15 hours of guided library reading. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Library Guided Reading
15 hours of guided library reading. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Library Guided Reading
15 hours of guided library reading. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Library Guided Reading
15 hours of guided library reading. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Library Guided Reading
15 hours of guided library reading. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Paula Richman.(ed) Many Ramayanas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South Asia. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1991 Nick Allen. “Just war in the Mahabharata” in The Ethics of War: Shared Problems in Different Traditions (eds) Richard Sorabji and David Rodin, Ahsgate. 2006/7 Bimal Krishna Matilal. “Krishna: In Defence of a Devious Divinity” & “The Throne: Was Duryodhana Wrong?” in Ethics and Epics edited by JonardanGaneri. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002 Velcheru Narayana Rao. “A Ramayana of their own: Women’s Oral Tradition in Telugu” in Paula Richman edsMany Ramayanas. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991 Alf Hiltebietel. “The Epic of Pabuji” & “Draupadi Becomes Bela, Bela Becomes Sati” in Rethinking India’s Oral and Classical Epics: Draupadi among Rajputs, Muslims, and Dalits. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999 Marie Gillsepie. “The Mahabharata: From Sanskrit to Sacred Soap. A case study of the Reception of Two Contemporary Televisual Versions” in “Reading audiences Young People and the Media” Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1993 Laurie J. Sears. “Mysticism and Islam in Javanese Ramayana Tales”. Mandakranta Bose. The Ramayana Revisited. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Julie B. Mehta. “The Ramayana in the Arts of Thailand and Cambodia”. Mandakranta Bose. The Ramayana Revisited. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. KapilaVatsyayan. “The Ramayana Theme in the Visual Arts of South and Southeast Asia” in Mandakranta Bose. The Ramayana Revisited. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Malashri Lal and NamitaGokhale. In Search of Sita: Revisiting Mythology. New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2009.
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Paula Richman.(ed) Many Ramayanas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South Asia. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1991 Nick Allen. “Just war in the Mahabharata” in The Ethics of War: Shared Problems in Different Traditions (eds) Richard Sorabji and David Rodin, Ahsgate. 2006/7 Bimal Krishna Matilal. “Krishna: In Defence of a Devious Divinity” & “The Throne: Was Duryodhana Wrong?” in Ethics and Epics edited by JonardanGaneri. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002 Velcheru Narayana Rao. “A Ramayana of their own: Women’s Oral Tradition in Telugu” in Paula Richman edsMany Ramayanas. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991 Alf Hiltebietel. “The Epic of Pabuji” & “Draupadi Becomes Bela, Bela Becomes Sati” in Rethinking India’s Oral and Classical Epics: Draupadi among Rajputs, Muslims, and Dalits. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999 Marie Gillsepie. “The Mahabharata: From Sanskrit to Sacred Soap. A case study of the Reception of Two Contemporary Televisual Versions” in “Reading audiences Young People and the Media” Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1993 Laurie J. Sears. “Mysticism and Islam in Javanese Ramayana Tales”. Mandakranta Bose. The Ramayana Revisited. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Julie B. Mehta. “The Ramayana in the Arts of Thailand and Cambodia”. Mandakranta Bose. The Ramayana Revisited. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. KapilaVatsyayan. “The Ramayana Theme in the Visual Arts of South and Southeast Asia” in Mandakranta Bose. The Ramayana Revisited. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Malashri Lal and NamitaGokhale. In Search of Sita: Revisiting Mythology. New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2009.
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Evaluation Pattern CIA I: A written assignment for 20 Marks Mid Semester: Written test for 50 Marks CIA III: Field Work and Library work based assessment End Semester: Written test for 100 Marks | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course has been conceptualized to provide the learners with an overview of I/O Psychology by describing the various individual, group, and organizational processes/behaviour at work. This paper also intends to enhance the understanding of the learner about the world of work and related concerns. The areas covered in the course include recruitment, employee selection, training and development, performance appraisal, motivation, leadership, organizational communication, group behaviour, and culture. The paper will provide a scientific basis of human behaviour at work which will build a sound background towards the application of the learning acquired. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Identify the relevance of I/O Psychology at the workplace CO2: Apply the understanding of theories and research findings in individual and group behaviour at work CO3: Differentiate the processes involved in human resource planning and development CO4: Evaluate the role of culture and effectiveness of communication in various organizational processes |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Definition, goals, key forces, and fundamental concepts, History of industrial psychology, Major Fields of I/O Psychology | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Definition, goals, key forces, and fundamental concepts, History of industrial psychology, Major Fields of I/O Psychology | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Definition, goals, key forces, and fundamental concepts, History of industrial psychology, Major Fields of I/O Psychology | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Definition, goals, key forces, and fundamental concepts, History of industrial psychology, Major Fields of I/O Psychology | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Definition, goals, key forces, and fundamental concepts, History of industrial psychology, Major Fields of I/O Psychology | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Individual at workplace
Personality- Definition, personality traits relevant at the workplace, Motivation- Definition, Types, Application of theories of motivation at the workplace (early and contemporary theories) Job satisfaction- Definition, Factors affecting Job Satisfaction, Consequences | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Individual at workplace
Personality- Definition, personality traits relevant at the workplace, Motivation- Definition, Types, Application of theories of motivation at the workplace (early and contemporary theories) Job satisfaction- Definition, Factors affecting Job Satisfaction, Consequences | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Individual at workplace
Personality- Definition, personality traits relevant at the workplace, Motivation- Definition, Types, Application of theories of motivation at the workplace (early and contemporary theories) Job satisfaction- Definition, Factors affecting Job Satisfaction, Consequences | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Individual at workplace
Personality- Definition, personality traits relevant at the workplace, Motivation- Definition, Types, Application of theories of motivation at the workplace (early and contemporary theories) Job satisfaction- Definition, Factors affecting Job Satisfaction, Consequences | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Individual at workplace
Personality- Definition, personality traits relevant at the workplace, Motivation- Definition, Types, Application of theories of motivation at the workplace (early and contemporary theories) Job satisfaction- Definition, Factors affecting Job Satisfaction, Consequences | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Planning and Development of human resources
Job Analysis- Definition, Purpose, Types, Process, Methods, Recent Developments Recruitment and Selection- Nature and objectives, Sources- Internal and External, Process, Definition and steps in the selection process Performance Management- Definition, Scope, Process, Tools Training and Development- Meaning and nature, Objectives, Methods- on the job and off the job, Training and Analysis | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Planning and Development of human resources
Job Analysis- Definition, Purpose, Types, Process, Methods, Recent Developments Recruitment and Selection- Nature and objectives, Sources- Internal and External, Process, Definition and steps in the selection process Performance Management- Definition, Scope, Process, Tools Training and Development- Meaning and nature, Objectives, Methods- on the job and off the job, Training and Analysis | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Planning and Development of human resources
Job Analysis- Definition, Purpose, Types, Process, Methods, Recent Developments Recruitment and Selection- Nature and objectives, Sources- Internal and External, Process, Definition and steps in the selection process Performance Management- Definition, Scope, Process, Tools Training and Development- Meaning and nature, Objectives, Methods- on the job and off the job, Training and Analysis | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Planning and Development of human resources
Job Analysis- Definition, Purpose, Types, Process, Methods, Recent Developments Recruitment and Selection- Nature and objectives, Sources- Internal and External, Process, Definition and steps in the selection process Performance Management- Definition, Scope, Process, Tools Training and Development- Meaning and nature, Objectives, Methods- on the job and off the job, Training and Analysis | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Planning and Development of human resources
Job Analysis- Definition, Purpose, Types, Process, Methods, Recent Developments Recruitment and Selection- Nature and objectives, Sources- Internal and External, Process, Definition and steps in the selection process Performance Management- Definition, Scope, Process, Tools Training and Development- Meaning and nature, Objectives, Methods- on the job and off the job, Training and Analysis | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
The Group
Group- definition, types, stages of group development, characteristics of groups Group decision making, techniques of decision making Teams- definition, types, the difference between groups and teams Leadership - Definition, Leadership Styles, Approaches to Leadership | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
The Group
Group- definition, types, stages of group development, characteristics of groups Group decision making, techniques of decision making Teams- definition, types, the difference between groups and teams Leadership - Definition, Leadership Styles, Approaches to Leadership | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
The Group
Group- definition, types, stages of group development, characteristics of groups Group decision making, techniques of decision making Teams- definition, types, the difference between groups and teams Leadership - Definition, Leadership Styles, Approaches to Leadership | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
The Group
Group- definition, types, stages of group development, characteristics of groups Group decision making, techniques of decision making Teams- definition, types, the difference between groups and teams Leadership - Definition, Leadership Styles, Approaches to Leadership | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
The Group
Group- definition, types, stages of group development, characteristics of groups Group decision making, techniques of decision making Teams- definition, types, the difference between groups and teams Leadership - Definition, Leadership Styles, Approaches to Leadership | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Communication and Organizational culture
Communication- definition, functions, process, types, barriers to effective communication Organizational Culture- definition, characteristics, strong v/s weak culture, positive organizational culture | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Communication and Organizational culture
Communication- definition, functions, process, types, barriers to effective communication Organizational Culture- definition, characteristics, strong v/s weak culture, positive organizational culture | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Communication and Organizational culture
Communication- definition, functions, process, types, barriers to effective communication Organizational Culture- definition, characteristics, strong v/s weak culture, positive organizational culture | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Communication and Organizational culture
Communication- definition, functions, process, types, barriers to effective communication Organizational Culture- definition, characteristics, strong v/s weak culture, positive organizational culture | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Communication and Organizational culture
Communication- definition, functions, process, types, barriers to effective communication Organizational Culture- definition, characteristics, strong v/s weak culture, positive organizational culture | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, E. S. (2008). Psychology and Work today. New York: Mac Milan publishing company. Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T.A.(2013). Organizational behaviour. Pearson Education. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Singh, N. (2011). Industrial Psychology. Delhi, India: TataMc Graw hill Education private limited. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50 CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks Attendance - 5 Marks CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS ESE Question paper pattern Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks
Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks | |
PSY641A - POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course introduces undergraduate students a strength-based approach in understanding human behaviour. Each unit is designed with personal mini-experiments which have personal implications. The course brings in an understanding about the basic principles of Positive Psychology. The significance of this course lies in orienting the students in applying these principles for self-regulation and personal goal setting. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Explain basic assumptions, principles and concepts of positive psychology CO2: Critically evaluate positive psychology theory and research CO3: Apply positive psychology principles in a range of environments to increase individual and collective wellbeing |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive psychology: Definition; goals and assumptions; Relationship with health psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology Activities: Personal mini-experiments; Collection of life stories from magazines, websites, films etc and discussion in the class | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive psychology: Definition; goals and assumptions; Relationship with health psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology Activities: Personal mini-experiments; Collection of life stories from magazines, websites, films etc and discussion in the class | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive psychology: Definition; goals and assumptions; Relationship with health psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology Activities: Personal mini-experiments; Collection of life stories from magazines, websites, films etc and discussion in the class | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive psychology: Definition; goals and assumptions; Relationship with health psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology Activities: Personal mini-experiments; Collection of life stories from magazines, websites, films etc and discussion in the class | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive psychology: Definition; goals and assumptions; Relationship with health psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology Activities: Personal mini-experiments; Collection of life stories from magazines, websites, films etc and discussion in the class | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive psychology: Definition; goals and assumptions; Relationship with health psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology Activities: Personal mini-experiments; Collection of life stories from magazines, websites, films etc and discussion in the class | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive psychology: Definition; goals and assumptions; Relationship with health psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology Activities: Personal mini-experiments; Collection of life stories from magazines, websites, films etc and discussion in the class | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive psychology: Definition; goals and assumptions; Relationship with health psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology Activities: Personal mini-experiments; Collection of life stories from magazines, websites, films etc and discussion in the class | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive emotions, Well-being and Happiness
Positive emotions: Broaden and build theory; Cultivating positive emotions; Happiness- hedonic and Eudaimonic; Well- being: negative v/s positive functions; Subjective well –being: Emotional, social and psychological well-being; Model of complete mental life Test: The positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS-X); The satisfaction with life scale (Diener et al, 1985); Practice ‘Be happy’ attitude | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive emotions, Well-being and Happiness
Positive emotions: Broaden and build theory; Cultivating positive emotions; Happiness- hedonic and Eudaimonic; Well- being: negative v/s positive functions; Subjective well –being: Emotional, social and psychological well-being; Model of complete mental life Test: The positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS-X); The satisfaction with life scale (Diener et al, 1985); Practice ‘Be happy’ attitude | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive emotions, Well-being and Happiness
Positive emotions: Broaden and build theory; Cultivating positive emotions; Happiness- hedonic and Eudaimonic; Well- being: negative v/s positive functions; Subjective well –being: Emotional, social and psychological well-being; Model of complete mental life Test: The positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS-X); The satisfaction with life scale (Diener et al, 1985); Practice ‘Be happy’ attitude | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive emotions, Well-being and Happiness
Positive emotions: Broaden and build theory; Cultivating positive emotions; Happiness- hedonic and Eudaimonic; Well- being: negative v/s positive functions; Subjective well –being: Emotional, social and psychological well-being; Model of complete mental life Test: The positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS-X); The satisfaction with life scale (Diener et al, 1985); Practice ‘Be happy’ attitude | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive emotions, Well-being and Happiness
Positive emotions: Broaden and build theory; Cultivating positive emotions; Happiness- hedonic and Eudaimonic; Well- being: negative v/s positive functions; Subjective well –being: Emotional, social and psychological well-being; Model of complete mental life Test: The positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS-X); The satisfaction with life scale (Diener et al, 1985); Practice ‘Be happy’ attitude | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive emotions, Well-being and Happiness
Positive emotions: Broaden and build theory; Cultivating positive emotions; Happiness- hedonic and Eudaimonic; Well- being: negative v/s positive functions; Subjective well –being: Emotional, social and psychological well-being; Model of complete mental life Test: The positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS-X); The satisfaction with life scale (Diener et al, 1985); Practice ‘Be happy’ attitude | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive emotions, Well-being and Happiness
Positive emotions: Broaden and build theory; Cultivating positive emotions; Happiness- hedonic and Eudaimonic; Well- being: negative v/s positive functions; Subjective well –being: Emotional, social and psychological well-being; Model of complete mental life Test: The positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS-X); The satisfaction with life scale (Diener et al, 1985); Practice ‘Be happy’ attitude | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive emotions, Well-being and Happiness
Positive emotions: Broaden and build theory; Cultivating positive emotions; Happiness- hedonic and Eudaimonic; Well- being: negative v/s positive functions; Subjective well –being: Emotional, social and psychological well-being; Model of complete mental life Test: The positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS-X); The satisfaction with life scale (Diener et al, 1985); Practice ‘Be happy’ attitude | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Self control, Regulation and Personal goal setting
The value of self-control; Personal goals and self-regulation; Personal goal and well-being; goals that create self-regulation; everyday explanations for self-control failure problems Activity: SWOT analysis | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Self control, Regulation and Personal goal setting
The value of self-control; Personal goals and self-regulation; Personal goal and well-being; goals that create self-regulation; everyday explanations for self-control failure problems Activity: SWOT analysis | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Self control, Regulation and Personal goal setting
The value of self-control; Personal goals and self-regulation; Personal goal and well-being; goals that create self-regulation; everyday explanations for self-control failure problems Activity: SWOT analysis | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Self control, Regulation and Personal goal setting
The value of self-control; Personal goals and self-regulation; Personal goal and well-being; goals that create self-regulation; everyday explanations for self-control failure problems Activity: SWOT analysis | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Self control, Regulation and Personal goal setting
The value of self-control; Personal goals and self-regulation; Personal goal and well-being; goals that create self-regulation; everyday explanations for self-control failure problems Activity: SWOT analysis | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Self control, Regulation and Personal goal setting
The value of self-control; Personal goals and self-regulation; Personal goal and well-being; goals that create self-regulation; everyday explanations for self-control failure problems Activity: SWOT analysis | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Self control, Regulation and Personal goal setting
The value of self-control; Personal goals and self-regulation; Personal goal and well-being; goals that create self-regulation; everyday explanations for self-control failure problems Activity: SWOT analysis | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Self control, Regulation and Personal goal setting
The value of self-control; Personal goals and self-regulation; Personal goal and well-being; goals that create self-regulation; everyday explanations for self-control failure problems Activity: SWOT analysis | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive Cognitive States and Processes
Resilience: Developmental and clinical perspectives; Sources of resilience in children; Sources of resilience in adulthood and later life; Optimism- How optimism works; variation of optimism and pessimism; Spirituality: the search for meaning(Frankl); Spirituality and well-being; Forgiveness and gratitude Test: Mental well-being assessment scale; Test: Signature strength | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive Cognitive States and Processes
Resilience: Developmental and clinical perspectives; Sources of resilience in children; Sources of resilience in adulthood and later life; Optimism- How optimism works; variation of optimism and pessimism; Spirituality: the search for meaning(Frankl); Spirituality and well-being; Forgiveness and gratitude Test: Mental well-being assessment scale; Test: Signature strength | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive Cognitive States and Processes
Resilience: Developmental and clinical perspectives; Sources of resilience in children; Sources of resilience in adulthood and later life; Optimism- How optimism works; variation of optimism and pessimism; Spirituality: the search for meaning(Frankl); Spirituality and well-being; Forgiveness and gratitude Test: Mental well-being assessment scale; Test: Signature strength | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive Cognitive States and Processes
Resilience: Developmental and clinical perspectives; Sources of resilience in children; Sources of resilience in adulthood and later life; Optimism- How optimism works; variation of optimism and pessimism; Spirituality: the search for meaning(Frankl); Spirituality and well-being; Forgiveness and gratitude Test: Mental well-being assessment scale; Test: Signature strength | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive Cognitive States and Processes
Resilience: Developmental and clinical perspectives; Sources of resilience in children; Sources of resilience in adulthood and later life; Optimism- How optimism works; variation of optimism and pessimism; Spirituality: the search for meaning(Frankl); Spirituality and well-being; Forgiveness and gratitude Test: Mental well-being assessment scale; Test: Signature strength | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive Cognitive States and Processes
Resilience: Developmental and clinical perspectives; Sources of resilience in children; Sources of resilience in adulthood and later life; Optimism- How optimism works; variation of optimism and pessimism; Spirituality: the search for meaning(Frankl); Spirituality and well-being; Forgiveness and gratitude Test: Mental well-being assessment scale; Test: Signature strength | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive Cognitive States and Processes
Resilience: Developmental and clinical perspectives; Sources of resilience in children; Sources of resilience in adulthood and later life; Optimism- How optimism works; variation of optimism and pessimism; Spirituality: the search for meaning(Frankl); Spirituality and well-being; Forgiveness and gratitude Test: Mental well-being assessment scale; Test: Signature strength | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Positive Cognitive States and Processes
Resilience: Developmental and clinical perspectives; Sources of resilience in children; Sources of resilience in adulthood and later life; Optimism- How optimism works; variation of optimism and pessimism; Spirituality: the search for meaning(Frankl); Spirituality and well-being; Forgiveness and gratitude Test: Mental well-being assessment scale; Test: Signature strength | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Applications of Positive Psychology
Positive schooling: Components; Positive coping strategies; Gainful employment Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization; Lack of a developmental perspective. Activity: An action plan for coping Test: Brief COPE assessment scale | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Applications of Positive Psychology
Positive schooling: Components; Positive coping strategies; Gainful employment Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization; Lack of a developmental perspective. Activity: An action plan for coping Test: Brief COPE assessment scale | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Applications of Positive Psychology
Positive schooling: Components; Positive coping strategies; Gainful employment Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization; Lack of a developmental perspective. Activity: An action plan for coping Test: Brief COPE assessment scale | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Applications of Positive Psychology
Positive schooling: Components; Positive coping strategies; Gainful employment Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization; Lack of a developmental perspective. Activity: An action plan for coping Test: Brief COPE assessment scale | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Applications of Positive Psychology
Positive schooling: Components; Positive coping strategies; Gainful employment Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization; Lack of a developmental perspective. Activity: An action plan for coping Test: Brief COPE assessment scale | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Applications of Positive Psychology
Positive schooling: Components; Positive coping strategies; Gainful employment Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization; Lack of a developmental perspective. Activity: An action plan for coping Test: Brief COPE assessment scale | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Applications of Positive Psychology
Positive schooling: Components; Positive coping strategies; Gainful employment Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization; Lack of a developmental perspective. Activity: An action plan for coping Test: Brief COPE assessment scale | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Applications of Positive Psychology
Positive schooling: Components; Positive coping strategies; Gainful employment Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization; Lack of a developmental perspective. Activity: An action plan for coping Test: Brief COPE assessment scale | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Baumgardner, S.R & Crothers, M.K.(2014). Positive Psychology. U.P: Dorling Kindersley Pvt Ltd. Carr, A. (2004). Positive psychology, The science of happiness and human strengths.New York: Routledge. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Singh, A.(2013).Behavioral science: Achieving behavioral excellence for success. New Delhi: Wiley India Pvt ltd. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50 CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks Attendance - 5 Marks CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS ESE Question paper pattern Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks
Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks | |
PSY641B - MEDIA PSYCHOLOGY (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course description: Media psychology is the application of psychological theory and research to the analysis of media and technology use, development and impact. The idea is that it will spark an interest where the student might want to continue future exploration in both the fields, Media and Psychology. The main purpose of this course is to provide students with an overview of the ways in which the media—primarily electronic media-affect the viewer psychologically. A second purpose is to examine how the science of psychology is presented in the media. An examination will be made of several psychological theories that help to explain media effects. A particular emphasis will be placed upon the following media psychology-related topics: Aggression, advertising, news, portrayals of minorities, emotion, and health behaviours. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Identify the benefits of applying media psychology CO2: Evaluate media, media contents, literacy and their psychological implications CO3: Explain media applications in educational, entertainment, health services, commercial or public policy environments CO4: Examine the implications of media sources, usage and processes on the cognitive, emotional, motivational, behavioural and social realms |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Media Psychology
What is Media Psychology; Implications; Understanding the history and emergence of Media Psychology; TV as an emotional medium. Media issues, misrepresentation, roles of media psychologists. Methods for studying media and psychology; Theory, Research and Application Theories of Media Psychology: Media character and enjoyment: Affective Disposition Theory (ADT), Simulation Disposition Theory (ST), Psychological Theory of Play | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Media Psychology
What is Media Psychology; Implications; Understanding the history and emergence of Media Psychology; TV as an emotional medium. Media issues, misrepresentation, roles of media psychologists. Methods for studying media and psychology; Theory, Research and Application Theories of Media Psychology: Media character and enjoyment: Affective Disposition Theory (ADT), Simulation Disposition Theory (ST), Psychological Theory of Play | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Media Psychology
What is Media Psychology; Implications; Understanding the history and emergence of Media Psychology; TV as an emotional medium. Media issues, misrepresentation, roles of media psychologists. Methods for studying media and psychology; Theory, Research and Application Theories of Media Psychology: Media character and enjoyment: Affective Disposition Theory (ADT), Simulation Disposition Theory (ST), Psychological Theory of Play | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Media Psychology
What is Media Psychology; Implications; Understanding the history and emergence of Media Psychology; TV as an emotional medium. Media issues, misrepresentation, roles of media psychologists. Methods for studying media and psychology; Theory, Research and Application Theories of Media Psychology: Media character and enjoyment: Affective Disposition Theory (ADT), Simulation Disposition Theory (ST), Psychological Theory of Play | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Media Psychology
What is Media Psychology; Implications; Understanding the history and emergence of Media Psychology; TV as an emotional medium. Media issues, misrepresentation, roles of media psychologists. Methods for studying media and psychology; Theory, Research and Application Theories of Media Psychology: Media character and enjoyment: Affective Disposition Theory (ADT), Simulation Disposition Theory (ST), Psychological Theory of Play | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Media Psychology
What is Media Psychology; Implications; Understanding the history and emergence of Media Psychology; TV as an emotional medium. Media issues, misrepresentation, roles of media psychologists. Methods for studying media and psychology; Theory, Research and Application Theories of Media Psychology: Media character and enjoyment: Affective Disposition Theory (ADT), Simulation Disposition Theory (ST), Psychological Theory of Play | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Media Psychology
What is Media Psychology; Implications; Understanding the history and emergence of Media Psychology; TV as an emotional medium. Media issues, misrepresentation, roles of media psychologists. Methods for studying media and psychology; Theory, Research and Application Theories of Media Psychology: Media character and enjoyment: Affective Disposition Theory (ADT), Simulation Disposition Theory (ST), Psychological Theory of Play | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Media Psychology
What is Media Psychology; Implications; Understanding the history and emergence of Media Psychology; TV as an emotional medium. Media issues, misrepresentation, roles of media psychologists. Methods for studying media and psychology; Theory, Research and Application Theories of Media Psychology: Media character and enjoyment: Affective Disposition Theory (ADT), Simulation Disposition Theory (ST), Psychological Theory of Play | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Psychological Process and Media
Media and Emotion: Three-factor Theory of Emotion and Empathy, Excitation Transfer Theory; Motivation: Approach and avoidance motivation and achievement goals. Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and wellbeing; Attention. Attention and Television viewing, Media attention, media exposure, and media effects, Measuring attention to mediated messages; Cognitive processing of mediated message- Media effects: Advances in theory and research, Media, Mind and Brain, Media Withdrawal | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Psychological Process and Media
Media and Emotion: Three-factor Theory of Emotion and Empathy, Excitation Transfer Theory; Motivation: Approach and avoidance motivation and achievement goals. Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and wellbeing; Attention. Attention and Television viewing, Media attention, media exposure, and media effects, Measuring attention to mediated messages; Cognitive processing of mediated message- Media effects: Advances in theory and research, Media, Mind and Brain, Media Withdrawal | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Psychological Process and Media
Media and Emotion: Three-factor Theory of Emotion and Empathy, Excitation Transfer Theory; Motivation: Approach and avoidance motivation and achievement goals. Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and wellbeing; Attention. Attention and Television viewing, Media attention, media exposure, and media effects, Measuring attention to mediated messages; Cognitive processing of mediated message- Media effects: Advances in theory and research, Media, Mind and Brain, Media Withdrawal | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Psychological Process and Media
Media and Emotion: Three-factor Theory of Emotion and Empathy, Excitation Transfer Theory; Motivation: Approach and avoidance motivation and achievement goals. Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and wellbeing; Attention. Attention and Television viewing, Media attention, media exposure, and media effects, Measuring attention to mediated messages; Cognitive processing of mediated message- Media effects: Advances in theory and research, Media, Mind and Brain, Media Withdrawal | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Psychological Process and Media
Media and Emotion: Three-factor Theory of Emotion and Empathy, Excitation Transfer Theory; Motivation: Approach and avoidance motivation and achievement goals. Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and wellbeing; Attention. Attention and Television viewing, Media attention, media exposure, and media effects, Measuring attention to mediated messages; Cognitive processing of mediated message- Media effects: Advances in theory and research, Media, Mind and Brain, Media Withdrawal | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Psychological Process and Media
Media and Emotion: Three-factor Theory of Emotion and Empathy, Excitation Transfer Theory; Motivation: Approach and avoidance motivation and achievement goals. Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and wellbeing; Attention. Attention and Television viewing, Media attention, media exposure, and media effects, Measuring attention to mediated messages; Cognitive processing of mediated message- Media effects: Advances in theory and research, Media, Mind and Brain, Media Withdrawal | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Psychological Process and Media
Media and Emotion: Three-factor Theory of Emotion and Empathy, Excitation Transfer Theory; Motivation: Approach and avoidance motivation and achievement goals. Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and wellbeing; Attention. Attention and Television viewing, Media attention, media exposure, and media effects, Measuring attention to mediated messages; Cognitive processing of mediated message- Media effects: Advances in theory and research, Media, Mind and Brain, Media Withdrawal | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Psychological Process and Media
Media and Emotion: Three-factor Theory of Emotion and Empathy, Excitation Transfer Theory; Motivation: Approach and avoidance motivation and achievement goals. Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and wellbeing; Attention. Attention and Television viewing, Media attention, media exposure, and media effects, Measuring attention to mediated messages; Cognitive processing of mediated message- Media effects: Advances in theory and research, Media, Mind and Brain, Media Withdrawal | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Developmental Psychological Issues with Respect to Media
Young children and media – Socialization through media. Media use and influence during adolescence. Media violence, heroes, addiction, Aggression, Violence, Video Games, Cyber-Bullying & Fear: media and persuasion/body image, eating disorders and the media/media and advertising, Classical Conditioning and Advertising; Bandura’s Social Cognitive theory. Modelling and Operant Conditioning | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Developmental Psychological Issues with Respect to Media
Young children and media – Socialization through media. Media use and influence during adolescence. Media violence, heroes, addiction, Aggression, Violence, Video Games, Cyber-Bullying & Fear: media and persuasion/body image, eating disorders and the media/media and advertising, Classical Conditioning and Advertising; Bandura’s Social Cognitive theory. Modelling and Operant Conditioning | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Developmental Psychological Issues with Respect to Media
Young children and media – Socialization through media. Media use and influence during adolescence. Media violence, heroes, addiction, Aggression, Violence, Video Games, Cyber-Bullying & Fear: media and persuasion/body image, eating disorders and the media/media and advertising, Classical Conditioning and Advertising; Bandura’s Social Cognitive theory. Modelling and Operant Conditioning | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Developmental Psychological Issues with Respect to Media
Young children and media – Socialization through media. Media use and influence during adolescence. Media violence, heroes, addiction, Aggression, Violence, Video Games, Cyber-Bullying & Fear: media and persuasion/body image, eating disorders and the media/media and advertising, Classical Conditioning and Advertising; Bandura’s Social Cognitive theory. Modelling and Operant Conditioning | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Developmental Psychological Issues with Respect to Media
Young children and media – Socialization through media. Media use and influence during adolescence. Media violence, heroes, addiction, Aggression, Violence, Video Games, Cyber-Bullying & Fear: media and persuasion/body image, eating disorders and the media/media and advertising, Classical Conditioning and Advertising; Bandura’s Social Cognitive theory. Modelling and Operant Conditioning | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Developmental Psychological Issues with Respect to Media
Young children and media – Socialization through media. Media use and influence during adolescence. Media violence, heroes, addiction, Aggression, Violence, Video Games, Cyber-Bullying & Fear: media and persuasion/body image, eating disorders and the media/media and advertising, Classical Conditioning and Advertising; Bandura’s Social Cognitive theory. Modelling and Operant Conditioning | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Developmental Psychological Issues with Respect to Media
Young children and media – Socialization through media. Media use and influence during adolescence. Media violence, heroes, addiction, Aggression, Violence, Video Games, Cyber-Bullying & Fear: media and persuasion/body image, eating disorders and the media/media and advertising, Classical Conditioning and Advertising; Bandura’s Social Cognitive theory. Modelling and Operant Conditioning | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Developmental Psychological Issues with Respect to Media
Young children and media – Socialization through media. Media use and influence during adolescence. Media violence, heroes, addiction, Aggression, Violence, Video Games, Cyber-Bullying & Fear: media and persuasion/body image, eating disorders and the media/media and advertising, Classical Conditioning and Advertising; Bandura’s Social Cognitive theory. Modelling and Operant Conditioning | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Social Psychology of the Media
Attitude Formation – Theories, cognitive dissonance, role of media in attitude formation Persuasion Prejudice; Gender representation in media, Representation of minority groups Media representation of disability Media representation of mental health Audience participation and reality T.V. media and culture, Media and cultural contexts. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Social Psychology of the Media
Attitude Formation – Theories, cognitive dissonance, role of media in attitude formation Persuasion Prejudice; Gender representation in media, Representation of minority groups Media representation of disability Media representation of mental health Audience participation and reality T.V. media and culture, Media and cultural contexts. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Social Psychology of the Media
Attitude Formation – Theories, cognitive dissonance, role of media in attitude formation Persuasion Prejudice; Gender representation in media, Representation of minority groups Media representation of disability Media representation of mental health Audience participation and reality T.V. media and culture, Media and cultural contexts. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Social Psychology of the Media
Attitude Formation – Theories, cognitive dissonance, role of media in attitude formation Persuasion Prejudice; Gender representation in media, Representation of minority groups Media representation of disability Media representation of mental health Audience participation and reality T.V. media and culture, Media and cultural contexts. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Social Psychology of the Media
Attitude Formation – Theories, cognitive dissonance, role of media in attitude formation Persuasion Prejudice; Gender representation in media, Representation of minority groups Media representation of disability Media representation of mental health Audience participation and reality T.V. media and culture, Media and cultural contexts. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Social Psychology of the Media
Attitude Formation – Theories, cognitive dissonance, role of media in attitude formation Persuasion Prejudice; Gender representation in media, Representation of minority groups Media representation of disability Media representation of mental health Audience participation and reality T.V. media and culture, Media and cultural contexts. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Social Psychology of the Media
Attitude Formation – Theories, cognitive dissonance, role of media in attitude formation Persuasion Prejudice; Gender representation in media, Representation of minority groups Media representation of disability Media representation of mental health Audience participation and reality T.V. media and culture, Media and cultural contexts. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Social Psychology of the Media
Attitude Formation – Theories, cognitive dissonance, role of media in attitude formation Persuasion Prejudice; Gender representation in media, Representation of minority groups Media representation of disability Media representation of mental health Audience participation and reality T.V. media and culture, Media and cultural contexts. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Trends in Media Psychology
Media and politics, media and the audience, celebrity and parasocial relationships; Audience participation media; Theory of Planned Behavior Action and Social norms-lifestyle concerns, global movements, social media, telehealth, sports, environment and climate change; Psychology of film analysis | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Trends in Media Psychology
Media and politics, media and the audience, celebrity and parasocial relationships; Audience participation media; Theory of Planned Behavior Action and Social norms-lifestyle concerns, global movements, social media, telehealth, sports, environment and climate change; Psychology of film analysis | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Trends in Media Psychology
Media and politics, media and the audience, celebrity and parasocial relationships; Audience participation media; Theory of Planned Behavior Action and Social norms-lifestyle concerns, global movements, social media, telehealth, sports, environment and climate change; Psychology of film analysis | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Trends in Media Psychology
Media and politics, media and the audience, celebrity and parasocial relationships; Audience participation media; Theory of Planned Behavior Action and Social norms-lifestyle concerns, global movements, social media, telehealth, sports, environment and climate change; Psychology of film analysis | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Trends in Media Psychology
Media and politics, media and the audience, celebrity and parasocial relationships; Audience participation media; Theory of Planned Behavior Action and Social norms-lifestyle concerns, global movements, social media, telehealth, sports, environment and climate change; Psychology of film analysis | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Trends in Media Psychology
Media and politics, media and the audience, celebrity and parasocial relationships; Audience participation media; Theory of Planned Behavior Action and Social norms-lifestyle concerns, global movements, social media, telehealth, sports, environment and climate change; Psychology of film analysis | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Trends in Media Psychology
Media and politics, media and the audience, celebrity and parasocial relationships; Audience participation media; Theory of Planned Behavior Action and Social norms-lifestyle concerns, global movements, social media, telehealth, sports, environment and climate change; Psychology of film analysis | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Trends in Media Psychology
Media and politics, media and the audience, celebrity and parasocial relationships; Audience participation media; Theory of Planned Behavior Action and Social norms-lifestyle concerns, global movements, social media, telehealth, sports, environment and climate change; Psychology of film analysis | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Rutledge, P. B. (2013). Arguing for Media Psychology as a Distinct Field. In K. Dill (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Media Psychology, Oxford University Press. Giles, D, (2010). Psychology of the Media. Palgrave Macmillan. Brewer, G, (2011). Media Psychology. Palgrave Macmillan. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Chaffee, S. H., & Berger, C. R. (1987). What do communication scientists do? In C. R. Berger & S. H. Chaffee (Eds.), Handbook of communication science. Sage. Bandura, A. (2001). Social Cognitive Theory of Mass Communication. Media Psychology, 3(3), 265-299 Gee, J. P. (2007). What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy (Revised & Updated) (2nd ed.). Palgrave Macmillan. Giles, D. C. (2010). Psychology of the Media. Palgrave Macmillan. Baym, Nancy K. (2010). Personal Connections in the Digital Age. Digital Media and Society Series. Polity. Weinschenk, S. M. (2009). Neuro Web Design: What Makes Them Click?. New Riders | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50 CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks Attendance - 5 Marks CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS ESE Question paper pattern Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks
Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course description: This course has been conceptualized to help the learner understand the complex dynamics that underlie a human-machine interface, critically evaluate the design components and design an effective interface. This course helps introduce students to ways of thinking about how Artificial Intelligence will and has impacted humans, and how we can design interactive intelligent systems that are usable and beneficial to humans, and respect human values. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Identify problems where artificial intelligence techniques are applicable CO2: Apply selected basic AI techniques; judge applicability of more advanced techniques. CO3: Critically evaluate existing interface designs and to improve them CO4: Design user-centric interfaces keeping in mind cultural, environmental, and individual factors.
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI)
History and Classic studies, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI), Types of Human Machine Interfaces; Artificial intelligence and computational approaches, Machine reasoning: Logical reasoning and decision making by machines., | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI)
History and Classic studies, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI), Types of Human Machine Interfaces; Artificial intelligence and computational approaches, Machine reasoning: Logical reasoning and decision making by machines., | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI)
History and Classic studies, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI), Types of Human Machine Interfaces; Artificial intelligence and computational approaches, Machine reasoning: Logical reasoning and decision making by machines., | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI)
History and Classic studies, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI), Types of Human Machine Interfaces; Artificial intelligence and computational approaches, Machine reasoning: Logical reasoning and decision making by machines., | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI)
History and Classic studies, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI), Types of Human Machine Interfaces; Artificial intelligence and computational approaches, Machine reasoning: Logical reasoning and decision making by machines., | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI)
History and Classic studies, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI), Types of Human Machine Interfaces; Artificial intelligence and computational approaches, Machine reasoning: Logical reasoning and decision making by machines., | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI)
History and Classic studies, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Machine Interface (HMI), Types of Human Machine Interfaces; Artificial intelligence and computational approaches, Machine reasoning: Logical reasoning and decision making by machines., | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Human factors fundamentals
Sensation, Perception, Apperception | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Human factors fundamentals
Sensation, Perception, Apperception | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Human factors fundamentals
Sensation, Perception, Apperception | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Human factors fundamentals
Sensation, Perception, Apperception | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Human factors fundamentals
Sensation, Perception, Apperception | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Human factors fundamentals
Sensation, Perception, Apperception | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Human factors fundamentals
Sensation, Perception, Apperception | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Design Guidelines and Design Thinking
Schneiderman’s eight golden rules of design | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Design Guidelines and Design Thinking
Schneiderman’s eight golden rules of design | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Design Guidelines and Design Thinking
Schneiderman’s eight golden rules of design | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Design Guidelines and Design Thinking
Schneiderman’s eight golden rules of design | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Design Guidelines and Design Thinking
Schneiderman’s eight golden rules of design | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Design Guidelines and Design Thinking
Schneiderman’s eight golden rules of design | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Design Guidelines and Design Thinking
Schneiderman’s eight golden rules of design | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Design for individual differences: Individuals with functional limitations, Design for Ageing, Design for children, connect psychological theories to underlying standards and heuristics in interface design, explain how knowledge of human characteristics affects the design of technical systems, ethical issues | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Design for individual differences: Individuals with functional limitations, Design for Ageing, Design for children, connect psychological theories to underlying standards and heuristics in interface design, explain how knowledge of human characteristics affects the design of technical systems, ethical issues | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Design for individual differences: Individuals with functional limitations, Design for Ageing, Design for children, connect psychological theories to underlying standards and heuristics in interface design, explain how knowledge of human characteristics affects the design of technical systems, ethical issues | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Design for individual differences: Individuals with functional limitations, Design for Ageing, Design for children, connect psychological theories to underlying standards and heuristics in interface design, explain how knowledge of human characteristics affects the design of technical systems, ethical issues | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Design for individual differences: Individuals with functional limitations, Design for Ageing, Design for children, connect psychological theories to underlying standards and heuristics in interface design, explain how knowledge of human characteristics affects the design of technical systems, ethical issues | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Design for individual differences: Individuals with functional limitations, Design for Ageing, Design for children, connect psychological theories to underlying standards and heuristics in interface design, explain how knowledge of human characteristics affects the design of technical systems, ethical issues | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Design for individual differences: Individuals with functional limitations, Design for Ageing, Design for children, connect psychological theories to underlying standards and heuristics in interface design, explain how knowledge of human characteristics affects the design of technical systems, ethical issues | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Applications of HMI: Health, Aviation, Artificial Intelligence; professionals in the field, challenges, Current trends and development | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Applications of HMI: Health, Aviation, Artificial Intelligence; professionals in the field, challenges, Current trends and development | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Applications of HMI: Health, Aviation, Artificial Intelligence; professionals in the field, challenges, Current trends and development | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Applications of HMI: Health, Aviation, Artificial Intelligence; professionals in the field, challenges, Current trends and development | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Applications of HMI: Health, Aviation, Artificial Intelligence; professionals in the field, challenges, Current trends and development | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Applications of HMI: Health, Aviation, Artificial Intelligence; professionals in the field, challenges, Current trends and development | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Applications of HMI
Applications of HMI: Health, Aviation, Artificial Intelligence; professionals in the field, challenges, Current trends and development | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Dix, A., Dix, A. J., Finlay, J., Abowd, G. D., & Beale, R. (2003). Human-computer interaction. Pearson Education. Norman, D. A. (1988). The psychology of everyday things. Basic books. Guastello, S. J. (2014). Human factors engineering and ergonomics. Florida: Taylor & Francis Group. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Amershi, S., Weld, D., Vorvoreanu, M., Fourney, A., Nushi, B., Collisson, P., Suh, J., Iqbal, S. T., Bennett, P., Inkpen, K., Teevan, J., Kikin-Gil, R., and Horvitz, E. (2019) Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction. Lazar, J., Feng, J. H., & Hochheiser, H. (2017). Research methods in human-computer interaction. Morgan Kaufmann. Tenner, E. (2015). The Design of Everyday Things by Donald Norman. Technology and Culture, 56(3), 785-787. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50 CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks Attendance - 5 Marks CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS ESE Question paper pattern Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks
Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks | |
PSY641D - CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course has been conceptualized in order to enable students to develop an appreciation for the influence consumer behaviour has on various marketing efforts. Students apply psychological and social concepts to consumer decision-making. Topics include the importance of consumer behaviour and research; internal influences such as motivation, personality, self-concept, learning, information processing, and attitude formation and change; external influences such as social class, reference groups and family, and consumer decision making. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand the concepts related to consumer behaviour and the factors that influence market segmentation CO2: Understand the scope and current trends in consumer psychology CO3: Evaluate the consumer decision-making process and choices using psychological theories and concepts |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour
Definition, Significance, Applying consumer behaviour knowledge, Consumer decision-making model | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour
Definition, Significance, Applying consumer behaviour knowledge, Consumer decision-making model | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour
Definition, Significance, Applying consumer behaviour knowledge, Consumer decision-making model | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour
Definition, Significance, Applying consumer behaviour knowledge, Consumer decision-making model | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour
Definition, Significance, Applying consumer behaviour knowledge, Consumer decision-making model | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour
Definition, Significance, Applying consumer behaviour knowledge, Consumer decision-making model | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour
Definition, Significance, Applying consumer behaviour knowledge, Consumer decision-making model | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding consumers and market segments
Market segmentation, bases of market segmentation, product positioning and repositioning | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding consumers and market segments
Market segmentation, bases of market segmentation, product positioning and repositioning | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding consumers and market segments
Market segmentation, bases of market segmentation, product positioning and repositioning | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding consumers and market segments
Market segmentation, bases of market segmentation, product positioning and repositioning | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding consumers and market segments
Market segmentation, bases of market segmentation, product positioning and repositioning | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding consumers and market segments
Market segmentation, bases of market segmentation, product positioning and repositioning | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding consumers and market segments
Market segmentation, bases of market segmentation, product positioning and repositioning | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Determinants of consumer behaviour
Personality and self-concept, Motivation, Information processing, Learning in understanding consumer behaviour Influence of groups and social media, online consumer behaviour | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Determinants of consumer behaviour
Personality and self-concept, Motivation, Information processing, Learning in understanding consumer behaviour Influence of groups and social media, online consumer behaviour | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Determinants of consumer behaviour
Personality and self-concept, Motivation, Information processing, Learning in understanding consumer behaviour Influence of groups and social media, online consumer behaviour | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Determinants of consumer behaviour
Personality and self-concept, Motivation, Information processing, Learning in understanding consumer behaviour Influence of groups and social media, online consumer behaviour | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Determinants of consumer behaviour
Personality and self-concept, Motivation, Information processing, Learning in understanding consumer behaviour Influence of groups and social media, online consumer behaviour | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Determinants of consumer behaviour
Personality and self-concept, Motivation, Information processing, Learning in understanding consumer behaviour Influence of groups and social media, online consumer behaviour | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Determinants of consumer behaviour
Personality and self-concept, Motivation, Information processing, Learning in understanding consumer behaviour Influence of groups and social media, online consumer behaviour | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Attitudes and persuasive communication
ABC model of attitude, the formation of attitude, the role of persuasion in changing consumer attitudes | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Attitudes and persuasive communication
ABC model of attitude, the formation of attitude, the role of persuasion in changing consumer attitudes | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Attitudes and persuasive communication
ABC model of attitude, the formation of attitude, the role of persuasion in changing consumer attitudes | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Attitudes and persuasive communication
ABC model of attitude, the formation of attitude, the role of persuasion in changing consumer attitudes | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Attitudes and persuasive communication
ABC model of attitude, the formation of attitude, the role of persuasion in changing consumer attitudes | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Attitudes and persuasive communication
ABC model of attitude, the formation of attitude, the role of persuasion in changing consumer attitudes | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Attitudes and persuasive communication
ABC model of attitude, the formation of attitude, the role of persuasion in changing consumer attitudes | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Consumer Decision processes
Types of consumer decisions, problem recognition, information search process, information- evaluation process, purchasing processes- choosing a store, in-store purchasing behaviour, nonstore purchasing process, purchasing patterns, post-purchase behaviour | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Consumer Decision processes
Types of consumer decisions, problem recognition, information search process, information- evaluation process, purchasing processes- choosing a store, in-store purchasing behaviour, nonstore purchasing process, purchasing patterns, post-purchase behaviour | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Consumer Decision processes
Types of consumer decisions, problem recognition, information search process, information- evaluation process, purchasing processes- choosing a store, in-store purchasing behaviour, nonstore purchasing process, purchasing patterns, post-purchase behaviour | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Consumer Decision processes
Types of consumer decisions, problem recognition, information search process, information- evaluation process, purchasing processes- choosing a store, in-store purchasing behaviour, nonstore purchasing process, purchasing patterns, post-purchase behaviour | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Consumer Decision processes
Types of consumer decisions, problem recognition, information search process, information- evaluation process, purchasing processes- choosing a store, in-store purchasing behaviour, nonstore purchasing process, purchasing patterns, post-purchase behaviour | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Consumer Decision processes
Types of consumer decisions, problem recognition, information search process, information- evaluation process, purchasing processes- choosing a store, in-store purchasing behaviour, nonstore purchasing process, purchasing patterns, post-purchase behaviour | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Consumer Decision processes
Types of consumer decisions, problem recognition, information search process, information- evaluation process, purchasing processes- choosing a store, in-store purchasing behaviour, nonstore purchasing process, purchasing patterns, post-purchase behaviour | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Loudon, D. L., & Della, B. A. J. (2010). Consumer behavior: Concepts and applications. McGraw-Hill. Solomon, M.R. (2018). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and, Being. Pearson Education Limited. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Schiffman, L. G., Kanuk, L. L., S, R. K., & Wisenblit, J. (2010). Consumer behaviour. Pearson publications | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50 CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks Attendance - 5 Marks CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS ESE Question paper pattern Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks
Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The course is intended to develop a basic understanding among the students about criminal behaviour and to the field of Forensic Psychology. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Outline the basics of forensic psychology, crime and criminal behaviour through case analysis CO2: Identify the role of a forensic psychologist in crime scene analysis, offender profiling, and eye witness testimony |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Forensic Psychology
Forensic Sciences; Forensic Psychology: Past and Present; Psychology & Law; Psychologist as an Expert Witness. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Forensic Psychology
Forensic Sciences; Forensic Psychology: Past and Present; Psychology & Law; Psychologist as an Expert Witness. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Forensic Psychology
Forensic Sciences; Forensic Psychology: Past and Present; Psychology & Law; Psychologist as an Expert Witness. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Forensic Psychology
Forensic Sciences; Forensic Psychology: Past and Present; Psychology & Law; Psychologist as an Expert Witness. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Forensic Psychology
Forensic Sciences; Forensic Psychology: Past and Present; Psychology & Law; Psychologist as an Expert Witness. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Forensic Psychology
Forensic Sciences; Forensic Psychology: Past and Present; Psychology & Law; Psychologist as an Expert Witness. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Forensic Psychology
Forensic Sciences; Forensic Psychology: Past and Present; Psychology & Law; Psychologist as an Expert Witness. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding Crime & Criminal Behaviour
Psychology of Crime; Determinants of Criminal Behavior: Biological, Psychological, Neuropsychological and Social. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding Crime & Criminal Behaviour
Psychology of Crime; Determinants of Criminal Behavior: Biological, Psychological, Neuropsychological and Social. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding Crime & Criminal Behaviour
Psychology of Crime; Determinants of Criminal Behavior: Biological, Psychological, Neuropsychological and Social. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding Crime & Criminal Behaviour
Psychology of Crime; Determinants of Criminal Behavior: Biological, Psychological, Neuropsychological and Social. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding Crime & Criminal Behaviour
Psychology of Crime; Determinants of Criminal Behavior: Biological, Psychological, Neuropsychological and Social. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding Crime & Criminal Behaviour
Psychology of Crime; Determinants of Criminal Behavior: Biological, Psychological, Neuropsychological and Social. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Understanding Crime & Criminal Behaviour
Psychology of Crime; Determinants of Criminal Behavior: Biological, Psychological, Neuropsychological and Social. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology in Crime Investigation
Psychological Examination of Crime Scene; Offender Profiling; Forensic Interviewing; Eye-Witness Testimony; Examination of High-risk offenders. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology in Crime Investigation
Psychological Examination of Crime Scene; Offender Profiling; Forensic Interviewing; Eye-Witness Testimony; Examination of High-risk offenders. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology in Crime Investigation
Psychological Examination of Crime Scene; Offender Profiling; Forensic Interviewing; Eye-Witness Testimony; Examination of High-risk offenders. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology in Crime Investigation
Psychological Examination of Crime Scene; Offender Profiling; Forensic Interviewing; Eye-Witness Testimony; Examination of High-risk offenders. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology in Crime Investigation
Psychological Examination of Crime Scene; Offender Profiling; Forensic Interviewing; Eye-Witness Testimony; Examination of High-risk offenders. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology in Crime Investigation
Psychological Examination of Crime Scene; Offender Profiling; Forensic Interviewing; Eye-Witness Testimony; Examination of High-risk offenders. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology in Crime Investigation
Psychological Examination of Crime Scene; Offender Profiling; Forensic Interviewing; Eye-Witness Testimony; Examination of High-risk offenders. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as an Aid to Investigation
Psychological Profiling; Detection of Deception: Polygraph Examination, fMRI, Lie Detection, Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling, Narcoanalysis, Forensic Hypnosis, Voice-stress Analysis; Theories, Techniques, Instrumentation, Methodology, Procedure & Critical Evaluation. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as an Aid to Investigation
Psychological Profiling; Detection of Deception: Polygraph Examination, fMRI, Lie Detection, Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling, Narcoanalysis, Forensic Hypnosis, Voice-stress Analysis; Theories, Techniques, Instrumentation, Methodology, Procedure & Critical Evaluation. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as an Aid to Investigation
Psychological Profiling; Detection of Deception: Polygraph Examination, fMRI, Lie Detection, Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling, Narcoanalysis, Forensic Hypnosis, Voice-stress Analysis; Theories, Techniques, Instrumentation, Methodology, Procedure & Critical Evaluation. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as an Aid to Investigation
Psychological Profiling; Detection of Deception: Polygraph Examination, fMRI, Lie Detection, Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling, Narcoanalysis, Forensic Hypnosis, Voice-stress Analysis; Theories, Techniques, Instrumentation, Methodology, Procedure & Critical Evaluation. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as an Aid to Investigation
Psychological Profiling; Detection of Deception: Polygraph Examination, fMRI, Lie Detection, Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling, Narcoanalysis, Forensic Hypnosis, Voice-stress Analysis; Theories, Techniques, Instrumentation, Methodology, Procedure & Critical Evaluation. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as an Aid to Investigation
Psychological Profiling; Detection of Deception: Polygraph Examination, fMRI, Lie Detection, Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling, Narcoanalysis, Forensic Hypnosis, Voice-stress Analysis; Theories, Techniques, Instrumentation, Methodology, Procedure & Critical Evaluation. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as an Aid to Investigation
Psychological Profiling; Detection of Deception: Polygraph Examination, fMRI, Lie Detection, Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling, Narcoanalysis, Forensic Hypnosis, Voice-stress Analysis; Theories, Techniques, Instrumentation, Methodology, Procedure & Critical Evaluation. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as a Profession
In Criminal Proceedings: Competency to stand trial, Criminal Responsibility, Diminished Capacity, Risk Assessment, Eye-Witness Testimony. In Civil Proceedings: Domestic Law & Rights of Adults, Children; Civil Competency, Personal Injury Evaluations, Work-related Compensation, Evaluation of Disabilities, Trauma Due to Abuse. Forensic Psychology as a profession; For Social & Individual Protection; Professional Issues: Licensing, Advocacy, liaisoning and Ethical Considerations. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as a Profession
In Criminal Proceedings: Competency to stand trial, Criminal Responsibility, Diminished Capacity, Risk Assessment, Eye-Witness Testimony. In Civil Proceedings: Domestic Law & Rights of Adults, Children; Civil Competency, Personal Injury Evaluations, Work-related Compensation, Evaluation of Disabilities, Trauma Due to Abuse. Forensic Psychology as a profession; For Social & Individual Protection; Professional Issues: Licensing, Advocacy, liaisoning and Ethical Considerations. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as a Profession
In Criminal Proceedings: Competency to stand trial, Criminal Responsibility, Diminished Capacity, Risk Assessment, Eye-Witness Testimony. In Civil Proceedings: Domestic Law & Rights of Adults, Children; Civil Competency, Personal Injury Evaluations, Work-related Compensation, Evaluation of Disabilities, Trauma Due to Abuse. Forensic Psychology as a profession; For Social & Individual Protection; Professional Issues: Licensing, Advocacy, liaisoning and Ethical Considerations. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as a Profession
In Criminal Proceedings: Competency to stand trial, Criminal Responsibility, Diminished Capacity, Risk Assessment, Eye-Witness Testimony. In Civil Proceedings: Domestic Law & Rights of Adults, Children; Civil Competency, Personal Injury Evaluations, Work-related Compensation, Evaluation of Disabilities, Trauma Due to Abuse. Forensic Psychology as a profession; For Social & Individual Protection; Professional Issues: Licensing, Advocacy, liaisoning and Ethical Considerations. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as a Profession
In Criminal Proceedings: Competency to stand trial, Criminal Responsibility, Diminished Capacity, Risk Assessment, Eye-Witness Testimony. In Civil Proceedings: Domestic Law & Rights of Adults, Children; Civil Competency, Personal Injury Evaluations, Work-related Compensation, Evaluation of Disabilities, Trauma Due to Abuse. Forensic Psychology as a profession; For Social & Individual Protection; Professional Issues: Licensing, Advocacy, liaisoning and Ethical Considerations. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as a Profession
In Criminal Proceedings: Competency to stand trial, Criminal Responsibility, Diminished Capacity, Risk Assessment, Eye-Witness Testimony. In Civil Proceedings: Domestic Law & Rights of Adults, Children; Civil Competency, Personal Injury Evaluations, Work-related Compensation, Evaluation of Disabilities, Trauma Due to Abuse. Forensic Psychology as a profession; For Social & Individual Protection; Professional Issues: Licensing, Advocacy, liaisoning and Ethical Considerations. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Forensic Psychology as a Profession
In Criminal Proceedings: Competency to stand trial, Criminal Responsibility, Diminished Capacity, Risk Assessment, Eye-Witness Testimony. In Civil Proceedings: Domestic Law & Rights of Adults, Children; Civil Competency, Personal Injury Evaluations, Work-related Compensation, Evaluation of Disabilities, Trauma Due to Abuse. Forensic Psychology as a profession; For Social & Individual Protection; Professional Issues: Licensing, Advocacy, liaisoning and Ethical Considerations. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Fulero, S,& Wrightsman, L, (2014). Forensic Psychology. Wadsworth Publishers. Goldstein A.M (2012) Forensic Psychology: Emerging Topics and Expanding Roles. John Wiley | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Bartol, C., &Bartol, A. (2008). Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application (Second ed.). SAGE. Haward, L. R. (1981). Forensic psychology (pp. 56-57). Batsford Academic and Educational. Weiner, I. B., & Hess, A. K. (Eds.). (2006). The handbook of forensic psychology. John Wiley & Sons. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50 CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks Attendance - 5 Marks CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS ESE Question paper pattern Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks
Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks | |
PSY641F - HEALTH AND WELLBEING (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Health is defined as an optimal state of physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing. The same explanation applies to wellbeing. This course is designed for college students to understand the need for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We will explore personal health, health-related attitudes and beliefs, individual health behaviours and impact of drugs, alcohol, tobacco; diet, nutrition; infectious diseases, cancer, cardiovascular disease, personal care; exercise, consumer health; and several other topics related to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The course focuses on current research and the latest trends in health and wellbeing. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand the basic components and models of health and wellbeing CO2: Explain the role of biological, physical, social, and psychological factors and their interconnectedness on health and wellbeing CO3: Evaluate policies and interventions to enhance health and wellbeing CO4: Apply the knowledge to manage and enhance personal health and well-being, and in a wide range of real life issues |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Health and Wellbeing
Introduction - the concept of health, wellbeing and wellness,illness- wellness continuum,Historical development - of health and wellness and wellbeing, Models and theories of health and wellbeing – Bio medical model,Bio-psycho-social model of health, the theory of planned behavior, health belief model - Protection motivation theory, Determinants and Components of wellness (WHO) and wellbeing and the role of psychology in health Assessment: General wellbeing scale: administration and interpretation. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Health and Wellbeing
Introduction - the concept of health, wellbeing and wellness,illness- wellness continuum,Historical development - of health and wellness and wellbeing, Models and theories of health and wellbeing – Bio medical model,Bio-psycho-social model of health, the theory of planned behavior, health belief model - Protection motivation theory, Determinants and Components of wellness (WHO) and wellbeing and the role of psychology in health Assessment: General wellbeing scale: administration and interpretation. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Health and Wellbeing
Introduction - the concept of health, wellbeing and wellness,illness- wellness continuum,Historical development - of health and wellness and wellbeing, Models and theories of health and wellbeing – Bio medical model,Bio-psycho-social model of health, the theory of planned behavior, health belief model - Protection motivation theory, Determinants and Components of wellness (WHO) and wellbeing and the role of psychology in health Assessment: General wellbeing scale: administration and interpretation. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Health and Wellbeing
Introduction - the concept of health, wellbeing and wellness,illness- wellness continuum,Historical development - of health and wellness and wellbeing, Models and theories of health and wellbeing – Bio medical model,Bio-psycho-social model of health, the theory of planned behavior, health belief model - Protection motivation theory, Determinants and Components of wellness (WHO) and wellbeing and the role of psychology in health Assessment: General wellbeing scale: administration and interpretation. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Health and Wellbeing
Introduction - the concept of health, wellbeing and wellness,illness- wellness continuum,Historical development - of health and wellness and wellbeing, Models and theories of health and wellbeing – Bio medical model,Bio-psycho-social model of health, the theory of planned behavior, health belief model - Protection motivation theory, Determinants and Components of wellness (WHO) and wellbeing and the role of psychology in health Assessment: General wellbeing scale: administration and interpretation. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Health and Wellbeing
Introduction - the concept of health, wellbeing and wellness,illness- wellness continuum,Historical development - of health and wellness and wellbeing, Models and theories of health and wellbeing – Bio medical model,Bio-psycho-social model of health, the theory of planned behavior, health belief model - Protection motivation theory, Determinants and Components of wellness (WHO) and wellbeing and the role of psychology in health Assessment: General wellbeing scale: administration and interpretation. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Health and Wellbeing
Introduction - the concept of health, wellbeing and wellness,illness- wellness continuum,Historical development - of health and wellness and wellbeing, Models and theories of health and wellbeing – Bio medical model,Bio-psycho-social model of health, the theory of planned behavior, health belief model - Protection motivation theory, Determinants and Components of wellness (WHO) and wellbeing and the role of psychology in health Assessment: General wellbeing scale: administration and interpretation. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Physical Health
Stress its impact on health and wellbeing, mechanisms to deal with stress; theories on stress – Fight/flight, GAS, Tend and Befriend, Theory of appraisal, psychoneuro immunology, body image issues and sexual health; Definition, types of pain, physiology of pain psychological factors affecting pain; Lifestyles-sleep, food habits, adverse physical environment, health-enhancing behaviors-dieting, exercise, yoga – management of stress and pain Assessment: Physical health Questionnaire | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Physical Health
Stress its impact on health and wellbeing, mechanisms to deal with stress; theories on stress – Fight/flight, GAS, Tend and Befriend, Theory of appraisal, psychoneuro immunology, body image issues and sexual health; Definition, types of pain, physiology of pain psychological factors affecting pain; Lifestyles-sleep, food habits, adverse physical environment, health-enhancing behaviors-dieting, exercise, yoga – management of stress and pain Assessment: Physical health Questionnaire | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Physical Health
Stress its impact on health and wellbeing, mechanisms to deal with stress; theories on stress – Fight/flight, GAS, Tend and Befriend, Theory of appraisal, psychoneuro immunology, body image issues and sexual health; Definition, types of pain, physiology of pain psychological factors affecting pain; Lifestyles-sleep, food habits, adverse physical environment, health-enhancing behaviors-dieting, exercise, yoga – management of stress and pain Assessment: Physical health Questionnaire | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Physical Health
Stress its impact on health and wellbeing, mechanisms to deal with stress; theories on stress – Fight/flight, GAS, Tend and Befriend, Theory of appraisal, psychoneuro immunology, body image issues and sexual health; Definition, types of pain, physiology of pain psychological factors affecting pain; Lifestyles-sleep, food habits, adverse physical environment, health-enhancing behaviors-dieting, exercise, yoga – management of stress and pain Assessment: Physical health Questionnaire | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Physical Health
Stress its impact on health and wellbeing, mechanisms to deal with stress; theories on stress – Fight/flight, GAS, Tend and Befriend, Theory of appraisal, psychoneuro immunology, body image issues and sexual health; Definition, types of pain, physiology of pain psychological factors affecting pain; Lifestyles-sleep, food habits, adverse physical environment, health-enhancing behaviors-dieting, exercise, yoga – management of stress and pain Assessment: Physical health Questionnaire | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Physical Health
Stress its impact on health and wellbeing, mechanisms to deal with stress; theories on stress – Fight/flight, GAS, Tend and Befriend, Theory of appraisal, psychoneuro immunology, body image issues and sexual health; Definition, types of pain, physiology of pain psychological factors affecting pain; Lifestyles-sleep, food habits, adverse physical environment, health-enhancing behaviors-dieting, exercise, yoga – management of stress and pain Assessment: Physical health Questionnaire | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Physical Health
Stress its impact on health and wellbeing, mechanisms to deal with stress; theories on stress – Fight/flight, GAS, Tend and Befriend, Theory of appraisal, psychoneuro immunology, body image issues and sexual health; Definition, types of pain, physiology of pain psychological factors affecting pain; Lifestyles-sleep, food habits, adverse physical environment, health-enhancing behaviors-dieting, exercise, yoga – management of stress and pain Assessment: Physical health Questionnaire | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Mental and Social health
Introduction to Mental and social health – Status of mental health Services, the role of mental health professionals, Barries acessing mental health services, stigma, discrimination and labelling, Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization (from languishing to flourishing); Trauma, suicide and mental health; Risks factors to mental health- adverse childhood experiences, disability, ageing, workplace, family history of mental illness, psychos social issues; Pathways to mental health care (including cultural and traditional beliefs and practices). Interpersonal relationships and its impact on health and wellbeing, need for cultivating positive emotions and attending to healthy relationships and self-care Assessment: WHO Mental health Inventory | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Mental and Social health
Introduction to Mental and social health – Status of mental health Services, the role of mental health professionals, Barries acessing mental health services, stigma, discrimination and labelling, Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization (from languishing to flourishing); Trauma, suicide and mental health; Risks factors to mental health- adverse childhood experiences, disability, ageing, workplace, family history of mental illness, psychos social issues; Pathways to mental health care (including cultural and traditional beliefs and practices). Interpersonal relationships and its impact on health and wellbeing, need for cultivating positive emotions and attending to healthy relationships and self-care Assessment: WHO Mental health Inventory | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Mental and Social health
Introduction to Mental and social health – Status of mental health Services, the role of mental health professionals, Barries acessing mental health services, stigma, discrimination and labelling, Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization (from languishing to flourishing); Trauma, suicide and mental health; Risks factors to mental health- adverse childhood experiences, disability, ageing, workplace, family history of mental illness, psychos social issues; Pathways to mental health care (including cultural and traditional beliefs and practices). Interpersonal relationships and its impact on health and wellbeing, need for cultivating positive emotions and attending to healthy relationships and self-care Assessment: WHO Mental health Inventory | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Mental and Social health
Introduction to Mental and social health – Status of mental health Services, the role of mental health professionals, Barries acessing mental health services, stigma, discrimination and labelling, Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization (from languishing to flourishing); Trauma, suicide and mental health; Risks factors to mental health- adverse childhood experiences, disability, ageing, workplace, family history of mental illness, psychos social issues; Pathways to mental health care (including cultural and traditional beliefs and practices). Interpersonal relationships and its impact on health and wellbeing, need for cultivating positive emotions and attending to healthy relationships and self-care Assessment: WHO Mental health Inventory | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Mental and Social health
Introduction to Mental and social health – Status of mental health Services, the role of mental health professionals, Barries acessing mental health services, stigma, discrimination and labelling, Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization (from languishing to flourishing); Trauma, suicide and mental health; Risks factors to mental health- adverse childhood experiences, disability, ageing, workplace, family history of mental illness, psychos social issues; Pathways to mental health care (including cultural and traditional beliefs and practices). Interpersonal relationships and its impact on health and wellbeing, need for cultivating positive emotions and attending to healthy relationships and self-care Assessment: WHO Mental health Inventory | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Mental and Social health
Introduction to Mental and social health – Status of mental health Services, the role of mental health professionals, Barries acessing mental health services, stigma, discrimination and labelling, Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization (from languishing to flourishing); Trauma, suicide and mental health; Risks factors to mental health- adverse childhood experiences, disability, ageing, workplace, family history of mental illness, psychos social issues; Pathways to mental health care (including cultural and traditional beliefs and practices). Interpersonal relationships and its impact on health and wellbeing, need for cultivating positive emotions and attending to healthy relationships and self-care Assessment: WHO Mental health Inventory | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Mental and Social health
Introduction to Mental and social health – Status of mental health Services, the role of mental health professionals, Barries acessing mental health services, stigma, discrimination and labelling, Mental health: Moving toward balanced conceptualization (from languishing to flourishing); Trauma, suicide and mental health; Risks factors to mental health- adverse childhood experiences, disability, ageing, workplace, family history of mental illness, psychos social issues; Pathways to mental health care (including cultural and traditional beliefs and practices). Interpersonal relationships and its impact on health and wellbeing, need for cultivating positive emotions and attending to healthy relationships and self-care Assessment: WHO Mental health Inventory | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Health compromising behaviors & Illness
Health compromising behaviors: Smoking, Alcoholism and substance abuse, Illness – acute and chronic, CHD and Strokes, Cancer, HIV – AIDS, Diabetes, psychosocial interventions for illness and health compromising behaviors Assessment: Adolescent risk behavior assessments | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Health compromising behaviors & Illness
Health compromising behaviors: Smoking, Alcoholism and substance abuse, Illness – acute and chronic, CHD and Strokes, Cancer, HIV – AIDS, Diabetes, psychosocial interventions for illness and health compromising behaviors Assessment: Adolescent risk behavior assessments | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Health compromising behaviors & Illness
Health compromising behaviors: Smoking, Alcoholism and substance abuse, Illness – acute and chronic, CHD and Strokes, Cancer, HIV – AIDS, Diabetes, psychosocial interventions for illness and health compromising behaviors Assessment: Adolescent risk behavior assessments | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Health compromising behaviors & Illness
Health compromising behaviors: Smoking, Alcoholism and substance abuse, Illness – acute and chronic, CHD and Strokes, Cancer, HIV – AIDS, Diabetes, psychosocial interventions for illness and health compromising behaviors Assessment: Adolescent risk behavior assessments | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Health compromising behaviors & Illness
Health compromising behaviors: Smoking, Alcoholism and substance abuse, Illness – acute and chronic, CHD and Strokes, Cancer, HIV – AIDS, Diabetes, psychosocial interventions for illness and health compromising behaviors Assessment: Adolescent risk behavior assessments | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Health compromising behaviors & Illness
Health compromising behaviors: Smoking, Alcoholism and substance abuse, Illness – acute and chronic, CHD and Strokes, Cancer, HIV – AIDS, Diabetes, psychosocial interventions for illness and health compromising behaviors Assessment: Adolescent risk behavior assessments | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Health compromising behaviors & Illness
Health compromising behaviors: Smoking, Alcoholism and substance abuse, Illness – acute and chronic, CHD and Strokes, Cancer, HIV – AIDS, Diabetes, psychosocial interventions for illness and health compromising behaviors Assessment: Adolescent risk behavior assessments | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Policies, programs and current trends
Evaluating existing policies and programs; mental health act, PWD act, Community mental health programmes - National mental health Program (NMHP), District Mental Health Program (DMHP); Developing health and wellness interventions, awareness programs, Promoting Environmental Health, Making Smart Health Care Choices, public health measures, need for Awareness and Lifestyle Impact programs; current trends in health and wellbeing- yoga, mindfulness-based interventions and others. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Policies, programs and current trends
Evaluating existing policies and programs; mental health act, PWD act, Community mental health programmes - National mental health Program (NMHP), District Mental Health Program (DMHP); Developing health and wellness interventions, awareness programs, Promoting Environmental Health, Making Smart Health Care Choices, public health measures, need for Awareness and Lifestyle Impact programs; current trends in health and wellbeing- yoga, mindfulness-based interventions and others. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Policies, programs and current trends
Evaluating existing policies and programs; mental health act, PWD act, Community mental health programmes - National mental health Program (NMHP), District Mental Health Program (DMHP); Developing health and wellness interventions, awareness programs, Promoting Environmental Health, Making Smart Health Care Choices, public health measures, need for Awareness and Lifestyle Impact programs; current trends in health and wellbeing- yoga, mindfulness-based interventions and others. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Policies, programs and current trends
Evaluating existing policies and programs; mental health act, PWD act, Community mental health programmes - National mental health Program (NMHP), District Mental Health Program (DMHP); Developing health and wellness interventions, awareness programs, Promoting Environmental Health, Making Smart Health Care Choices, public health measures, need for Awareness and Lifestyle Impact programs; current trends in health and wellbeing- yoga, mindfulness-based interventions and others. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Policies, programs and current trends
Evaluating existing policies and programs; mental health act, PWD act, Community mental health programmes - National mental health Program (NMHP), District Mental Health Program (DMHP); Developing health and wellness interventions, awareness programs, Promoting Environmental Health, Making Smart Health Care Choices, public health measures, need for Awareness and Lifestyle Impact programs; current trends in health and wellbeing- yoga, mindfulness-based interventions and others. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Policies, programs and current trends
Evaluating existing policies and programs; mental health act, PWD act, Community mental health programmes - National mental health Program (NMHP), District Mental Health Program (DMHP); Developing health and wellness interventions, awareness programs, Promoting Environmental Health, Making Smart Health Care Choices, public health measures, need for Awareness and Lifestyle Impact programs; current trends in health and wellbeing- yoga, mindfulness-based interventions and others. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Policies, programs and current trends
Evaluating existing policies and programs; mental health act, PWD act, Community mental health programmes - National mental health Program (NMHP), District Mental Health Program (DMHP); Developing health and wellness interventions, awareness programs, Promoting Environmental Health, Making Smart Health Care Choices, public health measures, need for Awareness and Lifestyle Impact programs; current trends in health and wellbeing- yoga, mindfulness-based interventions and others. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Anspaugh, D.J., Hamrick, M.H., & Rosato, F.D. (2009). Wellness: Concepts and Applications, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill. Donatelle, R. J., & Davis, L. G. (2011). Health: the basics. Benjamin Cummings. Edlin, G., & Golanty, E. (2007). Health and wellness (9th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Hoeger, W.K.& Hoeger, S.A. (2015). Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness. (13th Ed.) Cengage Learning.
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Insel, P.M., & Roth, W.T. (2002). Core concepts in health (9th ed.). McGraw- Hill. Powers, S.K., & Dodd, S.L. (2003). Total fitness and wellness (3rd ed.).Benjamin Cummings. Siegel, B. S. (1998). Prescriptions for living. Harper Collins. Taylor, S.E. (2006). Health Psychology. Tata Mc Graw-Hill Sarafino, E.P. & Smith, T.W. (2012). Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial interventions. Wiley | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50 CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks Attendance - 5 Marks CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS ESE Question paper pattern Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks
Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The course offers an introduction to the concepts and techniques of community psychology practice. The areas covered in this paper span across identifying community needs using community participation techniques and eliciting community participation and cooperation through the application of community-focused models and theories. The paper would lead the learner through the widening scope of community psychology in an Indian context. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand the relevance and practice of community psychology in different field settings. CO2: Demonstrate knowledge and skills related to community needs identification and working through the community's felt needs. CO3: Design community-based prevention or promotion strategies. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Origins of Community Psychology; Understanding Community dynamics; Roles of psychologists working with communities; Multicultural issues in community; Ethical alignments while working in a community; Scope of Community Psychology.
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Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Origins of Community Psychology; Understanding Community dynamics; Roles of psychologists working with communities; Multicultural issues in community; Ethical alignments while working in a community; Scope of Community Psychology.
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Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Origins of Community Psychology; Understanding Community dynamics; Roles of psychologists working with communities; Multicultural issues in community; Ethical alignments while working in a community; Scope of Community Psychology.
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Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Origins of Community Psychology; Understanding Community dynamics; Roles of psychologists working with communities; Multicultural issues in community; Ethical alignments while working in a community; Scope of Community Psychology.
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Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Origins of Community Psychology; Understanding Community dynamics; Roles of psychologists working with communities; Multicultural issues in community; Ethical alignments while working in a community; Scope of Community Psychology.
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Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Origins of Community Psychology; Understanding Community dynamics; Roles of psychologists working with communities; Multicultural issues in community; Ethical alignments while working in a community; Scope of Community Psychology.
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Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Origins of Community Psychology; Understanding Community dynamics; Roles of psychologists working with communities; Multicultural issues in community; Ethical alignments while working in a community; Scope of Community Psychology.
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Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Principles and Practices
Principles of community level practices; Needs assessment and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques; Community Resource Mapping; Reinforcement and Modelling strategies while working in Communities; Challenges in Community Practice and working with challenges. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Principles and Practices
Principles of community level practices; Needs assessment and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques; Community Resource Mapping; Reinforcement and Modelling strategies while working in Communities; Challenges in Community Practice and working with challenges. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Principles and Practices
Principles of community level practices; Needs assessment and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques; Community Resource Mapping; Reinforcement and Modelling strategies while working in Communities; Challenges in Community Practice and working with challenges. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Principles and Practices
Principles of community level practices; Needs assessment and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques; Community Resource Mapping; Reinforcement and Modelling strategies while working in Communities; Challenges in Community Practice and working with challenges. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Principles and Practices
Principles of community level practices; Needs assessment and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques; Community Resource Mapping; Reinforcement and Modelling strategies while working in Communities; Challenges in Community Practice and working with challenges. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Principles and Practices
Principles of community level practices; Needs assessment and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques; Community Resource Mapping; Reinforcement and Modelling strategies while working in Communities; Challenges in Community Practice and working with challenges. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Principles and Practices
Principles of community level practices; Needs assessment and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques; Community Resource Mapping; Reinforcement and Modelling strategies while working in Communities; Challenges in Community Practice and working with challenges. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Theories and Models
Ecological Perspective; Empowerment Theory; Social Development Model; Theory of Social Change; Social Action Model; Sense of Community Theory; Social Climate Theory; Community Engagement Model. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Theories and Models
Ecological Perspective; Empowerment Theory; Social Development Model; Theory of Social Change; Social Action Model; Sense of Community Theory; Social Climate Theory; Community Engagement Model. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Theories and Models
Ecological Perspective; Empowerment Theory; Social Development Model; Theory of Social Change; Social Action Model; Sense of Community Theory; Social Climate Theory; Community Engagement Model. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Theories and Models
Ecological Perspective; Empowerment Theory; Social Development Model; Theory of Social Change; Social Action Model; Sense of Community Theory; Social Climate Theory; Community Engagement Model. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Theories and Models
Ecological Perspective; Empowerment Theory; Social Development Model; Theory of Social Change; Social Action Model; Sense of Community Theory; Social Climate Theory; Community Engagement Model. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Theories and Models
Ecological Perspective; Empowerment Theory; Social Development Model; Theory of Social Change; Social Action Model; Sense of Community Theory; Social Climate Theory; Community Engagement Model. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Theories and Models
Ecological Perspective; Empowerment Theory; Social Development Model; Theory of Social Change; Social Action Model; Sense of Community Theory; Social Climate Theory; Community Engagement Model. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Application of psychosocial practices in Schools; NGOs; Rural/Tribal areas; Working with vulnerable groups; Appreciating indigenous approaches in mental health promotion; Use of Technology in Community Psychology | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Application of psychosocial practices in Schools; NGOs; Rural/Tribal areas; Working with vulnerable groups; Appreciating indigenous approaches in mental health promotion; Use of Technology in Community Psychology | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Application of psychosocial practices in Schools; NGOs; Rural/Tribal areas; Working with vulnerable groups; Appreciating indigenous approaches in mental health promotion; Use of Technology in Community Psychology | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Application of psychosocial practices in Schools; NGOs; Rural/Tribal areas; Working with vulnerable groups; Appreciating indigenous approaches in mental health promotion; Use of Technology in Community Psychology | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Application of psychosocial practices in Schools; NGOs; Rural/Tribal areas; Working with vulnerable groups; Appreciating indigenous approaches in mental health promotion; Use of Technology in Community Psychology | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Application of psychosocial practices in Schools; NGOs; Rural/Tribal areas; Working with vulnerable groups; Appreciating indigenous approaches in mental health promotion; Use of Technology in Community Psychology | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Application of psychosocial practices in Schools; NGOs; Rural/Tribal areas; Working with vulnerable groups; Appreciating indigenous approaches in mental health promotion; Use of Technology in Community Psychology | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Recent trends and status in India
Community Mental Health Model of NIMHANS; Community based health intervention models; Total Health Programme in Schools; KAVAL - Work with Children in Conflict with Law; Gatekeeper Training; TTK’s model for working with persons with substance use; Parenting Skill Training | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Recent trends and status in India
Community Mental Health Model of NIMHANS; Community based health intervention models; Total Health Programme in Schools; KAVAL - Work with Children in Conflict with Law; Gatekeeper Training; TTK’s model for working with persons with substance use; Parenting Skill Training | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Recent trends and status in India
Community Mental Health Model of NIMHANS; Community based health intervention models; Total Health Programme in Schools; KAVAL - Work with Children in Conflict with Law; Gatekeeper Training; TTK’s model for working with persons with substance use; Parenting Skill Training | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Recent trends and status in India
Community Mental Health Model of NIMHANS; Community based health intervention models; Total Health Programme in Schools; KAVAL - Work with Children in Conflict with Law; Gatekeeper Training; TTK’s model for working with persons with substance use; Parenting Skill Training | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Recent trends and status in India
Community Mental Health Model of NIMHANS; Community based health intervention models; Total Health Programme in Schools; KAVAL - Work with Children in Conflict with Law; Gatekeeper Training; TTK’s model for working with persons with substance use; Parenting Skill Training | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Recent trends and status in India
Community Mental Health Model of NIMHANS; Community based health intervention models; Total Health Programme in Schools; KAVAL - Work with Children in Conflict with Law; Gatekeeper Training; TTK’s model for working with persons with substance use; Parenting Skill Training | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Recent trends and status in India
Community Mental Health Model of NIMHANS; Community based health intervention models; Total Health Programme in Schools; KAVAL - Work with Children in Conflict with Law; Gatekeeper Training; TTK’s model for working with persons with substance use; Parenting Skill Training | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
Rappaport, J., & Seidman, E. (Eds.). (2000). Handbook of community psychology. Springer Science & Business Media. Spielberger, C. D. (Ed.). (2013). Current Topics in Clinical and Community Psychology: Volume 1 (Vol. 1). Academic Press. Moritsugu, J., Vera, E., Wong, F. Y., & Duffy, K. G. (2019). Community psychology. Routledge.
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Reich, S., Riemer, M., Prilleltensky, I., & Montero, M. (2007). International community psychology. New York: Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC. Nelson, G., & Prilleltensky, I. (Eds.). (2010). Community psychology: In pursuit of liberation and well-being. Macmillan International Higher Education. Orford, J. (2008). Community psychology: Challenges, controversies and emerging consensus. John Wiley & Sons. Viola, J. J., & Glantsman, O. (Eds.). (2017). Diverse careers in community psychology. Oxford University Press. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50 CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks Attendance - 5 Marks CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS ESE Question paper pattern Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks
Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:2 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course description: This course has been conceptualized in order to capstone experience for psychology undergraduates, in which students identify a research topic, conduct comprehensive literature reviews, and then develop a substantial written small empirical research project. The paper aims to help students collaborate and complete psychological research projects with their peers. The program is designed to enable students to complete a group research project under the supervision of a faculty. They are expected to conduct the research and submit the final research report. The Research report will be in the form of a professional journal article manuscript, though it is not required to submit it to a journal. Students are expected to do a presentation of the research findings as a poster or oral presentation at the undergraduate research conference. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Collect, Organise, analyze, and interpret data as per ethical guidelines CO2: Write a research project manuscript, appropriate for submission to a professional journal in psychology or a related discipline CO3: Present their research findings as scientific poster format in a coherent and concise manner. CO4: Administer psychological scales to a subject, make interpretations and draw conclusions based on the norms given in the manual |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Ethical issues in data collection and recording, organization of data collection process, dissemination, the concept of data audit Data organization and audit. Hypothesis testing/evaluating the research questions, data analysis and reporting results, discussing the findings with research evidence | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Ethical issues in data collection and recording, organization of data collection process, dissemination, the concept of data audit Data organization and audit. Hypothesis testing/evaluating the research questions, data analysis and reporting results, discussing the findings with research evidence | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Ethical issues in data collection and recording, organization of data collection process, dissemination, the concept of data audit Data organization and audit. Hypothesis testing/evaluating the research questions, data analysis and reporting results, discussing the findings with research evidence | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Ethical issues in data collection and recording, organization of data collection process, dissemination, the concept of data audit Data organization and audit. Hypothesis testing/evaluating the research questions, data analysis and reporting results, discussing the findings with research evidence | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Ethical issues in data collection and recording, organization of data collection process, dissemination, the concept of data audit Data organization and audit. Hypothesis testing/evaluating the research questions, data analysis and reporting results, discussing the findings with research evidence | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Ethical issues in data collection and recording, organization of data collection process, dissemination, the concept of data audit Data organization and audit. Hypothesis testing/evaluating the research questions, data analysis and reporting results, discussing the findings with research evidence | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Ethical issues in data collection and recording, organization of data collection process, dissemination, the concept of data audit Data organization and audit. Hypothesis testing/evaluating the research questions, data analysis and reporting results, discussing the findings with research evidence | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Ethical issues in data collection and recording, organization of data collection process, dissemination, the concept of data audit Data organization and audit. Hypothesis testing/evaluating the research questions, data analysis and reporting results, discussing the findings with research evidence | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Report Writing and Dissemination of Research findings
APA styles of writing the project report, elements of a research project, referencing, plagiarism, doing peer review and feedback. Abstract writing, Publication in journal/ newspapers, selecting a journal, oral presentation and poster presentation; participating in research forums/seminars. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Report Writing and Dissemination of Research findings
APA styles of writing the project report, elements of a research project, referencing, plagiarism, doing peer review and feedback. Abstract writing, Publication in journal/ newspapers, selecting a journal, oral presentation and poster presentation; participating in research forums/seminars. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Report Writing and Dissemination of Research findings
APA styles of writing the project report, elements of a research project, referencing, plagiarism, doing peer review and feedback. Abstract writing, Publication in journal/ newspapers, selecting a journal, oral presentation and poster presentation; participating in research forums/seminars. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Report Writing and Dissemination of Research findings
APA styles of writing the project report, elements of a research project, referencing, plagiarism, doing peer review and feedback. Abstract writing, Publication in journal/ newspapers, selecting a journal, oral presentation and poster presentation; participating in research forums/seminars. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Report Writing and Dissemination of Research findings
APA styles of writing the project report, elements of a research project, referencing, plagiarism, doing peer review and feedback. Abstract writing, Publication in journal/ newspapers, selecting a journal, oral presentation and poster presentation; participating in research forums/seminars. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Report Writing and Dissemination of Research findings
APA styles of writing the project report, elements of a research project, referencing, plagiarism, doing peer review and feedback. Abstract writing, Publication in journal/ newspapers, selecting a journal, oral presentation and poster presentation; participating in research forums/seminars. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Report Writing and Dissemination of Research findings
APA styles of writing the project report, elements of a research project, referencing, plagiarism, doing peer review and feedback. Abstract writing, Publication in journal/ newspapers, selecting a journal, oral presentation and poster presentation; participating in research forums/seminars. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Report Writing and Dissemination of Research findings
APA styles of writing the project report, elements of a research project, referencing, plagiarism, doing peer review and feedback. Abstract writing, Publication in journal/ newspapers, selecting a journal, oral presentation and poster presentation; participating in research forums/seminars. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Psychological Assessments
Develop a profile for an individual based on a minimum of three to a maximum of five psychological assessments and a brief interview that would help the individual gain positive insights about themselves. The profile would be on the career or healthy living and assessments used may include Career assessments, DBDA, Interest inventory, learning styles, academic adjustment, quality of life, happiness index, PANAS, character strengths or motivation, personal value inventory/ locus of control; students would learn elements of a client profile report, writing a report without biases and being professional in writing and communicating reports | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Psychological Assessments
Develop a profile for an individual based on a minimum of three to a maximum of five psychological assessments and a brief interview that would help the individual gain positive insights about themselves. The profile would be on the career or healthy living and assessments used may include Career assessments, DBDA, Interest inventory, learning styles, academic adjustment, quality of life, happiness index, PANAS, character strengths or motivation, personal value inventory/ locus of control; students would learn elements of a client profile report, writing a report without biases and being professional in writing and communicating reports | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Psychological Assessments
Develop a profile for an individual based on a minimum of three to a maximum of five psychological assessments and a brief interview that would help the individual gain positive insights about themselves. The profile would be on the career or healthy living and assessments used may include Career assessments, DBDA, Interest inventory, learning styles, academic adjustment, quality of life, happiness index, PANAS, character strengths or motivation, personal value inventory/ locus of control; students would learn elements of a client profile report, writing a report without biases and being professional in writing and communicating reports | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Psychological Assessments
Develop a profile for an individual based on a minimum of three to a maximum of five psychological assessments and a brief interview that would help the individual gain positive insights about themselves. The profile would be on the career or healthy living and assessments used may include Career assessments, DBDA, Interest inventory, learning styles, academic adjustment, quality of life, happiness index, PANAS, character strengths or motivation, personal value inventory/ locus of control; students would learn elements of a client profile report, writing a report without biases and being professional in writing and communicating reports | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Psychological Assessments
Develop a profile for an individual based on a minimum of three to a maximum of five psychological assessments and a brief interview that would help the individual gain positive insights about themselves. The profile would be on the career or healthy living and assessments used may include Career assessments, DBDA, Interest inventory, learning styles, academic adjustment, quality of life, happiness index, PANAS, character strengths or motivation, personal value inventory/ locus of control; students would learn elements of a client profile report, writing a report without biases and being professional in writing and communicating reports | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Psychological Assessments
Develop a profile for an individual based on a minimum of three to a maximum of five psychological assessments and a brief interview that would help the individual gain positive insights about themselves. The profile would be on the career or healthy living and assessments used may include Career assessments, DBDA, Interest inventory, learning styles, academic adjustment, quality of life, happiness index, PANAS, character strengths or motivation, personal value inventory/ locus of control; students would learn elements of a client profile report, writing a report without biases and being professional in writing and communicating reports | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Psychological Assessments
Develop a profile for an individual based on a minimum of three to a maximum of five psychological assessments and a brief interview that would help the individual gain positive insights about themselves. The profile would be on the career or healthy living and assessments used may include Career assessments, DBDA, Interest inventory, learning styles, academic adjustment, quality of life, happiness index, PANAS, character strengths or motivation, personal value inventory/ locus of control; students would learn elements of a client profile report, writing a report without biases and being professional in writing and communicating reports | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Psychological Assessments
Develop a profile for an individual based on a minimum of three to a maximum of five psychological assessments and a brief interview that would help the individual gain positive insights about themselves. The profile would be on the career or healthy living and assessments used may include Career assessments, DBDA, Interest inventory, learning styles, academic adjustment, quality of life, happiness index, PANAS, character strengths or motivation, personal value inventory/ locus of control; students would learn elements of a client profile report, writing a report without biases and being professional in writing and communicating reports | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Cohen, R. J., & Swerdlik, M. E. (2013). Psychological testing and assessment: an introduction to tests and measurement. Eighth edition. McGraw-Hill Education. Coolican, H. (2014). Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology, Sixth Edition. Taylor and Francis. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.).https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000 https://christuniversity.in/uploads/userfiles/CRCE.pdf. CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional Ethics Documentation | |
Evaluation Pattern Continuous Internal Evaluations (CIAs) – 100 Marks CIA 1: Individual Assignment (20 marks) + Class participation & Supervisor Feedback (05 marks) - Total 25 Marks